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Hot Discussions
Should Presidents and Leaders have age limits? | Discussion of the Day |
12-Mar-21 99 comments |
Household waste | Discussion of the Day |
26-Feb-21 74 comments |
What do you hate about Christmas? | Discussion of the Day |
19-Feb-21 122 comments |
Everyone is a conspiracy theorist now! | Discussion of the Day |
19-Feb-21 66 comments |
Do you use shopping reward cards? | Discussion of the Day |
05-Feb-21 106 comments |
Is it appropriate to give a 11-year-old an iPhone for Christmas? | Discussion of the Day |
22-Dec-20 108 comments |
Should childfree supermarkets become a thing? | Discussion of the Day |
28-Nov-20 89 comments |
Have you changed to canned and packaged fruit and veg during COVID-19? | Discussion of the Day |
18-Nov-20 73 comments |
I think The Kardashians should be sent to Mars | Discussion of the Day |
04-Nov-20 95 comments |
I refuse to be depressed during the pandemic | Discussion of the Day |
29-Aug-20 80 comments |
Same Thing - But Different | General Topic by Somebody Kinda Loopy |
13-Feb-25 74 comments |
What if you live in a city that is in bloom every spring? Which flower you would be happy to look at? | Picture Poll |
12-Mar-25 74 comments |
What surprising career paths did your high school classmates take? | Discussion of the Day |
01-Feb-25 103 comments |
Redeem for vouchers | Discussion of the Day |
09-Jan-25 204 comments |
Celebrity chefs | Discussion of the Day |
21-Dec-24 145 comments |
How does money affect personality? | Discussion of the Day |
09-Dec-24 116 comments |
Genius or Scammer | General Topic by M I 8 |
06-Dec-24 36 comments |
The Price of Fame? | Discussion of the Day |
17-Sep-24 97 comments |
The song that still echo in your mind from the first-time you heard it | General Topic by BLACK LIVES MATTER |
28-Aug-24 52 comments |
Who deserves the blame for theft, the thief or those who buy the stolen goods? | Discussion of the Day |
23-Aug-24 139 comments |
Intro songs for TV shows and movies | General Topic by Tom S Qld |
04-Aug-24 107 comments |
Where Is This Car From? ... and Does It Matter? | Discussion of the Day |
29-Jun-24 119 comments |
Neglected or Abandoned spaces | Discussion of the Day |
18-Jun-24 107 comments |
Martial arts | Discussion of the Day |
25-Apr-24 121 comments |
Homebuyers expectations | Discussion of the Day |
16-Apr-24 99 comments |
What is Jealousy | Discussion of the Day |
05-Apr-24 122 comments |
MOST TALENTED ACTOR | General Topic by Somebody Kinda Loopy |
19-Feb-24 220 comments |
Family estrangement | Discussion of the Day |
16-Feb-24 90 comments |
Children Lack Respect These Days . WHY?? | General Topic by Linda C 1253670 |
12-Jan-24 20 comments |
Person Wishes | Discussion of the Day |
28-Dec-23 99 comments |
Nightmares | Discussion of the Day |
15-Dec-23 85 comments |
Job posts on Social Media | Discussion of the Day |
01-Dec-23 99 comments |
Harassment from a stranger | Discussion of the Day |
18-Nov-23 100 comments |
Saving for your future. | Discussion of the Day |
10-Oct-23 86 comments |
Cartoons As Adults | Discussion of the Day |
26-Sep-23 133 comments |
Home loan rates % will they come back down? | Discussion of the Day |
17-Sep-23 106 comments |
Am I close to normal? | Discussion of the Day |
14-Sep-23 110 comments |
Buying an Apartment/Villa in a Retirement Village | Discussion of the Day |
08-Aug-23 104 comments |
Will AI undermine the value of an online degree? | Discussion of the Day |
15-Jul-23 91 comments |
How do you usually treat cold / flu? | Discussion of the Day |
15-Jul-23 94 comments |
Daily Motto | Discussion of the Day |
29-May-23 139 comments |
Recycling from Shopping Centers | Discussion of the Day |
29-May-23 118 comments |
Annoying customer | Discussion of the Day |
21-Apr-23 121 comments |
Monthly Amount | General Topic by Kim D 141126 |
02-Apr-23 37 comments |
Once Upon a Time.... | General Topic by mary c |
24-Mar-23 37 comments |
Are people these days too lazy? | Discussion of the Day |
23-Mar-23 107 comments |
Who uses herbs to heal (sorry dyslexic here) :( | General Topic by Missy Wyld |
22-Mar-23 78 comments |
Returning to the workforce | Discussion of the Day |
21-Mar-23 109 comments |
How far will technology go? | Discussion of the Day |
01-Mar-23 147 comments |
Takeaways cost | Discussion of the Day |
25-Feb-23 122 comments |
What was your scariest nightmare or best dream? | Discussion of the Day |
20-Feb-23 82 comments |
Has the cost of living effected you and your family? | Discussion of the Day |
19-Feb-23 158 comments |
Cancer survivors | Discussion of the Day |
30-Jan-23 119 comments |
Royal Family | General Topic by Poppy |
17-Jan-23 38 comments |
Kids being parents | Discussion of the Day |
14-Jan-23 77 comments |
Do you use a pressure cooker? What do you cook in it? | Discussion of the Day |
11-Jan-23 133 comments |
Do Truly Platonic Relationships Exist without Ulterior Motives? | Discussion of the Day |
08-Jan-23 99 comments |
The word love | Discussion of the Day |
07-Dec-22 99 comments |
Charity on the net! | Discussion of the Day |
06-Dec-22 78 comments |
Sponsorship in Sport | Discussion of the Day |
27-Nov-22 71 comments |
Reward points....how much have you earned? | General Topic by Missy Wyld |
21-Nov-22 76 comments |
What is Next?... Die Now, Pay Later? | Discussion of the Day |
18-Nov-22 88 comments |
Shocking bus driver | Discussion of the Day |
13-Nov-22 92 comments |
Your most memorable job. | Discussion of the Day |
11-Nov-22 109 comments |
A place to be alone. | Discussion of the Day |
06-Nov-22 109 comments |
Re-cycle plastic | Discussion of the Day |
18-Oct-22 103 comments |
The war on drugs is causing more violence, deaths and drug related crimes altogether. | Discussion of the Day |
26-Sep-22 81 comments |
Exorbitant costs in downsizing your home. | Discussion of the Day |
23-Sep-22 76 comments |
Are we the only ones? | Discussion of the Day |
15-Sep-22 149 comments |
Privacy and Morals | Discussion of the Day |
20-Aug-22 54 comments |
Childcare Centre and their lack of care | Discussion of the Day |
09-Aug-22 68 comments |
When did LEGO become adults toys? | Discussion of the Day |
29-Jul-22 80 comments |
Catch Someone Doing Something Right. | Discussion of the Day |
27-Jul-22 73 comments |
What do you think about selling "Brand Names"? | Discussion of the Day |
21-Jul-22 85 comments |
Brussels sprouts - my new favourite vegetable | Discussion of the Day |
11-Jul-22 135 comments |
The co worker from hell | Discussion of the Day |
09-Jul-22 76 comments |
Pet 'ownership', cats or dogs or something else? | Discussion of the Day |
04-Jul-22 147 comments |
Reading the small print when shopping in Supermarkets... | Discussion of the Day |
28-Jun-22 93 comments |
De-banking people! | Discussion of the Day |
28-Jun-22 85 comments |
Rich People | Discussion of the Day |
20-Jun-22 83 comments |
Pet Dressing | Discussion of the Day |
18-Jun-22 129 comments |
Trees...for the future! | Discussion of the Day |
18-Jun-22 75 comments |
Growing plants | Discussion of the Day |
14-Jun-22 82 comments |
We need lots of people to work in hospitality...please apply! | Discussion of the Day |
31-May-22 78 comments |
Thoughts on Elon Musk and his purchase of Twitter? | Discussion of the Day |
23-May-22 102 comments |
Jury Duty | Discussion of the Day |
12-May-22 112 comments |
Australian Borders. | General Topic by B Keeper |
02-May-22 47 comments |
Police Online | Discussion of the Day |
02-May-22 86 comments |
Is anyone after a relationship and not this one night stands? | Discussion of the Day |
30-Apr-22 85 comments |
Health Care Cover | Discussion of the Day |
23-Apr-22 73 comments |
Gambling and playing Lotto | Discussion of the Day |
22-Apr-22 92 comments |
Philosophy | Discussion of the Day |
19-Apr-22 69 comments |
Rising property market | Discussion of the Day |
13-Apr-22 65 comments |
Waiting for tomorrow for most of my life.... | Discussion of the Day |
01-Apr-22 83 comments |
Do You Feel History Repeats Itself? | Discussion of the Day |
29-Mar-22 107 comments |
If you had 10 minutes to evacuate your house....... | Discussion of the Day |
24-Mar-22 113 comments |
Neighbourhood disputes! | Discussion of the Day |
09-Mar-22 57 comments |
What makes you proud? | Discussion of the Day |
10-Feb-22 84 comments |
Are you getting enough sleep? | Discussion of the Day |
19-Jan-22 121 comments |
Theft by Delivery | Discussion of the Day |
29-Dec-21 90 comments |
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