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Hot Discussions
What a weird point system for surveys! | General Topic by Chin C |
08-Mar-23 36 comments |
What was your favourite T.V show growing up? | General Topic by Liane H |
15-Feb-23 77 comments |
Pizza Hut back in 80s and 90s. | Discussion of the Day |
10-Dec-22 123 comments |
To Work or Not to Work | Discussion of the Day |
07-Dec-22 98 comments |
Comfort foods.... | General Topic by Missy Wyld |
23-Nov-22 45 comments |
What do you like doing during the week? | General Topic by The dog house |
23-Sep-22 25 comments |
Eating Gluten Free in Restaurants | General Topic by The dog house |
04-Sep-22 28 comments |
Emotional vampires | Discussion of the Day |
11-Jul-22 67 comments |
Workmates from previous jobs. | Discussion of the Day |
07-Jul-22 76 comments |
Does anyone still use Remedies | Discussion of the Day |
29-Jun-22 91 comments |
Is there such a thing as right person wrong time? | Discussion of the Day |
24-Jun-22 69 comments |
Will you start cruising. | Discussion of the Day |
02-Jun-22 121 comments |
Do you have solar panels? | Discussion of the Day |
15-May-22 141 comments |
Why are "Trainers" now disposables? | Discussion of the Day |
03-Mar-22 61 comments |
That melody you just can't get out of your head | Discussion of the Day |
24-Feb-22 79 comments |
Work - privilege or obligation? | Discussion of the Day |
04-Dec-21 55 comments |
A Walk In Someone's Shoes | Discussion of the Day |
01-Dec-21 45 comments |
What recipes were you most fond of while growing up? | General Topic by Christina C 466456 |
15-Nov-21 45 comments |
Friendships | Discussion of the Day |
07-Nov-21 85 comments |
Childhood friends | Discussion of the Day |
17-Oct-21 76 comments |
Have you experienced a lucid dream? | Discussion of the Day |
25-Aug-21 72 comments |
Sugar prices have just jumped by 50%..anyone else noticed? | Discussion of the Day |
20-Aug-21 109 comments |
Is Gladys Berijiklian a nuff nuff? | General Topic by Christine M 323842 |
12-Aug-21 43 comments |
Poor Cinderella | General Topic by Edward S 497347 |
01-Aug-21 29 comments |
Handmade gifts vs bought gifts | Discussion of the Day |
28-Jul-21 83 comments |
Hey Siri ... friends forever? | Discussion of the Day |
19-Jul-21 94 comments |
Fathers and Their Affects in our lives | Discussion of the Day |
04-Jul-21 69 comments |
Sale sale sale | Discussion of the Day |
29-Jun-21 94 comments |
Living in extreme weather regions | Discussion of the Day |
29-Jun-21 73 comments |
Funerals a reason to morn or a reason to party | Discussion of the Day |
18-Apr-21 84 comments |
What was the first album or cassette you ever bought? | Discussion of the Day |
08-Apr-21 112 comments |
Which Accents Are Your Favorites? | Discussion of the Day |
19-Feb-21 108 comments |
Why do women wear gym clothes when they aren't going to the gym? | Discussion of the Day |
19-Feb-21 80 comments |
Do you purchase natural non-toxic household cleaning products? | Discussion of the Day |
24-Nov-20 83 comments |
When health experts become sex symbols, things get weird | Discussion of the Day |
20-Nov-20 55 comments |
Will you continue working remotely after the pandemic ends? | Discussion of the Day |
06-Oct-20 62 comments |
Women who choose to have children at 40+ | Discussion of the Day |
31-Aug-20 66 comments |
People that save for retirement are weird | Discussion of the Day |
30-Aug-20 74 comments |
With the Federal Election coming up, there is a lot of talk as to who will win the Election. | General Topic by Rabbitohs |
23-Feb-25 28 comments |
Do you have good neighbours? | Discussion of the Day |
08-Aug-24 155 comments |
Duct Tape | General Topic by Tom S Qld |
22-Jul-24 40 comments |
Budget holidays | Discussion of the Day |
07-Jul-24 82 comments |
What are your thoughts on witchcraft? | Discussion of the Day |
24-Jun-24 115 comments |
The older I get ... | General Topic by Tom S Qld |
10-Jun-24 50 comments |
THE GREATEST TEST | General Topic by Lynette 1490268 |
05-Apr-24 10 comments |
Does a dream job make you happy? | Discussion of the Day |
15-Jan-24 115 comments |
Getting back with an old friend | Discussion of the Day |
30-Dec-23 102 comments |
Christmas Traditions | Discussion of the Day |
25-Dec-23 78 comments |
Recycled special occasion cards | Discussion of the Day |
15-Nov-23 83 comments |
When is it ok to discipline someone else s child? | Discussion of the Day |
02-Oct-23 115 comments |
HOT JAR!! | General Topic by APB |
19-Sep-23 39 comments |
Continents | General Topic by Chris A 117384 |
01-Sep-23 32 comments |
What is your happy place? | Discussion of the Day |
31-Jul-23 167 comments |
School holiday ideas for kids | Discussion of the Day |
14-Jun-23 83 comments |
surveys | General Topic by Lauren O 1118904 |
08-Jun-23 30 comments |
What kind of neighbors do you have? | Discussion of the Day |
21-May-23 151 comments |
What music would you like played at your funeral? | General Topic by Tom S Qld |
14-May-23 78 comments |
Have you every notice most buildings or even sidewalks are not disability friendly? | Discussion of the Day |
20-Mar-23 110 comments |
The lies your parents told you when you are KID. | General Topic by BLACK LIVES MATTER |
17-Mar-23 22 comments |
Feeling homesick | Discussion of the Day |
05-Feb-23 93 comments |
Hooked to the Silver Screen | Discussion of the Day |
02-Feb-23 120 comments |
The dreaded hangover | Discussion of the Day |
22-Jan-23 149 comments |
Keeping card's | Discussion of the Day |
27-Dec-22 151 comments |
Quit tobacco | General Topic by Lyn A. |
11-Nov-22 29 comments |
Chemicals in cardboard boxes safe for composting? | General Topic by Christina C 466456 |
30-Sep-22 17 comments |
Lazy Sunday song... | General Topic by mary c |
17-Aug-22 43 comments |
Influential people in your life | Discussion of the Day |
28-Jun-22 79 comments |
Did Capitalism Doom Mankind? | General Topic by BLACK LIVES MATTER |
23-May-22 21 comments |
Can you afford to see a Dentist Often? | Discussion of the Day |
05-Apr-22 96 comments |
Idea for a game or forum | Discussion of the Day |
02-Mar-22 55 comments |
surveys requiring apps downloaded or webcams | General Topic by Timtam |
27-Feb-22 32 comments |
Your Love or You Are Loved | Discussion of the Day |
23-Feb-22 79 comments |
Gas companies | Discussion of the Day |
22-Feb-22 68 comments |
Should I Just Give Up??? | General Topic by Catherine |
27-Nov-21 28 comments |
What concerts have you seen live? | Discussion of the Day |
16-Nov-21 119 comments |
What Trait Did You Inherit? | Discussion of the Day |
31-Oct-21 88 comments |
Veterinarians | Discussion of the Day |
29-Mar-21 83 comments |
Shop till you drop | Discussion of the Day |
08-Mar-21 92 comments |
Cosmetic tattoos | Discussion of the Day |
27-Feb-21 84 comments |
How to make new friends | Discussion of the Day |
26-Jan-21 74 comments |
Your First Love | Discussion of the Day |
17-Dec-20 63 comments |
I think a lot of feminists are actually misandrists | Discussion of the Day |
28-Nov-20 44 comments |
Healthcare should be free globally | Discussion of the Day |
24-Nov-20 76 comments |
Should mask-wearing become mandatory globally? | Discussion of the Day |
24-Aug-20 118 comments |
Emoji-speak | Discussion of the Day |
23-Aug-20 63 comments |
You are an invisible time traveller; nothing can harm you. Where would you go to explore? | Picture Poll |
12-Mar-25 75 comments |
Let's Create A Story | Discussion of the Day |
28-Dec-24 91 comments |
Surveys | General Topic by Rosemarie S 105396 |
24-Nov-24 22 comments |
Too much swearing/cursing in TV shows and movies | General Topic by Andrew C 287196 |
01-Oct-24 23 comments |
Irony - who has some interesting examples of ..... | General Topic by Tom S Qld |
20-Mar-24 58 comments |
Rural Shows | Discussion of the Day |
11-Mar-24 111 comments |
Ways to earn extra money | General Topic by Donna B 1980 |
09-Jan-24 32 comments |
Open the bomb bay door! (from the movie Dark Star) | Discussion of the Day |
06-Jan-24 77 comments |
Weird Surveys | General Topic by Jayson 1422049 |
20-Dec-23 8 comments |
Is it too late to start for first baby at 42? Why or why not? | Discussion of the Day |
06-Dec-23 128 comments |
What Determines Good Fashion? | General Topic by Vicki S 484904 |
15-Nov-23 19 comments |
Meeting other Rewardia members. | General Topic by Dada WA |
04-Oct-23 29 comments |
What was the best school camp you went on as a kid and why? | Discussion of the Day |
28-Aug-23 109 comments |
Decisions, decision, decisions | Discussion of the Day |
21-Aug-23 95 comments |
Social sport and competitiveness | Discussion of the Day |
22-Jun-23 77 comments |
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