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Hot Discussions
Rude Drivers | Discussion of the Day |
25-Jan-24 119 comments |
Noise control | Discussion of the Day |
20-Jan-24 114 comments |
Adult Children | Discussion of the Day |
12-Jan-24 127 comments |
Dark tourism | Discussion of the Day |
08-Jan-24 108 comments |
When do you change name? | Discussion of the Day |
24-Dec-23 112 comments |
Right Here, Right Now! | Discussion of the Day |
23-Dec-23 90 comments |
Should school be fun? | Discussion of the Day |
04-Dec-23 112 comments |
Incarceration | Discussion of the Day |
23-Nov-23 121 comments |
Taxi drivers tips | Discussion of the Day |
12-Nov-23 106 comments |
Keeping Animals | Discussion of the Day |
31-Oct-23 143 comments |
AI Technology | Discussion of the Day |
25-Oct-23 142 comments |
Do you agree to earn same pay? | Discussion of the Day |
20-Sep-23 133 comments |
Adulting. 1 star rating. Would NOT recommend. | Discussion of the Day |
23-Aug-23 84 comments |
What car brand would you recommend as a first "used" car? | Discussion of the Day |
16-Aug-23 150 comments |
Helpful hints regarding surveys............ | General Topic by Lachelle B |
08-Aug-23 78 comments |
How to avoid common home buying mistakes? | Discussion of the Day |
05-Aug-23 74 comments |
Neighbors | Discussion of the Day |
03-Aug-23 132 comments |
Pet medicare | Discussion of the Day |
02-Aug-23 123 comments |
Renting a home with pets | Discussion of the Day |
24-Jul-23 130 comments |
Diabetic or drunk? | Discussion of the Day |
14-Jul-23 126 comments |
Homes for the homeless people | Discussion of the Day |
04-Jul-23 143 comments |
Body Positivity | Discussion of the Day |
04-Jul-23 124 comments |
How do you deal with increasing cost of living? | Discussion of the Day |
01-Jul-23 177 comments |
Do you know any 'Boomerang Babies'? | Discussion of the Day |
28-Jun-23 128 comments |
Have you or will you take the COVID-19 vaccine? | Discussion of the Day |
30-May-23 180 comments |
Yes...it's OK... you are just a MOP! | Discussion of the Day |
24-May-23 102 comments |
Should People Remain with an Addict | Discussion of the Day |
23-May-23 153 comments |
Telephone surveys | Discussion of the Day |
28-Apr-23 154 comments |
What's your favorite thing about the city or town where you live? | Discussion of the Day |
18-Apr-23 156 comments |
Designer labels vs. non-designer labels | Discussion of the Day |
05-Apr-23 164 comments |
The ME Attitude | Discussion of the Day |
05-Apr-23 139 comments |
Work or Business | Discussion of the Day |
12-Mar-23 97 comments |
Curfewed kids | Discussion of the Day |
03-Mar-23 66 comments |
Speed limits | Discussion of the Day |
24-Feb-23 85 comments |
Best or Worst Inventions | Discussion of the Day |
06-Feb-23 128 comments |
Boomers vs Millenials | Discussion of the Day |
04-Dec-22 91 comments |
Your addictions | Discussion of the Day |
14-Nov-22 115 comments |
Hospital Insurance and Medical Benefits. | Discussion of the Day |
14-Nov-22 107 comments |
The best Decade in Music by Singers and Bands | Discussion of the Day |
24-Oct-22 136 comments |
UFO interest | Discussion of the Day |
15-Oct-22 90 comments |
How can we make the world a better place? | Discussion of the Day |
27-Sep-22 97 comments |
Friends who want to help you improve your health | Discussion of the Day |
16-Sep-22 104 comments |
Life changes | Discussion of the Day |
08-Sep-22 83 comments |
What would you have liked to have learned at school? | Discussion of the Day |
07-Sep-22 169 comments |
Not speaking to one another | Discussion of the Day |
01-Sep-22 82 comments |
Bulling between girls at school | Discussion of the Day |
25-Jul-22 85 comments |
Have you given something up during the Pandemic but haven't started again? | Discussion of the Day |
20-Jul-22 115 comments |
Favourite book | Discussion of the Day |
04-Jun-22 132 comments |
Best invention ever | Discussion of the Day |
05-May-22 120 comments |
Inspirational books | Discussion of the Day |
01-May-22 60 comments |
Should all kids need to do jobs for money | Discussion of the Day |
04-Apr-22 105 comments |
House prices | Discussion of the Day |
22-Mar-22 96 comments |
Long distance relationships | Discussion of the Day |
23-Dec-21 74 comments |
The souls journey | Discussion of the Day |
29-Nov-21 95 comments |
What is old school (skool) ? | Discussion of the Day |
05-Oct-21 101 comments |
Mask or not to mask? | Discussion of the Day |
14-Sep-21 147 comments |
Kids Birthday Parties | Discussion of the Day |
05-Sep-21 97 comments |
To shower or not to shower | Discussion of the Day |
27-Aug-21 97 comments |
Rude or is it Me? | Discussion of the Day |
02-Aug-21 121 comments |
Food Recalls | Discussion of the Day |
19-Jul-21 71 comments |
Botox & Lip Fillers | Discussion of the Day |
18-Jul-21 130 comments |
Parents or teachers? | Discussion of the Day |
24-Jun-21 81 comments |
How much do time humans have left on this planet? | Discussion of the Day |
14-May-21 159 comments |
Out and About | Discussion of the Day |
13-May-21 96 comments |
Rated games | Discussion of the Day |
23-Apr-21 75 comments |
Are we too addicted to our smartphones? | Discussion of the Day |
21-Apr-21 99 comments |
Is Heaven and Hell Real? | Discussion of the Day |
07-Apr-21 124 comments |
Do you hate it when people show up to your house unannounced? | Discussion of the Day |
19-Feb-21 104 comments |
Travel after Covid | Discussion of the Day |
05-Jan-21 134 comments |
Which cat would you agree to care for for a month? | Picture Poll |
12-Mar-25 66 comments |
Should you build/rebuild in fire prone areas? | Discussion of the Day |
27-Jan-25 157 comments |
Taking vitamins for health. Danger signs abound. | Discussion of the Day |
16-Jan-25 142 comments |
Have you ever been homeless? | Discussion of the Day |
08-Jan-25 177 comments |
What was your happiest moment in life? | Discussion of the Day |
07-Jan-25 142 comments |
What to do when your child pushes you away? | Discussion of the Day |
23-Dec-24 101 comments |
What's something you realized about a family member once you got older? | Discussion of the Day |
18-Nov-24 149 comments |
How has the internet benefited us in a positive way? | Discussion of the Day |
15-Nov-24 120 comments |
What advice would you give 1st time parents? | Discussion of the Day |
30-Oct-24 147 comments |
Which recipe have you been making the longest? | Discussion of the Day |
29-Oct-24 136 comments |
The Wealth Divide. Is it Getting Greater and Greater? | Discussion of the Day |
16-Sep-24 131 comments |
Living with regrets. | Discussion of the Day |
10-Sep-24 137 comments |
Hens' Parties. Worthwhile or not? | Discussion of the Day |
09-Sep-24 114 comments |
Gardening with Grommie | Discussion of the Day |
06-Sep-24 165 comments |
Private Medical Insurance. Useful or not? | Discussion of the Day |
29-Aug-24 107 comments |
When tech fails us | Discussion of the Day |
23-Aug-24 131 comments |
Recycle Your Clothes | Discussion of the Day |
08-Aug-24 150 comments |
Rude In-Laws | Discussion of the Day |
03-Aug-24 108 comments |
Is post secondary education worth it? | Discussion of the Day |
28-Jul-24 106 comments |
Road rage in today's confrontational climate | Discussion of the Day |
25-Jul-24 186 comments |
Grandchildren do you help with them or do you think that you should be paid for helping family | Discussion of the Day |
09-Jul-24 124 comments |
Are concerts really rituals | Discussion of the Day |
07-Jul-24 136 comments |
Dealing with school bullying | Discussion of the Day |
25-Jun-24 129 comments |
Scary Escalators. More warnings needed? | Discussion of the Day |
24-Jun-24 122 comments |
17-Jun-24 122 comments |
How much time is necessary to start again? | Discussion of the Day |
19-May-24 115 comments |
Sick children at day care | Discussion of the Day |
12-May-24 142 comments |
They Don't Write Music Like That Anymore! | Discussion of the Day |
31-Mar-24 107 comments |
Why do we buy stuff we don't need? | Discussion of the Day |
29-Mar-24 122 comments |
The Heavy Price of Parking Your Car | Discussion of the Day |
27-Mar-24 115 comments |
How do you rebound after failure? | Discussion of the Day |
25-Mar-24 116 comments |
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