Discussion of the Day
Cloak of invisibility
Liane H 18-Jun-24
I went into the city for an appointment and stopped into a Cafe to get coffee. It was a tiny place with a big, heavy glass door. I noticed from the 6 customers crammed in there, one man was needing to take a lady's mug of coffee to her outside (in her wheelchair)
So I went and pulled the door open and held it for him to go out to her
I may well have been a door stopper. He didn't even glance sideways, let alone thank me. Yes, I was all in black
And I am only small in stature, but really?
Then he came back in and went back out again with another mug, but this time I just stood near the coffee machine, so he clearly knew I was a customer waiting like the others still nothing!
... Are we living in a world of zombies, or has getting older made me invisible?
Anyone else had this problem?
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