Discussion of the Day
I've never understood why people get married
Johana C09-Nov-20
It seems like imprisonment to me. I mean with DNA testing, the pill and women being financially independent. I'm not really sure what the drawcard is. Does anyone know? As one of my friends says: "Why get engaged when there is call waiting?"
  • Craig P 469035
    you need to pack all ya shit up and piss off from the world's reality.
    • Aisha A 379399
      I wonder whether you're scared of commitment that's why it feels like imprisonment. I suppose when you have a lot of money, you feel like you need to protect yourself.
      • The dog house
        Tradition has always had a part in it. Parents wish you to get married as they did. Trying to teach children which is what is expected. Yet many live together before they commit to marriage. May be avoiding the questions from their children why they never married yet their grandparents are. Some find their soul mate others still search.
        • Imperia S
          being married to me is more than a blessing, to have my once workmate, a soulmate, and for 47 years my husband has been a dream 2 great sons, and 7 grandkids and 2 adopted grandkids wow what a life its been
          • Sarah G 76834
            If you truly believe in God, you will realise why people get married. Marriage is a type of Christ and his bride, and when Christ returns he will take those who believe in him to be his bride, and they will live with him in bliss and everlasting joy for eternity. You see, the Bible teaches that the kingdom of God will be on earth. In the meantime by being married we are glorifying God who wants us to be faithful to our partner in this life, just as we must be faithful to God. Marriage is a big commitment but it is very worthwhile from a scriptural point of view.
            • Phyrephly
              Agreed 100000 %! Marriage is a kind of personification of Christ's relationship with His Bride, the Church. That's why it's been destroyed (all but), by the Devil. Sex, interestingly enough, was God's wedding present to Adam and Eve. Sex represents the closeness, (obviously, not physical, but Spiritual), that God desires to have with each one of His children. That's why Satan has perverted it so atrociously. The Devil delights in making the sacred things of God, profane. By trivializing marriage and perverting sex, he is trying to cancel out God's will to have a close relationship with us as individuals. Marriage is also the building block of the family unit. Our parents come together to produce a unique being who is the sum of both of them. A happy marriage is a fortress, and the essential beginning of community.
            • Nobody's business
              Your god desires to have sex with children and satan is the perve???
          • Jayne C 315662
            The satisfaction, comfort and joy of having a secure, lasting relationship is beyond description. It is something you have to work at, and perhaps that is why it does not appeal to someone of the throwaway generation.
            • Priscilla R 316016
              To my mind, if you are with the one person who means more to you than life itself, then you want to be married to them and life together is just one whole lot of fun - no imprisonment at all.
              • Anneliese
                I still think it's nice, but I don't necessarily think you have to. You can easily be in love and have a family without getting married.
                • Henry W 362692
                  I have known the love of my life since she was 14 yrs old,married 5 years later,just love everything about her been married for 57 years would not change anything I just love been with her,we do everything together never bored like our own company
                  • lynda e 390007
                    I love being married I love the journey of aging together not always agreeing but we have eachothers back.
                    • Marilyn B 431661
                      When one finds their life partner, marriage is the logical next step. It has nothing to do with control or dominance, it is a commitment to your beloved, and the desire to share your life with them. Next April for me, 50 years married and no regrets, cannot imagine my life without my husband.
                      • roger l 315504
                        Both marriage and legally recognised civil relationships provide surety when traumatic events occur and hopefully provide the basis for mutual care and support for those times when you just can't do it on your own.
                        • Michele W 394946
                          For many, it's all about the wedding and not enough focus on the 'ever after' of marriage. As for those comments declaring children born out of wedlock as bastards, well I had to check what year it was. How very obsolete, small minded and cruel. Having said that though, if you're willing to make the lifelong, incredibly prodigious commitment of having children, the commitment of marriage should be an easy decision.
                          • Queenbee
                            Marriage is not for everyone. You need to be happy that’s what matters.
                            • Chuckles
                              36 years of marriage and 2 kids.I'm living the dream.My wife is amazing,supportive and a beaut sheila!
                              • Vicki C 68608
                                Thanks Husband!
                            • Frank N
                              It's a custom. It's also interesting the number of same sex couples who choose to marry.
                              • APB
                                Perhaps it makes those around you a little bit less disposable? ...we are very much a throw away society...some people might like a little bit of extra meaning, security or context in the partnership they have chosen...what do you think Johana?
                                • Bugalugs
                                  Can be fun - at least to start with but todays' culture of "Greed is GOOD", with between 33%-50% of allm marriages ending in very often bitter divorce we have to wonder is it really all worth the enormous expense people go to? we hear of people who spend literally 10s of 1000s of dollars on a wedding dress they only ever wear once and more 10s of 1000s on their "Wedding Breakfast: (why do they call it a breakfast when so many of these extravagant parties do not beging until late afternoon? Each to his own and "Edithv" Congratulations1
                                  • Edith v
                                    I 'm old fashioned,I enjoyed my single life until I met my now husband ,we went out for 1yr then we were 100% certain we wanted to be together for the rest of our lives.We got engaged for a year & then we had a lovely wedding with all the trimmings which we paid for.Married now for 58yrs,it has had ups & downs & we have learned to give & take .Had a son & a daughter,have 6 grandchildren & 3 great grandchildren.Life has been good to us
                                    • Dimitri T 100433
                                      good marriage= happiness & enjoyment of life?
                                      • Sonya F 68771
                                        My husband is there when i need him thick and thin thats what marriage is all about
                                        • Jeanine R
                                          same question same answer good for some not for others for me it has been good with ups and downs and we have a 19 yr old son
                                          • Mary M 89759
                                            Did it twice. I was the idiot. Love my freedom and independence.
                                            • diane c QLD
                                              depends on the indevidual
                                              • Katzeye
                                                To most it is just a piece of paper and a ring on your finger and nothing more but to others it is about long term commitment to each other through sickness and in health,to go through lifes ups and downs together, no marriage is perfect but if you both work at it then you can make it last,you just have to both want the same thing and be upfront and honest with each other.
                                                • Edith v
                                                  I agree wholeheartedly with you .I think not making a commitment, it is too easy to give up if it becomes difficult. to pull together not pulling away from each other makes it easier to give
                                              • Graham I
                                                After more than 50 years of marriage (to the same wonderful woman!!) Still reckon it was the best decision I have ever made!
                                                • Beverley S 383001
                                                  This subject was discussed a week ago. You seem obsessed Johana.
                                                  • Paul J 94868
                                                    Imprisonment? If you want to be footloose and fancy free,go for it...Plenty of people find happiness in Marriage. A Husband and Wife raising a family is quite normal,despite fringe dwellers claiming otherwise...
                                                    • Joe B 288252
                                                      Lol I’ve been married 46 years and I still can’t figure out why but I’m sure glad I did. One of my best decisions ever!!!
                                                      • Margarret F
                                                        Short answer is probably tradition and fairy tales that children are taught!!! Lots of choices these days so there does not need to be one possibility.
                                                        • Helen Stiglec
                                                          Never wanted to get married & my opinion has not changed. Prefer being single and I am 64 and still think like that
                                                          • Kristina L 134251
                                                            When you’ve found your soulmate and you believe in each other, it is an important step that symbolizes it to you, your partner, the world and if you believe in it, God.
                                                            • Lyn 78550
                                                              Each to their own I say. I believe in marriage. It has worked for us and we have been married 40 years. Can not imagine my life without my hubby who is also my friend. Sure you go through bad times but the good far outweigh the bad and if you work at it keep you grounded.
                                                              • Linda C
                                                                I know a couple they were together 12 years and had 2 kids and decided to get married. It lasted less than a year as the male participant become controlling and domineering spouting the marriage vows as reason to behave so. It is not a reason to be that way but all too often it can be. I guess it is up to each couple what road they want to take. I don't think the piece of paper makes any difference as to staying or leaving or the financial settlement or if children are in the mix after the relationship is over If you wish to go back to your maiden name in the woman's case after a divorce it is only a matter of showing birth, marriage and divorce nisi to do so. Getting a divorce though does cost money and causes angst so without the marriage things can be less stressful, however, one should not go into a marriage thinking it will end in a divorce.
                                                                • Irene M 350114
                                                                  Apart from the true love bond, to have kids. There are benefits to being married and to being single. Each to their own. We should respect any path others choose, its their life.
                                                                  • Robin L 79437
                                                                    when you find your soulmate it is what you both want
                                                                    • Paul G 348946
                                                                      The traditional reason for marriage was an angry father holding a shotgun.
                                                                      • James B 70778
                                                                        because they are in love and want too.
                                                                        • Grommie
                                                                          it usually takes a couple of marriages to get it right, and that's mildly expensive these days. 2 year relationships likewise
                                                                          • Chosen
                                                                            My wife married me for money. A big mistake.
                                                                            • Paul B 88412
                                                                              My wife and I married because we love each other - simple
                                                                              • CHERRY BLOSSOM
                                                                                Cause they are not smart.
                                                                                • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                  Tradition and expectations.
                                                                                  • Robert nsw
                                                                                    i think people are living together longer before they get married others just live together women i have just lived with lasted longer the the 2 i married
                                                                                    • doug m 408074
                                                                                      a logical progression when you find someone you'll spend the rest of your life with.
                                                                                      • Valerie J 424116
                                                                                        Public profession of love
                                                                                        • Mariaj
                                                                                          I think it’s overrated lol
                                                                                          • Sue2
                                                                                            I would love to be married.
                                                                                            • Kim N 285099
                                                                                              This is fate
                                                                                              • Claude H
                                                                                                I know in the modern age marriage does not seem to be important but it was one of the best steps I ever made in my life.
                                                                                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                  It is an archaic concept that never worked and needs to be be buried!
                                                                                                  • Amber 22
                                                                                                    I don't think it is a good idear people should love each others not just one person .what is the different with a peace of paper . The only good thing about it is the party .I did it but I did not love the person I like that person .As goog people we should be loveing every body not just the good ones

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