Discussion of the Day
Allowing children to share in large decisions that affect their families.
Melissa V15-Nov-21
Should children be allowed to have actual real decision making say in large life changing or altering decisions that will affect their families future? Such as 1.) Where a family will be moving and/or purchasing their new home. 2.) Should a family purchase a different model or style or size of vehicle then they normally would to help with world issues such as pollution,gas costs, or parking structures/lots to store all of a city's vehicles? 3.) Types of groceries or foods their families will start or stop purchasing/eating to help with issues such as cost of food,health benefits,lifestyle choices? 4.) The type of or amount of pets the family will or will not purchase and have as family pets? 5.) Should a family attempt to use solar/wind power instead of traditional electric service because it is better for the environment but not necessarily as reliable as normal electric service that a family would pay more money to someone or where else to have?
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