Discussion of the Day
Hiring a Tradie
SUZY Q12-Nov-23
The last few weeks, I have been in discussion with a tradie with regards to removing trees and moving a shed to the back fence. We had not finalised anything because of the situation of the shed. The next time I talk to him, he tells me he went on my property and chopped all my trees and moved the shed slightly which is not what we had discussed. The shed was to go at the back. They never gave me the date or when they could do the job. It was never finalised. They took it upon themselves to go in and do whatever they wanted. I was reconsidering removing any trees, but it is too late now. I have put in a complaint with 'Jim's Mowing'. And as yet to hear from them. How would you handle the situation?
  • Carolyn7 P
    If the deal was never finalized, you shouldn't have to pay for anything. The work that was done was not what you even wanted.
    • The dog house
      I have just spoken at Consumer Affairs. They did say they may have breached section 60,61,101 and 40. I am not very good on the computer which is even harder.
      • Sean f 1047130
        refute the bill as you did not have a contract with them and they illegally went on your property and damaged it.
        • pam rae
          hi ty Hilda and ALL
          • boy blunder
            if you never gave the go-ahead I would want my yard as I was, I was involved in a big job, tearing down a house and yard, one of our guys tore down a hedge that belonged to the neighbor, he sued and got 10,000, there is value in your yard
            • The dog house
              Thank you for your advice. The truth is I do not care for any compensation. What really upsets me most is the underhandedness with which they treated me. I doubt they would have treated a male in the same way. I had my concerns but I never thought they would enter my property without any agreement and chop the trees and only move the shed slightly over. I have placed a complaint with 'Jims mowing tree loppers' but it is almost a week and still I have not heard a word from them. Thank you boy blunder for your insightful comment and to everyone else on Rewardia
            • boy blunder
              unfortunately, people buy franchises and either do not listen or receive little training, on how to conduct their business and how to treat their potential customers you seemed to have the later ,i wish you luck hello dolly
          • pam rae
            HI TY Hilda C
            • The Other Jamie
              Don't pay them
              • SUSIE W
                Good luck with this ….. I don’t like your chances. Every Jim’s is a franchise, so complaining to them is next to useless I’m afraid. I’m lucky enough to be married to an honest gradient and my son is one too , through the trade we know of other tradies\ friends who are great too. I guess for your next job maybe see if you can get someone by word of mouth. You may even be able to see previous work they’ve done. Gotta agree, ur situation sucks
                • Edith v
                  Do not pay any money to them & ask why they did not give you a written quote & explain you ONLY discussed it with the tradie they sent. You have lost your trees sadly .If they took it upon themselves to do the work stiff bikkies .If you have lodged a complaint good just DO NOT PAY them .They should pay you compensation for losing your trees.
                  • Catharina 1274733
                    Tell them you want all the trees and the shed back to where they were. : ))
                    • Edith v
                      I agree
                  • Pam G 449028
                    They have clearly not done the right thing.
                    • Paula J 395266
                      You are lucky that a tradie even turned up. I wanted my roses pruned so asked for a quote on Hipages. I had a few enquiries but only one quote and he failed to turn up. We want a small section of roof replaced with shingles but once again the 2 who said they would quote never turned up but a roofing place gave us a number and a man did come and quote but he rang some weeks later to say he had underquoted and our $1500 quote was now $3500. I hope you haven't paid and I would be lodging a complaint with Jim's head office. We get our lawns mowed by Jim's Mowing and have found this particular fellow very good. He even gave the roses a light trim because it was so late in the season and they are blooming very well now. I'm sure Jim's head office don't want any bad feedback.
                      • The dog house
                        I have put in a complaint with 'Jims mowing lopper service' also Consumer affairs. I had a gut feeling they might not be people to trust and had spoken to a friend to be present in case I should decide to go ahead. Unfortunately I was not given that choice.
                      • Paula J 395266The dog house
                        Hope you get a good result from your complaint.
                    • Michael B 384408
                      If no firm agreement was made between you- and what you wanted wasn't even done - I would not be paying - I would probably seek some recompense!
                      • Glenyse H
                        I would get some advice from say Ombudsman in your state or legal advice from a solicitor as work was done without your permission so no contract entered into
                        • Joanne S 1007733
                          I would contact them and let them know i should have been informed
                          • Larry S 382961
                            I recently had a sparky do some work for me. I got his details from the Seniors book. I read the fine print and they don’t accept any details of work as they don’t recommend. He done good job but bit pricey. $175 to supply and fit new power point. 5 minutes work. He wanted to change the 2 fluorescent lights in garage as “ the ballast maybe gone.”. Left it and will check local people
                            • peter w 94893
                              It seems the tradie merely quoted and had not been given the go ahead. If there was no agreed price, I certainly wouldn't pay. from the facts you've given there was never a contract, verbal or otherwise.
                              • View all 3 replies
                              • SUSIE W
                                We had a guy , turned up to fix our roof, without a quote or getting back to us ! When we told him, no way , he wanted petrol money , u gotta be joking me
                              • peter w 94893SUSIE W
                                Hope you didn't pay!
                              • SUSIE Wpeter w 94893
                                He was dreaming lol
                            • Danielle R 478487
                              I would get some advice first. Go to your local council,speak to either consumer affairs and I would suggest either legal aid or a solictor( you can also get legal advice on the phone) have to google it . Know your rights before proceeding. If you have called or emailed them you may need to send them a written letter. Keep copies of everything you send and recieve. Jim's is a franchise so you may need to find out who is operating the one you used. Keep a record of dates and times,who you have spoken to regarding the incident. If you don't recieve any reply you may have to be prepared to take legal action. Good luck,hope you get a good result.
                              • JANET R 328390
                                Well personally - I am VERY SURPRISED at these tradies. They would know the law and for them to do the job without your authority would be AN OFFENCE. Not adding up in my book.
                                • Elizabeth A 807208
                                  Suzy they should have given you a written quote and you would have then sent them an acceptance. Really they have nothing to stand on and should contact you regarding what they have done without your having finalized the written contract.
                                  • The dog house
                                    I never clicked on their site to proceed with the works nor did I tell them to go ahead. I have lodged a complaint through Consumer Affairs. Even if nothing happens at least people are made aware of this issue. I felt because I am a female I have been taken advantage of and totally ignored.
                                  • JANET R 328390The dog house
                                    Nothing to do with you being a female. In Australia they would lose their licence to operate - if they have one that is. There are a lot of shonky people around.
                                • Tracey W 72318
                                  I would follow up on the complaint and if you can afford it get lawyer.
                                  • Greg B 520364
                                    You have not paid them? They have entered your property without permission, therefore are trespassing, which is against the law. Then there are the damages they have caused, cutting trees. Need I go on. I wonder how much they will pay you to forget it?
                                    • pam rae
                                      have a great time Dolly
                                      • Sonya F 68771
                                        Why weren't you home he should have not gone onto your property without permission
                                        • JANET R 328390
                                          Totally agree. As I said before - something not adding up here.
                                      • Colin L 88398
                                        You are lucky to find any traddie at all I remember spending an entire day ringing plumbers and only 1 answered and they said they did not do Solar Hot Water Installations. Tried another time to get a Fridge repairer to and spent another day wasting my time ringing places which had their phones disconnected or did not answer it took the wife asking around for someone from people she knew in the local shops to get a guy who said a $200.00 part was too expensive go and buy a new fridge which is over 3.5K. All seem way to willing to throw stuff into landfill rather than repair it so if you got someone to do what you asked them I wouldn't be complaining they are way too hard to find. Though with tree loping you have to make sure that they are insured because they can do lots of damage and clear off never to be seen again. I saw that with a neighbour when they drooped a tree onto their house. I've never seen anyone move so fast to get the hell out of the area and never be seen again.
                                        • Wendy Q
                                          Same, if you don't get a result or compensation from Jim's Mowing go to Small claims or the Ombudsman that covers trades, etc.
                                          • Janice S 76330
                                            Perhaps you should tell Jim's Mowing that you intend to contact the channel 9 program 'A Current Affair' if they don't remedy the situation to your liking very soon. (Sorry I just realised that I have assumed that you are in Australia)
                                            • The dog house
                                              I am Janice in Australia
                                            • Janice S 76330The dog house
                                              sorry, my coment was directed to SUZY Q
                                          • Bugalugs
                                            Was he/she actually from Jim's or were they pretending to be? There are a lot of shonly people around today some of whom have no qualifications and then, paricularly if you are Older and Female they con you. We had a spate of shonky self-styled Tradies a few years ago. They would cvome to the door offering to do some Gardening. If you were younger and refused they moved on BUT if you were Old - Female or Male - tand you refused they ignored that, screwed your garden and then demanded payment. The Best References are those from Family and close Friends who will recommend Tradies who have worked for them. There is also a gfroup called "Hire a Hubby" we have one of them nearby, he is Fantastic, Keeps his word and Works like a navvy and does a great job. Did you get a number of Quotes? Remeber the Cheapest is not always the best. Jim's generally have an Excellent Record so I do wonder if you have been caught up in some scam and that is why they have not returned your call. May I suggest you access Jim's website and get in touch using the phone number listed there or if there is a Physical Office go there in person.
                                            • The dog house
                                              I received the quotes from 'Jims mowing' . The receptionist gave me three people for three separate jobs. With all three I requested an email quote and not just by their word. The quotes appear to be genuine.
                                          • APB
                                            Well that is trespass and vandalism of your property...notify the police and make sure it is recorded...then offer to take legal action if you are not compensated....I would be REALLY angry
                                            • Jeanette 1405756
                                              I believe when you "Hire a Tradie" doesn't matter what trade they should listen more carefully to what You as the person who is paying for their work. Moving a shed is a massive move therefore he should of come to speak to you in a more in-depth manner and waited for your definite "Yes" before doing any of this work. Not Good Mate.
                                              • Priscilla R 316016
                                                Seeing as how you had nothing in writing and no paperwork on costs, I would be going to Fair Trade Ombudsman and making a complaint there, but you would have to advise Jim's Mowing of this course of action as that is a requirement of the Fair-Trade Office. Do hope you get it all sorted to your satisfaction.
                                                • Daniel A 2
                                                  Did this really happen because of the cost of living crisis? Was Jim's Mowing just so desperate for money? Lawyers are not desperate for money though don't use them. Make jims mowing come back and move the shed to where you really wanted it, and make them pay for new trees.
                                                  • michelle R 1223735
                                                    I hate when you expect some thing , and when you get it , it was not what you were thinking at all.
                                                    • Anton A 1225344
                                                      Firstly, do not use 'Jims Mowing'. Anyone can buy into a franchise, qualified or not and the majority of the cowboys with them are not. Generally, you need council permission to remove any tree above 3 meters high. Any non-native or invasive species of tree can be removed. Just contact your local council and they will assess the trees you want taken and will organize removal for you at no cost. The Council may also give you the contact details of an outside contractor that they themself use for certain tree removal jobs, usually when its on your property. To move any shed, best to contact a reputable handyman. If they advertise online you can check the reviews to help you make a decision who to use. As the Franchiser, you won't get far with Jims Mowing. At best they might cancel their contract with the Franchisee, but that will not change your situation. So dont hold your breath. Having a talk with 'Fair Trading' may get a better result. Don't pay them whatever you do until the job has been finished properly, and the damage rectified or replaced. In my view, you are better off going elsewhere to remedy the situation, and get Jims Mowing to pay for it, being handled through 'Fair Trading'. FYI: I'm a semi-retired trade licensed handyman, I worked for 26 builders here in NSW, Australia, did complete home renovations and landscaping. I do everything, such as painting, roof tiling, concreting, rendering, wall & floor tiling, just to mention a few, with the exception of new electrical work and have over 30 years experience in the industry. Hopefully you get the desired outcome.
                                                      • Summer H 71954
                                                        I'd communicate via text messages (for proof), state your point (that you hadn't confirmed the booking and as far as you're concerned they've trespassed) therefore will not be paying for something you had not authorized. And that you are looking at the legalities of their actions. I don't think complaining to 'Jim's Mowing' will get you far as they are franchises and as long as 'Jim's' get their cut, they're happy.
                                                        • Jenny L 591463
                                                          It's hard to get good help these days. I would have said you had to be there when they did the job to be an overseer. It's is such a shame franchises have taken over that sort of work. Once upon a time the kid down the road mowed your lawn to get some pocket money. Now it's all tradesman's work under a franchise. Yes complain as they have not done the job properly and to your satisfaction.
                                                          • Sabine V
                                                            I'm amazed you got a tradie.
                                                            • Dusan 1329983
                                                              This is a tradesman?
                                                              • pam rae
                                                                hi Dolly
                                                                • Joe B 288252
                                                                  Get the job finished to your satisfaction but you might have to suck it on the trees. Sting them for a few saplings as compo and always make sure you have a written quote
                                                                  • Jeanine R
                                                                    Wow. Totally unprofessional as far as I am concerned, Just be as nice as possible with them if you can. Wait as long as you are comfortable with and then hire a lawyer if they do not respond. I am sorry for this situation for you. Good luck...
                                                                    • Mopos
                                                                      Depending where you live, did you get Council approval to cut down the trees? (legally an assessment is required and on your own property) Were they tradesmen or handymen? Nothing signed, entering your property without your permission is trespassing, were you home? Don't let them get away with this unprofessional sloppy work or they will do it to many other people. Sounds like you need legal advice - very dodgy indeed. I hope you haven't paid them yet!
                                                                      • The dog house
                                                                        the property is rented out for the time being, so unfortunately I was not there. I did let them know that I want to be there but it appears I was ignored completely. I did not click their quote to proceed with the work. I probably have no leg to stand on but at least by reporting this someone else may not go through what I have.
                                                                    • Joy L 68767
                                                                      I would get advice from a lawyer. they came onto your property, without permission (trespass), removed trees (willful damage), moved your shed (not sure). Most of the time they require payment as soon as the work is done. I wouldn't be paying them.
                                                                      • Jackie 1314106
                                                                        I would do as you did and vomplain to the operator and would ask for some new trees to replace the ones cut
                                                                        • JANN R
                                                                          I would not be hiring them again if they cant do what you asked and tell you when they where coming so you could be there I would sew them for not doing what you asked them to do
                                                                          • pam rae
                                                                            hi again "Hello Dolly" have a great day...
                                                                            • Lee b 979050
                                                                              Time to go ugly on Big Jim. You have to understand tradies are a law unto themselves. There's not many out there that act as though you are a client and therefore treat you with respect you deserve. Say a tradie goes into myer looking for a pretty dress for himself and can't find the right size, I'm sure the attendant would provide all the necessary help in a timely manner and try to provide him with a reasonablly priced option and spend all the time necessary to ensure the frock he buys makes him look a million dollars for his date. The tradie on the other hand will pop over unannounced unbolt everything tell you you he needs to go and the replacement and diesnt come back till 2 weeks later. Get my drift
                                                                              • Gunter L
                                                                                Yes, Lee, I get your drift, you sexist fiend.
                                                                              • Lee b 979050Gunter L
                                                                                thank you Gunter but this has nothing to do with sex the verb ofcourse. Comments always appreciated.
                                                                            • Jania S
                                                                              TOO LATE. Where you are depends on if you have any recourse, Probably not. Even if you have got it written and signed in black and white, OR if you haven't. You are screwed either way. SORRY
                                                                              • gordy
                                                                                Hopefully you have not paid them. Did you get a quote in writing? How did they get access to your property? because that is trespassing without permission. Jim's whatever is always a risk!! Make a complaint to Consumer Affairs, contact the Council (their hopeless most of the time). I would be so furious. Were you home at the time. So many questions to be asked here.
                                                                                • Kathy 1270954
                                                                                  An agreement should have been drawn up and signed by both parties.
                                                                                  • Sharon 1412110
                                                                                    I would explain to them that yes we had discussions only about hiring you to complete the job however no final decision was made as to when this job was to be completed. In all fairness I don’t believe any payment should be to the company as they took it upon themselves and did the job.
                                                                                    • Maria B 89860
                                                                                      They have obviously done the wrong thing as you had not signed off on anything, from what I can make out from what you've said. You have done the right thing by putting in the complaint now you probably need to follow up with a phone call as well. Sure there must has to be an ombuds man of some sought to can go to and seek advice.
                                                                                      • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                        Surprised you went with Jim's at all as they are the most expensive and do have "cowboys" working for them. Since Jim's gets a cut of every job, the tradies jump on every job and this is also why they charge more.
                                                                                        • SueM2
                                                                                          Isn't the answer these days to put your complaint on fb?
                                                                                          • Joanne R 561977
                                                                                            You should have a written quote to start with and I would not have paid them until it was done to your satisfaction.
                                                                                            • Tupulua S
                                                                                              There are good tradies out there I think about half of them are cowboys tradies. Be aware unless you are onsite as they do the job you want them to do, and question some of their work, you will get a blunt end. and you get a doggy result
                                                                                              • XM1408008
                                                                                                go to some professional to consult, then maybe get some legal advice.
                                                                                                • Lachelle B
                                                                                                  There was no contract only discussion so it'll be he shed - she shed (couldn't help myself) if you go to the Disputes Tribunal (since Jim's Mowing is a Kiwi franchise) and seldom do they follow through with judgment. Get 'Jim' to move the shed back, get him to cut the trees up smaller and you sell as firewood. It's about $100 per cubic metre (pine) so you might make a bit of money off it depending on the type of wood and how much you have. Silver lining......
                                                                                                  • The dog house
                                                                                                    They took the wood with them. I was not given a choice. I never clicked on the proceed quote to go ahead. But like you said he said she said
                                                                                                  • Lee b 979050
                                                                                                    I like the he shed thing its as though you had a lot if tolime yo think about it
                                                                                                • david j t
                                                                                                  where were you when they did this
                                                                                                  • pam rae
                                                                                                    HI TY Hello Dolly
                                                                                                    • Roy R 1009866
                                                                                                      Seems that this is just situation that was misunderstood. Without knowing what exactly was said by each party it is difficult to answer your question. What you said and what he heard and vice versa.
                                                                                                      • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                        Get a lawyer.
                                                                                                        • Lee b 979050
                                                                                                          Yeh and get ripped off even more from the blood sucjers that they are
                                                                                                      • Val 1394045
                                                                                                        Call the better business bureau. Then get legal advice. No document was agreed upon.
                                                                                                        • pam rae
                                                                                                          GET A GOOD LAWYER IS THE 1ST THING..!!!
                                                                                                          • Grant 1393984
                                                                                                            Consult a lawyer or citizen's advice.
                                                                                                            • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                              In the scenario you described I would have a 'talk' with an attorney!
                                                                                                              • Bruce 1274521
                                                                                                                I would like to know where tradie's hide If I can find one, I always get a quote first and make arrangements to accept the quote and a starting date. They work on tradie time which is slightly different to normal time. Time travel is something that many tradies are into with a two-day job taking a couple of weeks
                                                                                                                • Shelia C
                                                                                                                  I agree with Robert F 1161. Lesson learned
                                                                                                                  • Paul B 522937
                                                                                                                    Get a proper tradie would you use a butcher to remove your arm?
                                                                                                                    • Bruce 1274521
                                                                                                                      I would use a barber to remove some else's arm, never my own because I am attached to it.
                                                                                                                    • Lee b 979050
                                                                                                                      Actually they're better than surgeons
                                                                                                                  • Robert F 1161011
                                                                                                                    Nothing can be done about the trees, so show Jim where you want the shed, and pay him after he's moved it
                                                                                                                    • mike B 1066235
                                                                                                                      IF YOU WANT TO DO IT RIGHT AND SAFE HIRE SOMEONE TO GET IT DONE RIGHT
                                                                                                                      • Lee b 979050
                                                                                                                        Who Mike who
                                                                                                                    • Tina 423889
                                                                                                                      Do you all have to sign contracts for work to be done? sounds shady
                                                                                                                      • Teri 1282723
                                                                                                                        Wow! How dare he!? I suggest a complaint to the head of the company unless the guy who did the work is the boss himself. Complain to your Better Business Bureau or whatever it's called in your area. You may even ask a lawyer about any recourse that you can/should legally take against this guy personally. He may plead ignorance and that if the shed was the only issue the last time you spoke, he may figure he had a solution so went ahead with the work. No excuse really for just going ahead with the work without a final work order in place and agreeable fees for the service, etc.
                                                                                                                        • Angel 1122052
                                                                                                                          BBB will only take a report of your comments i think. The appropriate please is the Office of Consimer Goods & Svcs Ombuds. The CGSO is set up wiht the Consumer Protection Act
                                                                                                                          • Marisa 1367299
                                                                                                                            File a complaint against them with the Better Business Bureau! Flame them online.
                                                                                                                            • lin r
                                                                                                                              NOT PAY THEM
                                                                                                                              • Sheree T
                                                                                                                                I am fortunate my husband is very handy at doing majority of what we need done. I would speak directly to the owner of the business.
                                                                                                                                • Nola B 392757
                                                                                                                                  Ask the council were they suppose to get a permit. Go to the ombudsman if you have to. I am not a feminist but I get sick of tradies trying to put it over women. Be brave stand your ground.
                                                                                                                                  • Lee b 979050
                                                                                                                                    Yeh yeh no hair
                                                                                                                                • Christine M 323842
                                                                                                                                  Send the complaint directly to Jim. Apparently he is very hands on. He won’t like a franchisee stuffing up to this extent.
                                                                                                                                  • The dog house
                                                                                                                                    Hi Christine I have put in a Complaint through 'Jim's mowing' on Tuesday and have yet to hear from them. I have also reported the incident to 'Consumers affairs'. I am hardly sleeping at the present due to this incident.
                                                                                                                                • Cher
                                                                                                                                  Why is a mowing company cutting trees? Was payment involved? Its a case she said he/they did. Good luck with that one.
                                                                                                                                  • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                                                  • Lee b 979050
                                                                                                                                    Cause they can Cher all you need is a chain saw
                                                                                                                                  • Mopos
                                                                                                                                    They are not specialists in the removal of trees. A general "handyman" mowing, trimming, raking leaves, general yard work, they don't need a trades certificate.
                                                                                                                                  • CherLee b 979050
                                                                                                                                    Its all about the tools. I see now. Thanks Lee.
                                                                                                                                  • Lee b 979050Cher
                                                                                                                                    I like where you're goin..with that one Cher I didn't just fall out of that big ol tree yesterdee Cher. Bi didlyo neighbourina
                                                                                                                                • Rebecca R 1011269
                                                                                                                                  Go to the Department of Fair Trading and complain but let the company know first. When they hear the word “complaint” they will probably respond to avoid an investigation. You could also complain to the Environmental Protection Agency that the trees were removed illegally
                                                                                                                                  • Linda C
                                                                                                                                    Rather arrogant for them to Just Do It without final discussions with you. Perhaps you were not clear in your instructions and it sounds like you may have been procrastinating. Still, they should have received a distinct OK from you. You can put in a complaint but the end result is the trees are gone etc.

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