Discussion of the Day
Do you have a last Will and testiment?
Missy Wyld25-Jan-23
I have a Will, (it's a bit old and needs an update) but my partner does not have a will.
We also have a business together. We are not married, (but been living together for 41 years this April - so yes I know de facto status etc comes into play).
But given our surnames are different, I think it would be much easier all around if he had a Will too.
He wants to, it's just one of those things, 'yes I'll get around to it one day'.
His Mum recently passed, there are 4 brothers in the family, and all have to agree on estate matters, and I think he has now seen how difficult it is, even with a Will.
What say ye? Do you have a Will, if not, why not (no judgement). Just curious.
(govt gets everything if you don't have a will, even if you leave all your worth to the animal welfare league! (better than the Govt getting it? (if you have no family to leave it to).
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