Discussion of the Day
What causes certain women to ditch the sisters' club code when it comes to unavailable men?
Helen L09-Mar-23
Growing up, I had great girl friendships. In high school, when we discussed boys we liked, we cheered on each other's hopes to date said boys we individually liked. But there was that one girl friend, who would go after every boy we liked. She was beautiful, and really fun to hang out with, but I'd say this was a big no-no in our sisters' club.
I've always been loyal to my friends and just to women in general. From my mother, sisters and girlfriends growing up, I was taught the sisters' club code - which is you don't go after married men, and you turn down the flirtations and advances of married men and men who are in a relationship.
But I have never understood why certain women, like my school friend, go after married men or accepted the advances of men when they know they are married or in a relationship with someone else.
What do you think? Do you also know what causes some women to break the sisters' club code?
  • Katzeye
    Sadly I had a friend like this and she was married but still she flirted with every guy she could get her mitts on regardless if they were single or not.I think it's all about insecurity and not feeling loved,that's why they do it.
    • mary c
      Actually i just remembered I had a good friend but she did like to flirt with our men and wear low cut tops haha..and would then say oooh your guy is cheeky or whatever. I didn't like that. Though i realize she was unhappy and liked the ego boost.
      • Glenice L 1244113
        Perhaps the core principles of the ol' Club were not moral enough, so as the club-members drift into life, they easily drop their values and chase/accept every fix- no matter who it hurts or if children are involved! I just can't underscore "core values and moral principles enough"
        • Helen L 750218
          I like your thought process. Interesting enough is that except for her, the rest of us were very religious and we all remained true to our morals and the sister club code. Most of us are still friends with this person, and have accepted her for who she is. We dont stay in touch as much as we used to, but I dont know if anyone ever confronted her about what she did.
      • Lynette S
        Hmmmm that's all I got
        • Hamzah S
          Some people just go after what they want because they don't care about the feelings of others.
          • Denise C (Qld)
            I have no idea what this convo relates to.
            • Linda C
              Easy. Girlfriends going after your man basically and how wrong this is.
          • michael b 383297
            no idea
            • Christine M 323842
              Because they are pathetic. This is an unforgivable and unnecessary breach of sisterly bonds.
              • Pam G 449028
                Is it just plain old jealousy, she wants what you have.
                • Maiava A
                  There's no such thing as a sisters club in my opinion. Its just straight up wrong to flirt with married folk.
                  • mary c
                    Is there a mens' club code??
                    • View all 3 replies
                    • Liane H
                      Yeah do as i say .. not as i do and when i do just never mention it mate.. .Pffffffffffffffft !! 🍻 🥱 Of course there are some solid gold types about too... just they are increasingly hiding out.
                    • mary cLiane H
                      What goes on in the Men's Club stays in the Men's club..
                    • Liane H mary c
                      mmm .. And there are some things u can't cover up with lipstick and powder.. "girls talk" ;)
                  • Paul R 936022
                    Lack of self control
                    • JANET R 328390
                      Well I must be the odd one out here. At School and through life I have had a lot of friends - but I never discussed men with them. Maybe it is different these days. The only discussing I have done of late is look out for narcissistic people - there seem to be more of them around. Do your homework I say - hence I am still single. hahaha
                      • Sweetums
                        • Sweetums
                          Those type of women think they are better than others. They are conceded, actually more insecure than you'd think, to have to be desperate for a taken man. But I think mostly they are SELFISH. SELF WORSHIPPERS WITHOUT REASON TO BE.🙄
                          • Paula J 395266
                            I have never broken the code and don't like women who do but clearly they have self esteem issues and feel they have to outdo their friends. I'm no Psychologist but these women do it over and over again. You have to feel sorry for them. Having said that I don't understand why if your friend ends it with her boyfriend you can't have a relationship with him. It's over, she doesn't want him so what's the problem?
                            • writerrochelle
                              Sounds like my life, Helen! Not only that but, once they get the guy, they dump them! I think these women are insecure, and need to prove something to make them feel better about themselves. And, Jania S, this is an open forum for people looking for answers and, If you can't agree to disagree, just don't comment. Everyone has an opinion. This is mine. Maybe it's something you've done, or do, yourself that you feel you have to justify? If not, I apologize. ;-D
                              • Sweetums
                                She's always going against the "good grain". Read my reply to her.
                            • Claude H
                              No idea
                              • Jania S
                                I think it is none of our business, and you need to stop gossiping , why not try to understand??? Glad you are not my friend
                                • Sweetums
                                  Lady, you always take the low road in your answers so I'm not surprised you said this. You must be a code breaker. Don't know for sure, but.........?????
                              • Carolina Z
                                Oh Dear, Insecurity, greed etc., i guess
                                • boy blunder
                                  you know statistically 6 out of 7 dwarfs are not happy, I know has nothing to do with the topic I thought it was funny
                                  • mary c
                                    you is funnee :))
                                • Phyrephly
                                  I think its little to do with a sisters' code, and much more to do with common decency. Some very childish individuals believe, I think, that if they want it, (whatever 'it' may be), they are going to get it. Usually, these people have not grown out of the 'me, me, me' stage of childhood development. If the same happens to them, they scream blue bloody murder and say how unfair and horribly selfish others are. Strange!
                                  • Raymond D 798378
                                    Usually in the straight world 1990,and beyond the old sorority values may not exist,discipline loses hence individual 🗽liberty gets redefined..in my cab 🚕 the loose crowd ruled at their own expense..
                                    • Liane H
                                      I spent a lifetime living by the golden rules.. fobbing off the advances and only to be ..A. Relieved of my crap exe's by another's very average looking girls advances.? B. accidentally having one night with a married man whom I had absolutely no idea he was because ,he had conveniently left that factor out of our introduction. Perhaps he left his wedding band under the doormat of his family home on his way out to party? When I was informed by a friend who later found out ,I told him where to go the next time he came knocking ,,and he did. ...!. And C. Am starting to see what 'unavailable ',married men really get up to ...( or would like to since being on here. )So thank god I no longer have that heartbreak to go through of finding out I was never enough . I would never go after one of my girlfriend's partners ever .!So that is strictly off the table. . But since plenty of strangers have swept off with mine.then wondered why i was upset ,then became jealous?? . meh, if I were out there now I really wouldn't care as long as they could prove to me their relationship is ending and why.
                                      • Phyrephly
                                        A school friend of mine ended up having a child with a married man she was having an affair with. I learned about the child from a friend of her former living partner. (kudos if you can keep up, lol), Another friend of a friend is still seeing a married man, thinking he is going to leave his wife and kids for her, as he keeps telling her he will. What did these men think they were agreeing to, with that girl in the long (white?) gown and fancy hair do, in front of all those people, in that church/registry office on that day, long ago. Yet another friend said to me, "if they do it with you, they'll do it to ya". Marriage is such an important decision, you have to be certain and sober going forward. I'm sorry this happened to you, Liane, and there are good, honest minded people out there, you just have to make sure you've found one, if you want to marry him. I guess the best way to do that, is to be one.
                                      • Liane H Phyrephly
                                        Was a long time ago phyreply and no damage done on my behalf really, as it was one night. But honestly so many times I've heard or seen married men up to these things and yep you are right. My exe's were boyfriends and I never was stupid enough to marry any. Saved on something I suppose? ! The only one that did call me 22yrs after my son was born( she had met him while i was pregnant), told me they had now divorced ..and she had cheated on him, and booted him out so karma got him in the end. She then spent 2 hrs profusely apologising to me for it all .. I found u don't always get where you want by being the honest ,good person these days. Throwaway society, people have too many things going on they just think about themselves..And your friend is right too,once a loser / liar they won't change. They may be different re the cheating with a new partner though dependent on why they originally did it. But ooh can of worms huh? ! And I think my can opener is broken ..like permanently lol
                                    • Pat C 618241
                                      In my school days I did not have many girl friends, either in my area or at school. I have always done my own research in regard to the men in my life and did not use friends for a ruling on the desirability of my male choices.
                                      • Stephen Q
                                        It takes many varieties of men and women to make the world go around good evil happy sad vengeful or just ignorant of what thete actions do to others. I put all that in because it takes 2 to tango no one party is to blame. Be thankful your friend did it in font of you and not behind your back.
                                        • Greg B 520364
                                          Sorry I'm a male I do not understand
                                          • writerrochelle
                                            Insecure women sometimes go after men in relationships to prove something to feel better about themselves. If you're in a relationship, and a woman comes after you, run for your life! She probably will dump you once she gets what she think she wants!
                                        • Edith v
                                          They feel safe because they don't want a commitment,or marriage.I was never aware of a"sisters" code it was common decency not to "poach"another womans man
                                          • Phyrephly
                                            agreed, no longer given credence today tho. As the wind blows....
                                        • Priscilla R 316016
                                          Never had or knew of a sisters' club so I never had this sort of problem in the first place.
                                          • Phyrephly
                                            same, but I have seen it happen, too many times! Sad, esp where children are involved. (not as one of the 'partners', but an offshoot of lustful thinking I guess. although, it probably dampens the ardour to think there's more to the match then just the two of 'em.
                                        • IAN W 453830
                                          • Karmic Eye
                                            We believe this is due to jealous insecurities and competitiveness... and quite possibly those that pursue others love interests and husbands may be Narcissists
                                            • Lones
                                              Happen to me a couple of times, the sister hood thing goes out the window, forgive forget and move on. Becomes more different when it’s a family member that crosses the line. But again forgive forget and move on there’s more to life than losers, better to find out now
                                              • merricat
                                                Never happened to me.
                                                • Ellen C 69679
                                                  Ive not really had much to do with a sisters code. Was more of a tom boy that had a few friends who were girls but tended to hang out with the guys (less drama), and then was the only girl in my family - all brothers and cousins where all boys. I dont know if maybe it's the challenge, thrill of the chase, the freedom that they dont have to be committed to anyone and won't get themselves hurt - who knows. Theres men who do the same as well, go after women in committed relationships.
                                                  • Anton A 1225344
                                                    She was probably brought up to know she was beautiful, and she most likely learned from a young age to use this to her advantage. It may also have made her feel powerful and in control, and boosted her self esteem and her perception of being popular. From my experience, girls like her become everybodies 'darling', but sadly no-ones sweetheart.
                                                    • John b 479999
                                                      • Paul J 94868
                                                        Sisters club? Now i find out!
                                                        • boy blunder
                                                          there are some things you just don't do,, like you wouldn't take a dog called [shark] to the beach, I guess some relationships are like algebra you look at your x and wonder y
                                                          • Liane H
                                                            Haha.. am starting to like algebra after that one Robert 🧮👊
                                                          • Linda C
                                                            U love that analogy. Must remember it. lol
                                                        • Ian T 502647
                                                          No experience of a 'Sisters Club'. I went to a all male high school, so maybe my life experiences are different from those who went to a Co-ed school? Yes, I am married with two adult kids.
                                                          • Biscuit
                                                            This has nothing to do with whatever the “sisters code” is. It’s simply a matter of having respect for people in general and doing the right thing.
                                                            • Mariaj
                                                              Where have all these numbers come from after my name ? Does anyone know please ?
                                                              • View all 4 replies
                                                              • Biscuit
                                                                There is an explanation from Rewardia in the forum.
                                                              • MariajBiscuit
                                                                oh thank you very much Bette. Enjoy the rest of your day :-)
                                                              • Linda C
                                                                I just went to my nickname section and took the numbers out when they first showed up. Now I see nearly everyone has them.
                                                              • MariajLinda C
                                                                Yes I've done mine now Linda, thank you. I think it looks horrible with all those numbers, like we're criminal or something :-(
                                                            • Mariaj
                                                              I've never grew up with a sister club thing, I've only heard it mentioned on the TV in the last few years
                                                              • Jenny L 591463
                                                                I have cheated, not proud of that. He wasn't married but in a committed relationship. Jealousy, they have what you want. It was a very short lived affair and I wouldn't do it again. Grass is always greener but then reality hits and you finally work out it isn't but you have only hurt your self and others whom were involved. It does take 2 to cheat, if men were happy they wouldn't feel the need too especially if they get what they want at home which when a man cheats he obviously is looking for a bit on the side as well and I am not talking for all men of course. Most men are happy with what they have and don't wonder. Look with out touching. Not every one is happy in a relationship, may look good from the out side. Finally I am remarried happily and we know about each others pasts and we don't judge each other. Judgement can be harsh and unwarranted some times.
                                                                • Jenny L 591463
                                                                  No children involved except the ones I had and they have been brain washed to hate me so at the time I just didn't care because I was just so unhappy. A lot more happier these days then back then and in a stable relationship but I wasn't then.
                                                              • Karen S 841350
                                                                Totally agree, with the sisters' club code. Those men/women in relationships are out of bounds. Sometimes cheating spouses will say that their relationship has ended when it hasn't. A relationship based on lying and deciept would be very unhealthy.
                                                                • Julie M 1224003
                                                                  It's downright mean and nasty to go after other people's mates. If you're interested in someone taken, you have to wait until that relationship falls apart by itself, failing that there are plenty of fish in the sea.
                                                                  • Darren S 116121
                                                                    from a male point of view,all i can say is once i started wearing my wedding ring i would get advances from a lot more women,personally i think its a case of trying to get what you cant have and a lot of women see it as a challenge,and no,ive remained faithful to my wife
                                                                    • writerrochelle
                                                                      You are a good man! I wrote this to Greg, who said he doesn't understand: "Insecure women sometimes go after men in relationships to prove something to feel better about themselves. If you're in a relationship, and a woman comes after you, run for your life! She probably will dump you once she gets what she think she wants!" Good for you, Darren!
                                                                  • Lyn A.
                                                                    never had a sisters club, but have never hit on or accepted invite from men in another relationship-that's just wrong!!
                                                                    • Sonya F 68771
                                                                      Never had a sisters club sorry
                                                                      • Darla T
                                                                        Eve once again partaking of the forbidden fruit...wanting what they want but should not have....It did not end well but it is probably a rush for her in the meantime. She is not interested in the men per se just the feeling/satisfaction from the pursuit. I would say that sister never intended to keep the code in the first place but rather used the rest of you to find the men for her conquests. You inadvertently pimped for her!
                                                                        • Empress
                                                                          They used to be called sluts.
                                                                          • Helen L 750218
                                                                            LOL True that
                                                                          • EmpressHelen L 750218
                                                                            or moles, lol.. in older days tarts or harlots!!! Also scanks
                                                                        • Irena T
                                                                          Insecurity, lack of morals
                                                                          • Allen B 175494
                                                                            no morals
                                                                            • Paul W 383502
                                                                              Lesbians, maybe?
                                                                              • Sheree T
                                                                                Self centered female it's all about them and have no scruples at all.
                                                                                • Roslyn A
                                                                                  She will live a life of being used and losing friends. Very sad
                                                                                  • Deb Jay 1237276
                                                                                    Insecurity, jealousy, just being nasty cows!
                                                                                    • Carol S 657195
                                                                                      Maybe she feels she has something to prove to herself. That she can get any man she goes after. Internally, she could be insecure. Perhaps she was never taught the girl code, but it should be obvious that she's wrong. Maybe she doesn't really want to commit so she knows it's safe to date married men because it will never go anywhere. It sounds like jealous or insecurity to me or fear of commitment.
                                                                                      • writerrochelle
                                                                                        My words almost to the letter! ;-D
                                                                                    • Carolyn K 714554
                                                                                      Hormones, competition, think that they have to prove that they are more attractive than others around them. (They are also very insecure, mentally).
                                                                                      • Maria B 89860
                                                                                        Please Decode, I did not know there was such a Club/Code.
                                                                                        • Samuel K 1157045
                                                                                          It's the same reason some men will sleep with any women that will let them regardless of looks or relationship status
                                                                                          • Grommie
                                                                                            never make a pretty woman your wife, as the song goes.
                                                                                            • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                              Same reason as why some women "have to be in a relationship" : any man as long as they have one, Kudos to you for not including in your list one of the most annoying "off limits" one: "I saw him first". This is ludicrous as nobody is in a relationship with said man and nor has man expressed interest in any of you (much less the one that "saw him first"). I agree, you don't go after men in relationships BUT men should take some responsibility too by not seeking relationships while they are in one. I really hate it when women are blamed for being the cause of the breakdown or the extra marital affair when, if the man did not seek out another relationship, it would not happen. Unless you have an open marriage or agree to "not care" if your partner has one or two, then isn't it better that the relationship ends instead of continues on a lie? As for the women who go after men when they are taken, do they not think that these men are just as likely to cheat on them since they are willing to cheat on a current partner? Once a liar, always a liar.
                                                                                              • Igor A
                                                                                                That is a millions of years old thing. Some women still think all males in the cave are theirs.
                                                                                                • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                • Linda C
                                                                                                  Likewise men think the same
                                                                                                • Igor ALinda C
                                                                                                  You are right some men, may be most go for married women. We are still in the cave but now with digital gadgets.
                                                                                                • mary cIgor A
                                                                                                  haha a cave with wifi :)
                                                                                                • Igor Amary c
                                                                                                  Yeah, a nice cozy cave.
                                                                                              • JANN R
                                                                                                I dont know anything about sister code never heard about it
                                                                                                • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                                                  Never heard of this before
                                                                                                  • Shelia C
                                                                                                    Code? Never heard of it
                                                                                                    • Michele W 394946
                                                                                                      There's a code?
                                                                                                      • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                      • Siupolu S
                                                                                                        Most definitely there's a "code" never been through it but have seen mates go through it. Too much drama, gotta pick a side blah blah blah 2 sides to infidelity and I'm not getting in the middle of shit like that. Can't always blame the women, taken men are just as bad
                                                                                                      • Michele W 394946Siupolu S
                                                                                                        Where do I find this code? Should I have received a memo?
                                                                                                      • BLACK LIVES MATTERMichele W 394946
                                                                                                        Hilarious (you are on a roll)!
                                                                                                    • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                      I don't know about sister code is because I don't talk to none of my girl's friends from high school.
                                                                                                      • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                                        Irrelevant what you choose to call it, isn't it just common sense not to involve yourself in a relationship with a person that already has one?
                                                                                                    • Cher
                                                                                                      Some women and men just don’t care. They want what they want. Later, perhaps wonder why? Some even say they did not mean it, it just happened! Either way, the deed is done. Further down the road, maybe they do regret it? Hopefully! Life lesson.
                                                                                                      • Paul B 522937
                                                                                                        It’s the thrill of having something or someone that is someone else’s mate or property. Human nature
                                                                                                        • SueM2
                                                                                                          I've never heard the term "sisters' club code" but there will always be people of either sex who want anything out of bounds.
                                                                                                          • Robert F 1161011
                                                                                                            The same reason why certain men will cheat on their wives. The marriage code should've been harder to break.
                                                                                                            • allin
                                                                                                              some women just like to get it on,, it's called life 🙂
                                                                                                              • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                              • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                                                Why is nobody looking harder at the men as they are just as responsible for this behaviour. Nobody can make you stray unless you want to stray. If a man is trying to get it on with a woman, even if they are in a relationship, then they are even worse than the woman that may be tricked by the man who often may lie about the relationship (that they are not in one, that they are unhappy and she is evil, they are separated or getting divorced etc). Blame should be cast on both sides.
                                                                                                              • allinElizabeth T 396096
                                                                                                                i am not casting any blame, i just answered the question,, and yes, men are horn dogs also, what's your point,,
                                                                                                              • mary callin
                                                                                                                hahaha Horn dogs..howwwwlin' at the mooooon.
                                                                                                            • Barbara H 1073102
                                                                                                              Can't get their own men.
                                                                                                              • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                                                More to the point: any man will do as long as they have one.
                                                                                                            • Roy R 1009866
                                                                                                              • oregonthyme
                                                                                                                I was saying security and jealousy
                                                                                                                • Violetta
                                                                                                                  no idea
                                                                                                                  • Linda C
                                                                                                                    No idea but I have had it happen to me quite often and with my ex husband. I am not sure they just want one upmanship on you or they feel they need to try and see if they can get him away from you etc. I wiped the women who did this and divorced my husband. Happy now with no man and good girlfriends.
                                                                                                                    • APB
                                                                                                                      I've never heard of a sister's club code...some women just want to steal other women's men....its a power thing I think.... and the prettier the girl the better the target...that is true
                                                                                                                      • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                        Low self-esteem.
                                                                                                                        • just me- NZ
                                                                                                                          I have had a couple of friends like that through out my life, always after the married man or the guy in a relationship. Never understood it and probably never will ?? lol

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