I know many do not have a father, unfortunately, some do not even have a father figure in their life..but I thought it would be nice for us to talk about our fathers or a father figure in our lives. My dad has done a lot for me. My mom is now better (Thank God), but when I was growing up, she was ill a lot. Which, called for my dad to step up many times and fill both roles for my siblings and I. This all as he juggled a job and cared for my mother. Next, comes my brother, the middle older brother. He was many times, left in charge of me and my third eldest brother. While my older sister sometimes would babysit my other siblings. This brother 'til this day, treats me like I am his child. He's quite a few years older than I am. Ha ha..his children find it difficult to call me "aunt", because he treats me just like he treats them. Any stories of yours to share? |