Discussion of the Day
Let's make as much packaging as possible REUSABLE
Recycling is a positive thing...but REUSING is the best way of reducing our carbon footprint and it is STILL not a priority...half the salt and pepper grinders in the supermarket cannot just be refilled...there are more now than 5 years ago...bottles, containers and jars that cannot be resealed...plastic packing that is designed solely for one use...why?...is no-one paying attention?
  • Susan D 669698
    for sure big fan
    • Pam G 449028
      I recycle everything I can
      • Imperia S
        I just watched a government ad on Telly, it's saying that all our recycling is being turned into all sorts, if we are getting 10 cents for cans and bottles, how much is the government getting from selling these items, or even for the actual cans and bottles? so I think I would rather be using reusable because as it is we are paying extra for drink containers at the shop and only getting 10 for recycling not worth it and no happy Jan
        • Irene S 534601
          I recycle everything I can, I compost and I take soft plastics to instore recycling bins, any plastic bags that can't be recycled eg bread bags or frozen chips I use as rubbish bags. I can remember the last time I bought garbage bags. Also I reuse bread bags as freezer bags or to store somthing that can't be resealed like a packet of biscuits for example.
          • Dimitri T 100433
            the great practical idea to reduce waste/pollution
            • Carol S 657195
              I completely agree! Reusing is something I love to do, and I get accused of being a hoarder. I hate throwing out things that someone else could use or re-purpose. The problem is how do I get these items to people who can and will use them? I live in a little hick town in Pa., and we don't even have recycling here! You have to travel miles to even dispose of certain broken items like electronics! So, we just keep hoarding them. There's no way to dispose of things that are even useless. However, old TV's should still have some good parts. Not everything is broken! No one fixes anything anymore because they just go out and buy a bigger, better model. We used to keep the same TV for years, and a repairman came to the house. People think they are poor, but how do we just junk something and buy bigger and better if we are so poor? Firstly, people don't know what poor is. Don't get me wrong, millions of people do, but this country is far better off than many others. Not caring about old things and wanting new models is part of the problem. Why can't we employ people to make these old things usable. People would have jobs, and we would be keeping the environment clean. There are many, many ways all of this excess could be reused. Look at all the things we donate to Goodwill. It could be separated and shipped to places that can fix or reuse items in some way. Billions of plastic bags are just tossed. I always reuse mine, but now our local grocer doesn't even want them to recycle. So we either use them or throw them away or burn them which gives off fumes that have to be toxic! A few people getting together could do wonders!
              • Empress
                We seriously throw out too much into landfill. I have seen this over the past forty years, so many things are unfixable. I try to recycle and reuse things. It's amazing how much plastic actually takes up in your bin, so I take mine back to the supermarket to be recycled. I kept all my kids' toys and my grandkids are now playing with them.
                • John b 479999
                  All about money
                  • Pat C 618241
                    I really liked the plastic bags that were apparently made of vegetable matter that deteriorated quickly but alas that stopped. All the good ideas seem to give way to what seems easiest - thin plastic bags.
                    • Belle S
                      We've gone from paper everything to plastic to save the trees, now they are trying to reverse it back. We had an incinerator in our back yard, which alot of home rubbish was put into it & burned. They decided it was against the law & incinerators were removed. Maybe bring back the incinerator & maybe, we wouldn't have so much landfill like back in the 70's/80's. Like fashion, goes out of style but eventually comes back. Our Government needs to stop fixing things that aren't broke & working well with the planet & fix things that aren't working.
                      • View all 3 replies
                      • Pat C 618241
                        You do realise that burning whether it be paper or plastic sends CO2 plus all manner of other unpleasant gases back into the atmosphere. Hence the problems like holes in the ozone, global warming.
                      • Belle SPat C 618241
                        paper was reused, plastic & glass where a no. Pretty much like what's allowed & what's not in your recycle bin. I remember last day of high school, I came home, changed out of my uniform, kept my signed shirt. The rest went in the incinerator, it wasn't worth handing down anymore.
                      • APBPat C 618241
                        I think the cyanide gas released when burning some plastics is probably a no no.....
                    • Anneliese
                      Yes I am always looking at ways to reuse and recycle. But it's a little disheartening when you hear of governments and councils which then just put the recycling things into landfill anyway. Then what's the point? Really liking small changes though like bread ties now being made from recycled cardboard instead of plastic. It all helps.
                      • Jan H 753322
                        I always recycle everything I can and compost and we grow our own vegies.
                        • roger l 315504
                          According to the CSIRO some 'plastics' containers are being developed that have the ability to be composted, again much simpler and more assured than reuse or recycling
                          • roger l 315504
                            A consortium of councils in the northwestern area of Adelaide provide compostible green and food scraps bags to households, I rather think that compostible is a much preferred option than either 'recyclable' or 'reusable' since both of these 'options' usually end up as landfill or floating in the ocean. The consortium, known as NAWMA, is recognised as a premium recycling and repurposing outfit as well as a 'manufacturer of a range of natural soil improvement products for domestic and industrial use
                            • Lyn A.
                              if we "went back to the future" there would very little going into rubbish "Waste not want not"
                              • Priscilla R 316016
                                I will reuse everything I can and also recycle everything I can
                                • Tiffany L 690503
                                  if i using many times
                                  • Jania S
                                    please explain the difference betwen recycling and reusing,,, it is the same thing isnt it? BEST way is not to buy anything in a packet. it is not real food anyway AS for satlt etc why dont you have recyled versions, they have been around for years. I still have mine. I agree they are making more 'rubbish' but I dont have to buy any of it. Blessings
                                    • Wendy Q
                                      If it's usable I'll use it and reuse it where ever possible.
                                      • Morenita
                                        I reuse things and try to save money any way possible
                                        • Morenita
                                          All I read was recycling and I definitely recycle especially for that extra cash
                                          • Jenny L 591463
                                            We reduce these things as much as possible. We fill our salt and pepper shakers and we don't buy the ones you can't reuse. There is a new ad on tv with things that were rubbish once and are being used to make different things like racing tracks and walking tracks, children's play equipment. We need to keep it up though. Reusing things is also a great idea, I keep all sorts of containers to reuse glass and plastic. A lot of companies are fazing out single use plastics. Aldi took away the plastic tags on their bread and wow people complained about that, There's wooden spoons, knives and forks in most cafes today and the take away chains got rid of straws. We are all doing our part and eventually the world will be a better place for it. Whether we reuse or recycle it all is good and it all adds up.
                                            • doug p 631197
                                              Greed by the companies is the problem. They seem to think of they do one tiny thing that people will accept them as being environmentally friendly. It's such a sham, the earth is dying but money is more important.
                                              • Larry S 382961
                                                One of the biggest problems is plastic contains eg shampoo conditioner washing detergent and others. Yes they get recycling but they need to be included with the cans water beer. Stupid thing is no wine. I also buy Yakut for the grandkids. On bottle it says 10c deposit but can’t do it as only applies to SA
                                                • David C 471262
                                                  A better way of reducing your carbon footprint is to not eat meat. As for salt and pepper grinders???? I live in a village at the end of the Earth and even my local dairy sells reusable condiments. If yo can't find them, look harder. x
                                                  • doug m 408074
                                                    or take your own containers to the deli and meat section!
                                                    • Sandra C 12043
                                                      Well as for the S & P grinders the simple solution is to buy grinders that do refill. I have had my wooden ones for over 30 years. Buy the salt that is in cardboard boxes and I get McKenzies peppercorns in the square plastic jar of which I re-use for other things. I prefer square storage containers as I feel they are much better than round ones. Also do a lot of preserving & like square bottles/jars as they fit .everywhere much better. Leggo's uses square jars too and I re-use those preferably and ask neighbours to keep them for me. I give them a bottle of whatever I'm making as an incentive to buy things in square jars and after they use whatever it is I get the jar back to re-use again. win win for me..
                                                      • Elizabeth J 447888
                                                        Yeah, but I do feel that we are on the verge of great things to come. I have read and seen on the telly that the CSIRO are developing some alternatives made from seaweed. We are going to be utilising some beetles that actually eat plastic. Twiggy Forest has just finished a Masters Degree in Plastics. He has set up an institute to deal specifically with plastics. I think we will make are emissions targets easily and even go beyond what was agreed to. Or is this only wishful thinking on my part.
                                                        • Luna
                                                          Because people are lazy. If we all made a huge effort to avoid as much unrecyclable things as possible (like prepackaged fruit wrapped in plastic) then the companies would pay attention. If people just stopped spending unnecessarily on fashion there would be less going to the dump as well. Just so many things that come down to us doing the right thing but it is also the governments that need to do the right thing too. Does our recycling truly get recycled properly? Can they not ban plastic straws and other harmful plastics?
                                                          • Greg B 520364
                                                            We recycle and reuse much more now than we used to. We all are slow to change but change we will
                                                            • Joe B 288252
                                                              Sustainability costs money so that is why manufacturers are reluctant to do it. There needs to be a major social change and governments are the ones that should be driving it but they just can’t see past the votes
                                                              • Sonya F 68771
                                                                I reuse bags for shopping ,I have a worm farm and I recycle most things and have only 1 small garbage bag in the bin every week for waste
                                                                • Mary M 329762
                                                                  I real like the Japanese way to recycle. Why don't Australia have the same way. When move in a place i see how much packing wasn't recycle how i feel sad. Needed more ways to recycle in Australia
                                                                  • VICTORY
                                                                    • Helen L 750218
                                                                      Yes, I agree.
                                                                      • Christina C 466456
                                                                        Oh also, unrelated but cool, I read that some countries (I think it was Italy or Taiwan or both maybe?) have these vending machines that you put plastic bottles in and it credits you by applying points to your public transport card so you get bus/train/ferry discounts. I wish they did that here in NZ its such a good idea as a lot of people would happily recycle for cheap/free transportation.
                                                                        • Igor A
                                                                          Yes, reusing is the best way when the economy goes down very steep. Just don's ask for money and better look like a ragamuffin which is becoming very fashionable. Oh yes, you are protecting the environment. Hail on you!
                                                                          • Val B 69099
                                                                            We recycle s much now and the bin is full
                                                                            • Christina C 466456
                                                                              Great question! It depends on the application and production costs. Plastics are great at keeping food sealed and fresh, are light weight, water and air proof, cheap to manufacture and safer for transport compared to glass for example although takes longer to break down in the environment. Paper is less airtight so spoilage and expiry dates would be impacted. Coated paper or composites are just as bad as plastic in my opinion as they're often coated in "forever chemicals" or are coated with something that doesn't degrade quickly. Metals are subject to corrosion so are treated coatings to keep food safe though the coatings may be bad for health. No one wants rust or mould in their food. I prefer glass because its made from abundant materials, is inert, non porous and is more environmentally friendly, but it is more expensive to make which would no doubt be reflected in product cost, and it's difficult to transport plus more hazardous for the end user. My pet peeve is plastic composites in clothing which contribute to micro plastics in our water supply (during washing) and consequently our food chains, so I try to buy only natural fiber clothing which not only reduces plastic in our water but also breaks down a lot quicker in the landfill compared to plastic composite clothing. Some items will make an exception though like shoes and slippers or bras and undies because its difficult to find suitable products. Oh well, can't be perfect 100% of the time. I read also that sometimes you have to be careful when it comes to composting cardboard boxes due to chemicals leeching into soil. Does anyone know more about this because I've looked for info online but can't find much.
                                                                              • Bill B 394870
                                                                                recycling everything is not part of the capitalist system. it does not increase demand so limits ability to make greater profit. So it is necessary for all to reuse and repurpose packaging materials, bottles, jars, plastic etc wherever we can....
                                                                                • Glenys H 310155
                                                                                  I reduce, reuse or recycle as much as I can, have my own recycling station at home eg I collect soft plastics and return to redcycle bin at supermarket. Egg Cartons and food scraps go to the community garden (they have chickens) Bread tags I save and they go to a collection point in township, same for milk bottle lids. some containers are used for plants in garden rather than plantpots initially (especially if I am offering them to op shop to sell)
                                                                                  • The dog house
                                                                                    Many people still do not recycle properly and do not care for our environment or that of their children.
                                                                                    • Carmel C 103964
                                                                                      REDUCE: The 'FIRST STEP' to making positive change is for people to stop buying things they don't need in the first place. REDUCE - REDUCE- REDUCE! Then, you can factor in SUSTAINABLE purchases and make them last by looking after them, maintain, clean them, repair them, use them before they expire, re-purpose them, find the appropriate place to recycle or upcycle them. Plenty of people are paying attention. Old habits are hard to break though.
                                                                                      • Tupulua S
                                                                                        A lot of people do not have a will to change, and so as some companies that have not reduced their carbon footprint. It is very disappointing. The government have to govern by strong measure in place. Look at the changing of the weather now
                                                                                        • Ek M
                                                                                          it's too hard to change and recycling takes work, and does not earn us money, it wont change not enough people want the change
                                                                                          • Frank N
                                                                                            I totally agree. And it's time outlets like supermarkets actually paid people when they return glass bottle, like used to happen
                                                                                            • Sheree T
                                                                                              Absolutely agree it astounds me that there is still so many items that are not recyclable. I haven't come across one package that contains prescription medication that is recyclable. I recycle or reuse everything I can. Perhaps the answer is stop buying it if the packaging is not recyclable then it may make the manufacturers start taking notice,
                                                                                              • SueM2
                                                                                                I do all my shopping online, with delivery, and am constantly amazed how many companies are STILL not using recyclable packaging.
                                                                                                • Claude H
                                                                                                  I reuse or recycle all I can
                                                                                                  • Paul
                                                                                                    Totally! I try & reuse everything....probably why my very small home is full of stuff "I'm Going to Use Someday"!
                                                                                                    • Grommie
                                                                                                      we recycle like mad, amd reuse korflute
                                                                                                      • Aisha A 379399
                                                                                                        You're right, they should design salt and pepper grinders that have lids which can be opened and refilled. I keep empty Moccona coffee jars for storing pickled vegetables. And the big Maltesers containers for storing cookies.
                                                                                                        • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                          I think Aldi bags is reusable when you go shopping the next time that you can reuse those bags.
                                                                                                          • Paul B 522937
                                                                                                            I recycle e waste. All the metal parts are recycled most of the parts in computers are much smaller now but all the circuit boards are recycled
                                                                                                            • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                              Great Idea! The hard part is getting the population to put the concept (Great Idea) into practice (NOW)!
                                                                                                              • Linda C
                                                                                                                Well the supermarkets put on a huge show of removing free plastic bags and now you have to pay for them. We used to use them as garbage bags but now we have to pay for those also. Our fruit and veges were always loose but now in plastic and the list goes on. I think it is up to us to decide what we use and how we recycle it.
                                                                                                                • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                  I agree. However, most people want convenience. That is why no changes.
                                                                                                                  • Linda C
                                                                                                                    No I see every day at the supermarket people bringing in their own bags albeit I think more elderly do this than the younger generations.
                                                                                                                • Chin C
                                                                                                                  I just did a survey a few days ago on this topic. I am all for re-using or re-purposing. A good example is clothes, far better to re-use them than dumping them in the donation bin.
                                                                                                                  • Rosemary E 383382
                                                                                                                    With clothes such as knickers the way they are made now you can't just cut a few stitches in the band, replace the elastic then put a few stitches to close the "opening" you made. Knickers are not something other people will accept. Mine are used as dusters, used to clean up spills, or even to clean off marks on concrete (with the assistance of a cleaning product if necessary). My Mum taught me those uses about 60 years ago. All sorts of things got passed on when we no longer wanted to use them, or they broke and recycling wasn't an option for them all those years ago. Old holey clothing became dusters when it was no longer practical to mend them.
                                                                                                                  • Linda CRosemary E 383382
                                                                                                                    Agree but also we did not have the volume of clothes people have today. People can re use worn out clothes that can be repurposed in this way, or better clothes can go to charities to sell on or occasionally a rag collection is made and these are then sold on to different companies for all sorts of purposes. They do not have to go to the tip.

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