Discussion of the Day
The Bride - to - Be
We all know when you're getting married, it does cost an arm & a leg. With the high rise of cost of living, people barely make the essentials in today's world. Every wedding has its special moments for any bride to be, but is it necessary for the bride to go over stream & be so much poshy & out of the ordinary flaunting money, without considering her bridal party if they can afford it or not. Usually the matron of honour has to fork out a lot of expenses for her, regardless she can afford it or not. Me personally I find this is not fair. When the bride gets told of this, she complains as you can't afford her demands. Wedding is not all about money & what you can or can't get with money. It is all about love & to celebrate it with family & friends in reality normal way. What do you think about a bride going overboard with you?
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