Discussion of the Day
After you've gone
EILEEN W15-Apr-21
Being seniors we are concerned about what happens if our dogs outlive us. Fortunately our daughter overseas has written a promise that she would return to Australia as she is passionate about them too. Have you made arrangements about the future of your pets?
  • Bella 344281
    • Sabine V
      no l expect them to die before me, they are in their senior years
      • Louisa W
        No as I haven't really thought about it as I think my daughter would have our cat.
        • Edith v
          We adopted a senior dog & I hope we don't have that problem, he may go before us & that is a heartbreaking thought.Our children will look after him or us when the time comes
          • Imperia S
            Went my beautiful and loyal little mate Butch passed, I swore I would never have another pet for this, a friend of mine left her money to the dog rescue service, on the provision they look after or rehome her dog, which they did
            • Maria B 89860
              It goes without saying in this household, Bob our beloved cat has promised to keep who ever remains on their toes at all times!
              • Beverley S 383001
                Yes we have - they will stay in this home with our son who shares with us. Hopefully that will not be for a long time yet.
                • Leanne B 76015
                  Yep - they get everything!
                  • Julie K 348980
                    Do not have any pets and live alone so this does not worry me. It is a worry though it would appear for those who have furry companions. I have a lot of god-cats and god-dogs so numerous friends do not have to worry if something happens to them.
                    • Lones
                      Pet free household pets passed and haven’t replaced to hard and sad
                      • roger l 315504
                        when my first guide dog was retired it took my trainer and I longer to find a home tor him that we were all comfortable with than it took to get his replacement, PS that's her in the pic
                        • Leanne B 76015
                          Just gorgeous
                        • mary c
                          darling girl.
                      • Colleen C 472486
                        we now only have 2 cats and if we go before they do we know they will be well looked after by our family.
                        • Evan M 79442
                          am taking my dog's ashes with me when i go
                          • Kim N 285099
                            No. I don't have a pet. But, the same question is the same with children. If you pass away, will you worry about the future of your children? Yes.
                            • Carolyn H 319412
                              I don't have any pets.
                              • Sharon D 72697
                                No I haven't done anything. I'm 58 and the youngest pest is 2, but I don't plan on having pets once I'm at that age where life may change for me
                                • Joe B 288252
                                  No, my poor old Ragdoll is on her last legs and waiting for God. The vet has checked her and says she is not in pain but just fading so to wait a bit yet but it’s hard to see her like that. She’s 20 so not bad eh?
                                  • mary c
                                    a fine age. xx
                                • lulu
                                  I have talked to my daughter and her family and they have said they would
                                  • Val B 69099
                                    I only have a rabbit and I am sure someone would look after it or I may outlive it
                                    • mary c
                                      i am a rabbit grannie.
                                  • John B 89024
                                    • Bung,
                                      I have arranged for our dog to also be cremated when we both go... She is 10 now so will be an old dog.....,
                                      • TREV. BOO
                                        very sweet
                                    • nina m 212027
                                      i will be gone so what happens after will not concern me
                                      • EILEEN W 310556
                                        My dogs are like children. I could not bear to think they might might be unwanted and euthanized after I am gone. They have given us so much love and loyalty, including giving my husband a reason to live after his stroke and ensuing depression. That is why I have made sure Boris and Sheba will be well cared for and loved.
                                    • Robert nsw
                                      my last dog died last year i have decided not to get any more its to hard
                                      • Sandra C 12043
                                        Yes my daughter will have our dog. He's 15 years old next month so I don't think he will be with us much longer. I'm not looking forward to that day. Would maybe just continue with helping with the rescue dogs so we don't have to worry.
                                        • Bugalugs
                                          I don't have a pet now
                                          • Judy CH
                                            My brother would take our dog and look after him, our daughter loves animals but wouldn't be able to give him the time he needs, he is really good doesn't touch food that isn't for him, doesn't wander and is really gentle even though he is quite big, even moves for me when I say mother coming through!
                                            • Priscilla R 316016
                                              No pets to worry about, but a timely reminder from Larry S about our digital footprint arrangements.
                                              • Rose S 88496
                                                I don’t own a pet but my hubby does and my daughter would be the person he would expect to look after them
                                                • Paul J 94868
                                                  My son will look after my pets once i'm gone...
                                                  • Larry S 382961
                                                    I don’t have pets but I heard a very important message in a radio discussion last week. We all need a valid legal will BUT we also need to address WHO/ WHAT controls our digital footprint when we go. That means who has access to your emails,Facebook or other social media sites. I have 5 emails that I use for various things ( like being here) and Facebook. So we all need to make a list of sites and passwords to make the task easier for the next person to handle. The discussion also said that social media sites can sit dormant with no use but can be open to hackers getting personal details for illegal activities.
                                                    • Pooja R
                                                      No pet.
                                                      • CHERRY BLOSSOM
                                                        we have no pets so no worries.
                                                        • Amber 22
                                                          hope i can leve some good to my son hope there is after and good
                                                          • Martin R 125460
                                                            no more pets as we are both getting on
                                                            • Maree C 80174
                                                              my daughter will take of my dog
                                                              • Alex H 487498
                                                                It's important to know for myself
                                                                • Nathalie P 533127
                                                                  Not yet!??
                                                                  • Sonya F 68771
                                                                    No pets at the moment hoping to travel more in the future
                                                                    • Linda C
                                                                      I have the sweetest little friend and companion in my dog and everyone loves her. I have asked my son if I pass before she does to look after her as he loves dogs and her as well. I have also had this written into my will so there will be no arguments or missunderstandings.
                                                                      • Henry W 362692
                                                                        We had cats & a dog but unfortunately our Pomeranian went out through a open gate somebody picked him up,gone,the 2 cats were getting old one losing his bodily functions had to be euthanised the other cat again disappeared when we did a sea change decided no more pets as we are too far from family & we have been travelling around the quite regularly except the current situation,but still love animals.
                                                                        • View all 3 replies
                                                                        • mary c
                                                                          ohhh who would take your dear Pom..i have a wee pom...such sweeties.
                                                                        • Henry W 362692mary c
                                                                          We were heartbroken as he was losing his sight but managed to sniff his way around obstacles
                                                                        • mary cHenry W 362692
                                                                          So sorry :(
                                                                      • della w 509858
                                                                        we have a senior dog aged 13 and he is our baby- we know one day he will go over the rainbow bridge-his health is not that good anymore but for us- quality of life will be main priority for him- no suffering. We do not have any family members or friends who we can leave our pet if anything ever happens to us. I am not prepared to take on another dog because of this. I do not think I can go through losing a pet again. Already dreading the day our baby will leave us
                                                                        • View all 5 replies
                                                                        • Viola
                                                                          I feel for you. Our dog was like our baby too. We lost her a few years ago due to health issues. The vet said it was best to get her put to sleep so she didn't suffer and it was heart breaking for us. We would have loved to get another one but we decided that day we couldn't go through that again plus we are getting older and we're worried that we might not be around long enough.
                                                                        • della w 509858Viola
                                                                          such a heart-wrenching decision- must have been so hard for you.
                                                                        • Violadella w 509858
                                                                          It was very hard. In the end we had to do what was best for her. I still think about her sometimes and occasionally I get the bug to get another dog but at our age it's difficult. In 10 years we may be in a retirement home and can't take our dog with us which would also be heart breaking.
                                                                        • della w 509858Viola
                                                                          I am sure you do- will be the same when ours go over the rainbow bridge- how can we ever forget them when they have been such a big part of our lives-they are our fur babies
                                                                        • mary cViola
                                                                          do some homes take wee doggies?
                                                                      • Stephen F 84899
                                                                        Put it into the will
                                                                        • Frank N
                                                                          My family will look after them
                                                                          • barbara p 90052
                                                                            we got both our cats from the RSPCA and they will either go there or my daughter will take them
                                                                            • Grommie
                                                                              Grommie has said he wants to be repatriated to London, Hamleys shop in particular where we bought him from. I think that can be arranged without difficulty
                                                                              • Roslyn A
                                                                                There is no doubt that my granddaughter will take care of the budgie, she loves him
                                                                                • Melanie H 494607
                                                                                  I never thought of that. Thank you. I will put something in place.
                                                                                  • Elizabeth J 447888
                                                                                    No. I do wonder though. If my husband goes first we have two cats that have nothing to do with me. I guess they would just have to get used to me.
                                                                                    • Denise E 319573
                                                                                      If you leave something to the RSPCA in your will, If you pass away and have pets they will take them and look after them until they can find a new home for them to go to. Great idea to take the worry away if you have nowhere else for them to go. You just need to contact the RSPCA to set this up. Peace of mind for a small donation after you are gone.
                                                                                      • Teresa C 190104
                                                                                        If my husband and I were to go our cats would go with our daughter and our dogs would go to our sons. My daughter helped hand raise our cats so they have a special connection and my sons love spending time with our dogs.
                                                                                        • Catalina
                                                                                          Oh, no! But I think and hope that my dog will be with my friend as they love each other and my friend will take him if I’m gone. He was with him while I was in hospital. I must make it sure, thanks for the question!
                                                                                          • Chosen
                                                                                            Frankly I think I would have slightly more important things to arrange and think about.
                                                                                            • mary c
                                                                                              you don't have pets?
                                                                                          • Sheree T
                                                                                            My daughter will take my fur baby. My fur baby loves seeing her and although she may fret for me I hope with all my heart she will be ok.
                                                                                            • kristian s 513441
                                                                                              I don't have dogs or any other pets.
                                                                                              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                I barely tolerant homo sapiens and pets (to me - based on personal observation) need more attention an care then homo sapiens. Other words, I don't have any type of pet and will not be adopting a pet in the twilight years (which is right now for me) of my LIFE !
                                                                                                • Linda C
                                                                                                  My dog is not a lap dog but a companion. I prefer her to most humans. I lost my last dog to a snake and thought I would never get another. That was 12 years ago. I lasted about 8 months and then went searching for another one and this little girl won my heart at first sight. If she goes before me though I will not be getting another animal. I think you are or are not a person who likes animals
                                                                                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERLinda C
                                                                                                  I got ATTACKED by a dog when I was young - I had to take a series of rabies shots (twenty-six shots in the stomach). If my parents did not have the money for the rabies shots - I would have die! I DEFINITELY do not like pets (any type of pet).
                                                                                              • robinr c
                                                                                                no i haven't but it's a very good idea
                                                                                                • Rosemary E 383382
                                                                                                  I know of a dog that fretted so much she made herself really sick even though the daughter of the lady who took her in had seen her every day, also the daughter's dog. They played together at her Mum's place during the week. Despite the daughter's best intentions her Mum's dog refused to drink at all and developed kidney failure. In desperation she had even tried to get the dog to take water from a spoon.

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