Discussion of the Day
There has never been a better time to become an entrepreneur!
Johana C11-Nov-20
Remote work is here to stay for most people. At least until they find a vaccine for the Coronavirus. Everyone is trying to find a way to make money online. And so many people are turning to eCommerce. Will you be trying new online ventures to bring in cash?
  • Ivan S 396292
    If most of people have no money you can't get money if you trying online or any other way.
    • adrienne H 312549
      no way i have a well paid job that i love without the stress of trying to get customers, dealing with ATO, banks etc
      • meredith j - NZ
        Ahhh no
        • Mary M 89759
          There is always a good time to become an entrepreneur. You have to want it
          • Dimitri T 100433
            it depends on your age?
            • Joe B 288252
              Doesn’t matter how bad a situation is, someone will be making a fortune out of it, lol
              • Anneliese
                For some. Depends what type of work.
                • roger l 315504
                  Scanwatch seems to suggest that the most prolific 'small businesses' on-line seem to be scams.
                  • Sonya F 68771
                    I am retired no chance want to be on holidays every day with no worries
                    • lynda e 390007
                      Owing your own business is one of the most stressful things in my life I've owned 2 one succesful 1 not. I'm not tempted by a 3rd oppertunity now in these turmoil times.
                      • Taffy
                        Good way to lose money if you are not savy
                        • nina m 212027
                          not me
                          • Glenys C
                            There is always a place for entrepreneurs but not everyone is suited. Some jobs need to be done to keep the world going.
                            • Chosen
                              I always tell any official that my occupation is an " Entrepreneur " and then I watch them try and spell it. Good game.
                              • Grommie
                                • Colin L 88398
                                  No as everyone else is and it is a great way to go Bankrupt.
                                  • Paul J 94868
                                    Good ideas are always good ideas...
                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                      • Luna
                                        I just sell products on Redbubble but it's more or a hobby since I can't make a full time job out of it. Other than that I don't know what else I could do.
                                        • Henry W 362692
                                          Too late in life to try new adventures but wish all entrepreneurs good luck
                                          • Katzeye
                                            If you can dream it then you can do it!..I make Jewellery as a wee side line hobby/business, which I sold though a local shop until covid hit!!!! so my goal for next year is to get my business up and running online.
                                            • View all 6 replies
                                            • Lyn 78550
                                              All the best with this venture Annette. Lyn.
                                            • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                              It is called: "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." - do not the name of individual who came up with the concept - the best in your business venture - LOL!!!!!
                                            • Mopos
                                              Agree Lyn B, all the best Annette! C.
                                            • KatzeyeLyn 78550
                                              Thank you so much Lyn!
                                            • KatzeyeMopos
                                              Thank you so much!
                                            • KatzeyeBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                              Thank you so much Walter!
                                          • Leanne B 76015
                                            No I think the true entrepreneurs did it without the advantages we have today
                                            • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                              Like - TRUE
                                          • Margaret C 77490
                                            Yea so true i think making money online is definitely good idea and ecommerce as the money you make from that you can put into another bussiness ,buy houses and become property investor. Theirs more than 1 way for that to happen
                                            • Chuckles
                                              How many more Apps can the world put up with.
                                              • Stephen F 84899
                                                Totally agree all my work is done remotely. With covid 19 on us I have found that I still get alot of work remotely. It was the best thing I did.
                                                • Sandra C 12043
                                                  Starting up a new business is not for the faint hearted. It involves long hours of work, no paid super, no sick days pay, no holidays, high insurance costs and too much government red tape and charges. Been there with two of us having our own businesses and then helped son start up his own business.
                                                  • Mary M 329762
                                                    Its real up to you. If you want to start a business online don't listen to others. As long as you happy thw job you have. All business is the lucky how will follow its. Be happy be healthy and be yourself that the main thing.
                                                    • Bugalugs
                                                      • GRAEME W 313058
                                                        Up to 90% of all new ventures fail in the first 12 months
                                                        • James B 70778
                                                          • Kim N 285099
                                                            businessmanbusinesswomanbusiness person
                                                            • Claude H
                                                              NO. In hate on line shopping
                                                              • Robert nsw
                                                                sounds good if you think you have an i dare you think will work
                                                                • doug m 408074
                                                                  sounds tempting but as a govt employee all my life I'm a bit anxious!
                                                                  • David L 76026
                                                                    I'm not sure.
                                                                    • Aisha A 379399
                                                                      Thinking about it.
                                                                      • Merril E

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