Discussion of the Day
Who's happy with their life, the cards they have been dealt, the position they are in
boy blunder25-Mar-23
I'm a 60-year-old grandfather and along with my wife we share guardianship of our 3 grandchildren with my daughter, we have a total of 8 living in a 4 bedroom, our house is uncharted chaos, every day is a new direction, and we 2 people high on the autistic spectrum one is 6 and 1 is 40, my daughter has a tumour in the brain, there are multiple issues we deal with daily, my problem is this why do people say how do you cope, why do you live in chaos, why do you live day by day, yet they all come back again, and again because they love the freedom, and they love the love we hand out, they love the effort we put in, I love my life, I love the position I am in, to see the improvement we have made in our grandson at 3 they said he would never talk, he is 6 and now going to school, and to know I was a part in that is the most rewarding thing I have ever done, god bless and be the reason someone smiles today
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