Discussion of the Day
AncestryDNA and 23andMe
Elizabeth J15-Jul-22
DNA kits are useful for discovering your roots, as well as identifying potential health conditions. I have never heard of 23andMe until it came up when I Googled Ancestry DNA. I am really keen to have this done but my cousin feels it is a bit dodgy. I guess she means mad scientist somewhere down the track using our DNA without our permission for research for God know what.
I am just really interested in my family roots. I would rather not know if I had the likelihood of some terrible disease. We have a doozy of a 'skeleton in the closet' with my grandfather born in the early 1800s. We have a birth certificate and a marriage certificate, but no death certificate. I am hoping that, on the odd chance, something might turn up.
I was wondering if any of my fellow Rewardians have had this done or know of anyone who has had it done and if there has been any interesting results.
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