Discussion of the Day
What would your kids do, if no electronic devices were available?
I kept wondering what would happen if there were no electronic devices for the young kids of today, (10 and under) so my son and daughter-in-law tested the theory to see what would happen, so for a complete day they took away the devices (did not charge) and the TV was not working (took it off the main plug).
At the beginning they were angry, and it did take about an hour, but they all went outside, played any thing and everything they could find, some cricket, riding their bikes, played a couple of board games, the "I'm bored" comments did come randomly but mum and dad ignored and gave another option to go to park for a couple of hours, by the end of the day they had a hardy appetite, energy used up, were ready to read a book and go to bed. It was amazing it brought me back to the time I grew up and my children who grew up mostly without electronic devices.
A successful decision that has now become mandatory for a couple of days per week and has worked wonders for all the kids
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