Discussion of the Day
House prices
Mahina C20-Mar-22
Do you think that the property market will keep rising, and if so, how do you think the generations today and upcoming will be able to afford housing?
  • helen g 324397
    i think thaat the up coming of new genrations will not be able to afford their own home and even for some the rental market is getting hader and hader to achieve also
    • Lale Y
      Unfortunately yes it will keep rising I feel for the young generation
      • Kristina
        My son just bought his first home a few months ago and yes the prices are ridiculous. It took them a year to finally get a house because every time they put in a bid, it was swept up right away.
        • Loz C
          Yes, as it relies on supply and demand. It is concerning where the future saturation point in $ will be, considering home owners and Real Estate firms expect profits on each resale. Today, House and Land packages are an affordable way for some to own their own home and having a two income household.
          • lulu
            Everything will keep rising
            • marianna R
              Yes they will keep going up and the next generation will have to enter the market early or miss out
              • marianna R
                Yes they will keep going up and the next generation will have to enter the market early or miss out
                • Imperia S
                  In a way yes, because we are going to have a house on the market soon so for my son's sake I hope he gets a good price
                  • DENIS PONCH
                    YES because we have more people and less housing. My grand daughter just moved into a 2 bedroom house l told her that she would have to pay an extra $60,000 over the price that was offered and looking at the house about $15,000 to fix it up, so that becomes a very expensive house. That is what the young people have to pay, so people on a average wage with a couple of kids have no hope of buying a house.60 years ago l worked 3 jobs to get a house We moved in with 2 kids an a card table and your beds. That is life people. D Ponch
                    • Margaret B 429563
                      Housing has become so hard for anyone to get - whether it be a rental or a purchase. Wages have gone up slightly over the years but the expectations of many have eclipsed their affordability dramatically. In my day, you moved out of home into a furnished place, when you could afford it, you moved into an unfurnished place and bought furniture from the Op Shop/Charity shop and then moved up the housing ladder from there. Sadly nowadays, everyone wants the biggest and the best quality items in the biggest house they can get - affordability is a rude word that no one wants to use! It makes it very hard for many people who are on a lower income, including pensioners, trying to rent nowadays - most owners are out to make a quick buck and build up their portfolio at the expense of those who cannot afford to do so. Unfortunately, the greed revolution of the 80's has caused a state of homelessness for many and I fear the homeless numbers will increase as rents continue to rise.
                      • Paula J 395266
                        House prices will drop as the interest rates rise. They always do and the demand has cooled over the past few months.
                        • matthew f 520557
                          Of course they will keep rising along with everything else, due to the current hyperinflation occurring throughout the world ??...as for myself and future generations?
                          • Pat C 618241
                            I think young people have too great an expectancy. Who decided about a decade ago that everyone should have a huge 4 bedroom house that gobbles up all available land. The developers?
                            • PETER M 134659
                              by not much
                              • Ruth v
                                Yes I think it will keep rising. I think the generation coming up will have to inherit property from Parents.
                                • MoB
                                  It has never been easy to purchase your first home. Saving for furniture and other comforts was part and parcel of owning a home. Now everyone wants everything now. They want to start in a four bed house fully furnished and don't want to wait and save for things as we did in the past. It has never been easy to purchase a first home. If you work hard and save hard you will get there. However, you can't go out partying every weekend, spend money like water and expect to purchase a first home.
                                  • John b 479999
                                    Will be hard to afford
                                    • Robert F 394992
                                      No, not with raising inflation and interest rates.
                                      • Lones
                                        By not keeping up with the joneses, living within there means will be tough, but like past generations of family making sacrifices and saving they may or may not be home owners in the future
                                        • Peter A 92990
                                          High house prices in part are due to high incomes, large houses, and wanting to have it all, when young. Builders respond with 40 sq houses, instead of 12 sq houses, so what is expensive? The larger the house the greater the environmental footprint. So why so many big houses??
                                          • Dimitri T 100433
                                            House prices always rise as per my experience having lived in Sydney (40 years & rising at 7% pa) & now in Auckland(10% pa) since 1997. It was always hard to buy 1st home.
                                            • Maria B 89860
                                              These poor excuse for houses are being built so fast and furious for sale at exorbitant prices which the everyday person just cannot affort, that I'm seeing someone cashes up buying a whole street of them and turning them into boarding house, like they had in the old days!!!!
                                              • Helen L 750218
                                                Yes i think it will. Unless there's another financial crash. I think the only way these days is if families pool their money together and buy a property together.
                                                • Igor A
                                                  Something wrong with the money supply. Inflation.
                                                  • Jacqueline R 353303
                                                    Crazy prices these days the majority if us are on low wages just impossible to save for these over the top prices. Brisbane used to be affordable then the southerners sold up got a great price, came to Qld could buy a nice place & have money over. Now prices in Brisbane are just silly. Feel sorry for my grandkids will have to wait for me to die then maybe get a deposit for a home.
                                                    • Tammy B 129093
                                                      My partner & I are both in low paying basic jobs & have been saving for 5 years to buy a little farm house. We only just had enough deposit, then prices went through the roof & people started moving from the cities to the country because of covid etc. Now we are so far behind again I think we'll never have our own place, our wages haven't moved & saving is getting harder with all the price rises. Hoping prices will go back down.
                                                      • Kamila P
                                                        We bought our house in 2016 today we are able to sell it about $250.000 more. Good for sellers and very sad for buyers..
                                                        • Terry S 676925
                                                          So many youngsters today want it all and they want it NOW - a Kardashian lifestyle - a large house with four-bedrooms, each with a bathroom. They see houses on TV shows that some families live in and feel this is the norm. They don't see the couples working and then coming home and cleaning, despite it all looking spic and beautiful. Then they have their babies and then want Kardashian weddings and they spend the next two years argueing about the unpaid bills before they divorce!! Just like the Kardashians!! The poor children will have this as a pattern for life - oh dear.
                                                          • Cathie G
                                                            Young people these days have to learn you cannot have everything straight off you have to wait and save, you need 2 incomes to afford a house and have to put off having children for a few years like we did
                                                            • Greg B 520364
                                                              I bought my first house in 1970 I was earning $63 a week. I sold it 47 years later For $550000 I was earning $1650 a week. You can do the sums. the cost of living goes up the cost of houses goes up
                                                              • Bung,
                                                                We did the same in 1972, and wages much the same. Agree with your what you say totally. Our home was bare when we moved in. Floorboards, bare not polished, carpet mats in bedrooms only, home made curtains, hot plates only, washing machine (2nd hand). We worked hard to buy with cash, and we still managed to sell at a profit. Nothing fancy but it was our home an we worked for everything we had it it..,
                                                            • Pauline T 68358
                                                              agree with Priscilla. It has always taken commitment and frugality, and self deprivation to save for a home. I think that the young people of today, are not prepared for that. How much money is spent on a mobile phones. My mobile phone costs me $10 per month!!!!!!!
                                                              • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                Wages are also a lot higher now so perhaps not wanting the best of everything immediately might make a big difference to young people affording a home now while interests rates are lower than they have ever been before. It can be done if you have a will to do so.
                                                                • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                  Is quite high
                                                                  • Wendy Q
                                                                    Are rediculously high
                                                                    • roger l 315504
                                                                      affordability just might be improved if first home buyers were not seeking a mcmansion as their first house.
                                                                      • Gaza
                                                                        At least the interest rates are low, when I first had a mortgage they were 18.5%. Sure the houses were cheaper but so were the wages.
                                                                        • Linda C
                                                                          The market will settle down but as long as I can remember (long time) it has always been the same. How can the next generation afford housing etc. I know in my block of townhouses within 15 months the price of one unit went up by nearly $250000 which I thought ridiculous. However, it has all settled down a bit now. With all the houses ruined by the floods and fires over the past 2 years it has caused a huge problem. Public housing is practically non existent and first on the list definitely does not mean you will be housed with many waiting years and years. I think houses will become a rare commodity and units and high rises will become more of the norm. My neighbour who is renting had her rent put up $20 a few months ago and now another $50 this month. His costs have not risen I might add.
                                                                          • Basu B
                                                                            Due to changeable interest rates and the global economy, I think the property market will keep rising, and generations have to work really smart or harder than their parent's generation to keep up with the demands
                                                                            • Joedee T
                                                                              It sucks. Owner sold our rental and now we have to move in a time where no rentals are available.
                                                                              • gordy
                                                                                If you are in the market, you buy you sell the dividends are the same. Future generations are unable to buy property because everyone the older generation is investing and negative gearing with portfolios connected to their super. The cost of buying and keeping up with technology is eating up our money with iPhones and internet connection and also smart technology. The aged care sector has bought all the small home units that use to be a way for first home buyers to enter the market. Whose responsible? the Government are always involved.
                                                                                • APB
                                                                                  Everything goes up in price...buy a house just about anywhere (under normal conditions!) and you will make a minimum of 10% per annum....houses near you too expensive?....buy one somewhere else...
                                                                                  • Jenny L 591463
                                                                                    Well we sold up about 6 years ago and recently we looked to see what the prices are in the area we lived in and they are now getting over a million dollars and when we sold we got half of that price. In fact lost money selling out. So the young man who brought our place basically in 6 years has made I would say $300'000 for nothing, same house no upgrades, no swimming pool so doubt if he would get the million. You know we don't care because there's no way we could live where we were and we are so much happier where we are now. The housing market bubble will burst one of these days because it can't keep going up and house prices are ridiculously high especially in any major city.
                                                                                    • Jen S (S.A.)
                                                                                      goodness knows what will happen to property prices it will get harder for a young couple to buy a home
                                                                                      • Merci
                                                                                        property prices should stabilise as the world returns to a modicum of sanity following covid lockdowns and the normality of life we knew
                                                                                        • Lyn A.
                                                                                          most things [including house prices, interest rates] go in cycles of approx 7 years. Those who really want a house [many don't any more] can still have it.BUT they must do with out to get it [the same as most before them] Spoke with a young couple few weeks ago, said they had gone with out all luxuries [and some "so called essentials" (their words)] for 3 years to get good deposit, they are now in their new home. The biggest thing is too many want everything and they want it new. My first house nothing was new and was very minimalist with furnishings-the bare essentials.[interest rate was 18% which went to 23% within first 4 years] At least in NZ there is no stamp duty
                                                                                          • Bugalugs
                                                                                            The prices people are paying for very mediocre houses is absurd. Near our home a relatively small house, though it had 4 Tiny bedrooms & half the building was taken up with a 3-car garage - this on one of those blocks which had been transformed so that two houses were crammed in with neither having an garden or outside paly area for children - sold for almost $900,000 to which must be added Stamp Duty which probably brought it closer to $1 Million! Yes, Interest Rates are low at present but that will not, nor ever does it, last. Already Interest rates are rising and this will continue. Wages are almost stagnant so what will these people do when, as is almost inevitable, these absurd prices start to fall? they will have massive Loans to repay and the price people will be prepared to pay will be way below what these people paid. The crash will come and a lot of people will get very badly burnt.
                                                                                            • Linda C
                                                                                              Back in the 70's when I bought my first home interest rates were nearly 10% for years. We built the home and painted it inside and out ourselves, did our fences, driveway, paths etc. Over the years we got carpet but nothing really fancy in this house. The second house we also built. Again, just the basics with no internal doors, no painting, pathways, garden, fencing, carpet, flyscreens, lights, etc. We went slowly. Unfortunately, these days the people who build want everything that opens and shuts and will not go without. Too much is said about the older generation not getting out of their homes to allow the younger ones in (I find this attitude appalling). If they want a house they have to start out small and build up like we did. Don't have the fancy phones, ipads, laptops, PC's, clothes, holidays, outings all the time,cars, etc.
                                                                                          • Robert T 597718
                                                                                            Beware of increasing interest rates America England and Australia
                                                                                            • Henrietta
                                                                                              When I, my husband & 2 daughters migrated to Australia back in the 1975, the house we bought at Modbury Heights had a backgarden that you could easily have built 4 courtyard house without any trouble. Later on we purchased a house, moved in, then two months later I had a bilateral carpal tunnel operation. I was advised to make a RSI claim against the firm I was working for. The insurance company working for the firm denied the claim so I was forced into taking all annual leave plus sick leave to try & pay the mortgage. After about two months, we were trying to pay the mortgage on one wage, which was impossible. This situation lasted until July of the following year when the solicitor I had engaged took the company to court. This all happened back in the 80's when there were a lot of mortgagee sales because people had over capitilised & then couldn't afford to pay for their homes. The other side's insurance company made an offer which I took rather than go back into court & try to fight for more when I could lose what they had offered me. I immediately applied to go on the Housing Trusts' waiting list which I did do & then rented privately until my name came up to the top of the list & I was offered the house we have lived in for almost 32 years. We were on the waiting list for 4.1/2 years but now I hear that that list has grown to such proportions that you will be forever on the waiting list. It annoys me when the tabloids state how many empty houses there are & the Housing Authority not doing enough to make them habitable for people. The housing market has escalated in how much they are costing. We have heard of friends whose daughter & her partner have moved back home, originally for a year so they could save but it is taking longer than that & they are now prepared to buy further away in the suburbs because the houses are cheaper.
                                                                                              • Empress
                                                                                                We have to stop selling real estate and properties to foreign interests. Australians first! My daughter is working like a dog with two jobs to be able to get a home of her own. We shouldn't have these awful cookie cutter public housing like flats that are jumbled on to of each other. Suburbs were started so that kids could have backyards to play in and be healthy. Older people are being forced to sell the family home, to "downsize" and end up in aged care wehre they are neglected and left to die. There has to be a better way.
                                                                                                • Sonya F 68771
                                                                                                  When interest rates start to rise i think there will be many houses on the market
                                                                                                  • Martin D
                                                                                                    Sco Mo goes on about affordable housing for young Australians.....if the property value keeps going up there will be, and is right now, no affordable housing for young Aussies. This puts even more pressure on the rental market. There will be 100's of people at every rental viewing & this number will increase every time property value goes up.
                                                                                                    • Christine M 323842
                                                                                                      We will all be camping out in your backyards whether you like it or not!
                                                                                                      • Val B 69099
                                                                                                        The reserve bank has to put the interest rates up. There will be a huge crash and there will be a lot of repos. This is not the time to buy. Wait and you will get a good deal
                                                                                                        • Christina C 466456
                                                                                                          House prices will rise with inflation. There has been fluctuations throughout history but the overall trend is up. Good idea to buy a cheaper house in a smaller town as a first home buy and then get renters or flatmates to help pay the mortgage.
                                                                                                          • Joe B 288252
                                                                                                            I can’t afford to buy my own house now….lol. It cost 35k in 79 to build and I had a freehold section but it still took 2 mortgages. Prolly over 2 mil for a 3 bed 70’s house now. I really feel for the young folk nowadays
                                                                                                            • Maureen G-Melb.Vic.
                                                                                                              It is crazy what has happened to the property market, and no I think our grandchildren are going to find it hard to buy a property unless they get some help from parents.
                                                                                                              • Jania S
                                                                                                                Prices will rise, because the end goal is that no one but the elites own anything, remember WEF plan.... you will own nothing and love it... and it will come. so may fell for the scamdemic, with no evidence,and now the Ukrainian misinformation, a country divided in two by USA colour revelution in 2014 but too many who too busy watching idiotbox
                                                                                                                • Luke W 72035
                                                                                                                  Janet Yellen.
                                                                                                                  • Linda Humby
                                                                                                                    And when did HNZ stop letting any low-income family apply for a rental if the state? I've seen fraudsters get a 2nd hnz home and laugh about it, and I've seen people crammed into unrealistic emergency housing, and end up going private after 2 years of empty promises. The whole system needs an overhaul. There is bias in all companies and organizations everywhere. We have to work hard to find the good people, but they are there. I have also seen miracles.
                                                                                                                    • Matt M 461986
                                                                                                                      It's hard to see a situation where the prices drop, at least not for any extended period of time. Whatever happens to house prices though, forget about rents doing anything but going up
                                                                                                                      • Neville I
                                                                                                                        I believe that the properety market has started to plateau. Houses are taking longer to sell . Property seems to work on a 7 year cycle, rising non-stop for 7 years, then dropping down for a similar period but not down to the level of the previous cycle.
                                                                                                                        • Tupulua S
                                                                                                                          House prices are unaffordable for the first home buyer, let alone trying to raise a deposit to qualify for the bank loan. The experts say the housing market is cooling down, but still does NOT help first home buyers, With the war in Europe everything are rising up for the future
                                                                                                                          • Colin L 88398
                                                                                                                            Quite simply it can not continue to rise at anywhere near it's current rate. Only a Fool or Politician would think that it is sustainable to be the way it is now let alone continue unchecked into the future.
                                                                                                                            • SueM2
                                                                                                                              I suspect the housing market will implode shortly, burning the fingers of a lot of people, but probably the innocent most..
                                                                                                                              • Paul B 522937
                                                                                                                                House prices go up and down who knows what will happen in the future
                                                                                                                                • Sheree T
                                                                                                                                  Interest rates will rise which brings the selling market down. And all the ones who paid out a lot of money for the houses they bought will financially struggle.
                                                                                                                                  • Linda Humby
                                                                                                                                    Private homes. They won't. It's going to be a new world . The house owners will be come obsolete. It's actually a scary thought.
                                                                                                                                    • Grommie
                                                                                                                                      But with the market currently retracting, and a “perfect storm” brewing of rising interest rates, tighter lending, and rising inflation, what do you think is happening?
                                                                                                                                      • Grommie
                                                                                                                                        They will inherit your house. That's pretty much the way Europe has operated now for years.
                                                                                                                                        • Linda Humby
                                                                                                                                          True. But divided by 3 or more in a lot of trusts. People might start buying houses in groups. That could be worth looking into.
                                                                                                                                      • Frank N
                                                                                                                                        It's actually falling at the moment where we live
                                                                                                                                        • Lorraine M 615327
                                                                                                                                          Yes is rising heaps here where I live it's gone up everything is going up food gas housing I'll never be able to afford a house of my own
                                                                                                                                          • Ek M
                                                                                                                                            like many things , your younger generation will be doing things differently, I'd just be happy for people to have a roof over their head, but a liveable one, not the ramshackle ones some people are forced to live in
                                                                                                                                            • Ann H 652541
                                                                                                                                              If you can find a good house and you can afford catch it.
                                                                                                                                              • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                                                                I really don't know
                                                                                                                                                • Jane M 438289
                                                                                                                                                  I hope not and I also would like to see some new build neighborhoods for regular people. Just 3 or 4 beds 2 bath and a single garage. Just basic family homes on quarter acre lots.
                                                                                                                                                  • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                                                                  • Ek M
                                                                                                                                                    jeepers, when I was young an average house was 2 to 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, do we now expect to much for our money
                                                                                                                                                  • Denise E 319573Ek M
                                                                                                                                                    I totally agree. Our first house was exactly as you described, with 3 small bedrooms, one bathroom and no extra rooms. It was usually just the two of you, so why need 2 bathrooms. It generally needed renovating and once you did it up, you sold and moved up the ladder. These days they expect the first house to be on the top rung of the ladder. When did this happen? I remember being so proud of our run down first house because we saw the potential in it and we did most of the work ourselves. It was really hard work and most of it, I had never done before, but the pride, satisfaction and huge capital gains was so worth it. I don't think this happens today and it is a real shame.
                                                                                                                                                  • Jane M 438289Ek M
                                                                                                                                                    I am speaking more for my area. I live in an area where there are mostly custom builds with much more than I described. It is really just about building homes that are affordable and in safe areas.
                                                                                                                                                  • Jane M 438289Ek M
                                                                                                                                                    The reason I say at least 3 bedrooms is because resale is hard on 2 and I only give one full and one half bath just because sometimes you just need to go and can't wait. My family when I was a child only had one.
                                                                                                                                                • gloria N 666866
                                                                                                                                                  Yes I think the prices will keep going up. With all the people coming from overseas and the people living here in the U.S. wanting to live in a house. Then the demand for house will go up and sellers can charge high prices.
                                                                                                                                                  • gloria N 666866
                                                                                                                                                    As long as there are flippers the house prices will keep going up. They slap on a coat of paint and then sell the house for a lot more then they paid for it. They are causeing many neighborhoods to see a rise it rent and the price of homes going up. These flippers are taking over neighborhoods. and sending out notices to home owner that they want to buy your home. They call and send notices saying they want to buy your home. I think that parents will be more home bound with children and grandchildren moving in. It may be the only way that there will be away to pay for food and the things we will need. The kids moving back home with parents. In many cases I think it will be more of a nightmare to have kids move back home with there kids.
                                                                                                                                                    • Julie K 348980
                                                                                                                                                      Housing affordability was difficult 50 years ago and nothing has changed.
                                                                                                                                                      • Chosen
                                                                                                                                                        Bank of Mum and Dad.
                                                                                                                                                        • David L 76026
                                                                                                                                                          Regrettably yes whilst property investors get huge taxation concessions.
                                                                                                                                                          • Darla T
                                                                                                                                                            If prices for other essentials continue to go up, buying a house may become out of reach which would in theory cause the prices to come down a bit in order for the seller to be able to sell. If people are focused on eating, they forget about buying a house.
                                                                                                                                                            • KARL-HANS B
                                                                                                                                                              not mutch longer when the intrest rates are going up house prices will go down
                                                                                                                                                              • Luke W 72035
                                                                                                                                                                In theory.
                                                                                                                                                            • Pam G 449028
                                                                                                                                                              If the property market keeps rising it will only be the wealthy that will be able to purchase a home.
                                                                                                                                                              • Nola B 392757
                                                                                                                                                                Same way as we did...work for it, borrow within your means, don't expect your first house to be a mansion and do your homework. Yes, they will always keep rising at about 10% a year but I believe in AU there will be one more property boom in 2022. I bought a cheap house in 2004, walking distance to all services (which is great in the current climate) and a corner block (developers love). It's currently worth a half a mil but I would never sell because its my forever home.
                                                                                                                                                                • clifford s
                                                                                                                                                                  its getting out oh hand with 900 families on the sunshine coast cant fimd any rentals
                                                                                                                                                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                                                                    Will future generations be able to afford housing in the USA? YES! Will future generations be able to buy a house, condo, or suite in the USA? NO! However, the present generation cannot afford afford to buy a house, condo, or suite (NOW)! Unless future generations want to live in unenlightened states that are part of the USA - that have lousy minimum wages (ongoing into the future) - then the answer changes to YES (to buying a house, condo, or suite) - because buying a house, condo, suite will be (a lot) cheaper in unenlightened states!!
                                                                                                                                                                    • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                                                                      The housing market will continue to rise. Rent is so high now, you might as well buy.

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