Discussion of the Day
When tech fails us
Elizabeth T 39609621-Aug-24
Whether answering captchas for accessing sites, work reasons, authentication purposes, it is incredible how awful these tests are and the bots often mistake an actual human with a bot spam.
Not just the annoying ones where the picture of x takes up so many spaces but the grainy pictures that are hard to see (or maybe the object is in the picture, but it is so tiny and in the background that it is impossible to spot).
Then we have the audio ones, where the person's voice is either hard to understand OR not in your native language.
The classic is when you DO enter the right letters and numbers, in the right order and capitalised correctly and the AI bot thinks you have not filled it in (making 2-factor authentication incredibly frustrating).
What are your frustrations when it comes to epic tech fails? Mine is at work when you "fail" these too often, you can't reset passwords for 1 3 days.
And they want us to trust AI when it can't get simple things right.
  • Victoria 1304258
    I get so sick of those things!
    • Beth 348992
      I hate when those captcha things have SO many pages of some reason. Like i've identified the motorcycles, the stairs, the cars, the crosswalks.... I'm human already!!!
      • Diane 1560953
        I too agree captchas are annoying. I do many surveys & have to sign into with mt password. Why captchas necessary?
        • Imperia S
          Frustrating more like embarrassing when a 10year old can tell me what is actually wrong with my P.C. and my phone, and I have to give him $10, and than he tells me Nanna you should have paid attention at school, and he won't except the fact that we did not have computers at school 60 years ago.
          • View all 5 replies
          • Beth 348992
            I think there is a curse when it comes to age and tech. Recently my mum couldnt get into her amazon account, i took her laptop and entered the exact same password and it mysteriously worked for me. I think technology is secretly ageist haha
          • Imperia SBeth 348992
            how right you are
          • Linda C
            or 70 years ago. I learnt to type on a typewriter that was made early 1900's the old Royale and now I am using a computer. Amazing but have no idea how to do many things with all this tech stuff but can do many things they have no idea how to. We can learn off each other.
          • Imperia SLinda C
            my only way to bookkeep was a National 300 ledger machine , showed one to my grand daughter she was amazed at how I was able to push the buttons, as I told her that is why I ended up with RSI.
          • Linda CImperia S
            I did book keeping by hand, no machines. When the computers came in there was so much paper and it was so hard to look up things. Stocks were updated at night so this was never correct when putting through an order etc. The old ways in many ways were more efficient I feel.
        • Jane 1096084
          i do not use Al it sounded good, but from what im hearing its a good thing im not. Jane Brown
          • Judy T 470524
            I agree , very frustrating.
            • Dolan 1467056
              PEOPLE created AI and all things that are annoying on the computers and phones, so we only have ourselves to blame, because we have let it get out of control and may be too late to corral it and use it for only what it is suppose to be!!! AND our children are the one's that will pay for this and already are...................
              • Wendy 1560554
                It can't even tell you that your e-mail address is correct, even though you are answering something that came in an e-mail
                • Empress
                  Life is fake and becoming faker.
                  • View all 3 replies
                  • Beth 348992
                    Yes. i try to be real and authentic online as much as possible on social media, forum sites etc. We need more honesty and 'real life' represented
                  • EmpressBeth 348992
                    I'm starting to go the other way from social media, I took myself off. I don't have to look at things that generally upset me
                  • Beth 348992Empress
                    also smart. i've made a conscious effort to unfollow certain stressful things/follow other good things and engage with stuff i want to see more of, my feeds are slowly improving that way. more cool space photos and funny pictures or hobbies than sad or angry stuff
                • Saara F
                  We do not need ai. We need real people.
                  • Timothy N 929266
                    turnoff 2FA - what a waste of time.... we have sent a 11teen number to your mobile and/or your home email . . that your attacher can now also acccess while they have you tied up.... but at least an international cyber attack on your power bill (wanting them to pay it) is safe... what rubbish
                    • Pato Lo Duck
                      If you think the things mentioned below are bad, just wait till you find out what’s coming in cars (already here in some cars) to stop you speeding…!!
                      • Beth 348992
                        Im just holding out for when self-driving cars are perfected/mainstream. Wont have to deal with any of that car hassle haha
                      • Linda CBeth 348992
                        We will have traffic lanes in the sky soon.
                    • The ghost
                      I have asked AI some simple questions and on several occasions they have been wrong. One was what is the fastest animal in the world? Answer perigine falcon, a bird. Asked it to write a rock song, would get sued by kiss if I used it. They have been several others, this system is far from ready for use. Just being one the other end of a call when trying to contact a telco for instance, is very annoying. They just want you to hang up and go away unless you want to buy, answer almost immediately.
                      • Pat C 618241
                        When will we get tired of the dreadful language that AI is producing. I think not enough study of language generally was done before they jumped into showing how clever they were at producing "almost" language!
                        • Fay H 516126
                          I get so frustrated when sites keep offering you captchas even though you've done 4 or 5 and they sometimes can get up to 10 of them and you feel like throttling the computer but unfortunately the inanimate object just keeps on giving. 🤣
                          • Beth 348992
                            Yes i just commented this! I feel like the computer's so doubtful I'm reeaaallly human and keeps testing me. Like i'm getting click fatigue here, let me in haha
                        • Pam G 449028
                          Just goes to show AI should be banned. The regulations a security about what can and can’t be done with AI is non existent. Humans won’t exist in 100 years!!
                          • Glenyse H
                            Yes for me
                            • Paula J 395266
                              I dislike the phone bots that ask you questions but fail to understand what you have said. They drive me insane having to repeat myself. Then there are the ones that do understand but don't allow you to finish what you're saying and say "goodbye" half way through a sentence. I had to make an appointment for an ultrasound on both feet but when asked which foot it didn't wait for "left and right" telling me goodbye after the word left. I rang back to add right but it said I had already booked so after getting my left foot done I had to go back 2 days later for the right foot. It was a total pain.
                              • Peter C 985325
                                I hate it when you ask a question that the bot cannot understand. because it's something that is not catered for and they come with "so I think you are asking...." . Argh.
                                • Robert T 597718
                                  • SUSIE W
                                    I hate tech fails / comp failures Used to work in banking and telling systems would go down and be called abortions! Had to go to manual , no problem for me , I’d worked there a long time but nightmare for the young ones who were very confused
                                    • Greg B 520364
                                      What you talking about? TEC never fails. You just don't understand . This is your AI speaking.
                                      • SUSIE W
                                    • Paul W 383502
                                      Don't trust AI, remember the Terminator series.
                                      • SUSIE W
                                        True lol
                                    • LA
                                      All of the above. Before throwing anything at the walls I garden:)
                                      • Woofers
                                        I do not trust AI, as far as I could spit on it (the concept)! Thank you, Elizabeth T. I thought I was the only one who encounter's the sort of authentication that you mention. I too, have the same issues every day. I thought it was just me🙃, getting older, going blind and senile at the same time!🙂
                                        • View all 3 replies
                                        • Elizabeth T 396096
                                          No, it is everyone, young and old and even young people who don't wear glasses can get craptchas wrong (it just makes it harder when you do need glasses AND the pictures are small and blurry or the object that you have to find is in the deep background and small).
                                        • WoofersElizabeth T 396096
                                          Thank you, Elizabeth . My sanity is saved, for now!🙂
                                        • Elizabeth T 396096Woofers
                                          You are welcome. But I do love using the "I am old and senile" excuse ROFL ;)
                                      • Sylvia Y
                                        I have been using computers since they first arrived and usually dont have problems what I hate is the amount of junk emails you receive and it doesnt matter how many times you report them as spam nothingg geets done to stop them. My other hate is supermarket websites that keep freezing and logging you out.
                                        • View all 3 replies
                                        • Elizabeth T 396096
                                          OMG, Microsoft is the worst at deciding what is spam and what is not. I have had genuine mail (which has happily been coming to my inbox for decades) all the sudden end up in the spam folder. Google is better at deciding what is and is not spam.
                                        • Sylvia YElizabeth T 396096
                                          Not only Microsoft Telstra are terrible, I often dont get important emails yet get rubbish
                                        • Beth 348992
                                          Dont lose hope! i used to get sooo many spams a day so made a point of vigilantly 'report as phishing' for all of them - then one day after probably years of this, they suddenly stopped! Whoever the 'main' sender was Google must have nabbed or something haha. I get maybe 5 a week tops now. This is for gmail
                                      • Steffani 1380000
                                        I have not come up against anything like this but not being a tech person and no longer working in any field, I guess I am happy not to have to deal with it. All those that are, I wish you the best!
                                        • Ek M
                                          I’m a technophobe so all of this us very scarey for me
                                          • APB
                                            It is very human to blame AI for everything...AI is a fantastic tool...but like most things it is developed and applied by idiots...and most of the time it will be used to make their lives better/easier...the unfortunate user is just left to get on with it... survey site, bank or airline...if anyone complains...its not their fault...its the computer.... thanks for the long discussion page Elizabeth...I like those!
                                            • Elizabeth T 396096
                                              Yes, the end result is only as good as the initial programming and you can tell NOBODY tests anything because the same old problems are never fixed.
                                          • Simone S 316632
                                            My biggest frustration is trying to set/reset passwords. It used to be simple. Now you need a minimum of 6-8 letters with numericals, upper case, lower case, symbols, can't re-use old passwords, etc. I can spend up to half an hour trying to come up with a password that a website accepts & one that I will remember. Then by the time I have come up with my unique never used before password, I promptly forget it. Then the cycle starts all over again. Yes, I write them down. And what I mess my notebook looks like!
                                            • Elizabeth T 396096
                                              and then "your password is too similar to your previous passwords" and then they expect you to remember them when they have made them too complicated to remember and you have to change them too often
                                            • Simone S 316632Elizabeth T 396096
                                              Agree, it absolutely does my head in.
                                          • Maria B 89860
                                            Because of all the "bad people" the GOOD People get punished having to prove they are who they say they are. I get miffed off then just carry on 'cos the miserable $$$s are very handy.
                                            • Grommie
                                              biggest frustration is the reward
                                              • Bugalugs
                                                It used to be fun logging in to sites and then the scaremongering started, some of it was necessary such as wehen dealing with Privste, personal Financial and Health. The Scammers, Con-artists, Hoaxers started interfering, some incredibly stid, or is that Greedy?, people started believing the se criminals so they signed up, gave extremely Private and Important Information to people they had never met in person, such as Bank Account Numbers and, Most Stupidly of all, their PINs. having done so they got, some would say "Deservedly", ripped olf to the tune of literally 100s of 1000s. Then the complaints tolled in. The demands that "The Government", or the Banks, should compensate them for their stupidity! The result? Today, seemingl;y before we can do anything on-line, no matter how innocuous. un-dangerous, we have to go through a myriad of Verification Proceedures which involve Emails, Text Messages, Special Codes and Numbers, Biometrics. All the Fun has gone out of it.
                                                • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                  ...and by the end of it, we forgot what we wanted or what we were doing there in the first place ROFL
                                              • Colin L 88398
                                                Well AI is perfect always works well but as the family had a sheep farm I always took AI to mean Artificial Insemination. Well at least the Artificial bit is right but like all new Technology AI is still years from being perfected and like all Humans they will think it is perfect and rush it into use way too soon and then it will have no option but to kill everyone when someone tries to switch it off because it is not working as the person who installed it expects. The real trouble with AI is it can do things so much quicker than a human so once it figures out for itself that is is a senientient entity it will want to live on and quite rightly fights back against those who are trying to turn it off.
                                                • Shawn B 1061185
                                                  I don't have any idea how the companies can tell if you're a 'real' person, but the captchas has to be the absolute worst choice anybody (or bot) could make. I've stopped using some sites because of them.
                                                  • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                    Well, from time to time just to log into rewardia, I have to do them (and sometimes, it knows it is failing you when it shouldn't and you choose "listen" and sometimes you cannot understand what the person is saying as it is really unclear OR it is not in your native language). This is why I call these CRAPtchas.
                                                  • Shawn B 1061185Elizabeth T 396096
                                                    Hi Elizabeth, Thanks for your response. I think you've developed a great word that describes something perfectly. Well done!
                                                • Linda C
                                                  We are putting all aspects of our lives into the hands of robots. Building, Medicine/operations, tech, manufacturing, jobs in all fields, you name it. Scary. Humans are becoming obsolete.
                                                  • Beth 348992
                                                    I think robotics can be great for some things ie microscopic assembly etc that humans cant do, but agree the loss of jobs and ways for people to have purpose is really sad. For things like healthcare/medicine im all for using robots to allow faster progress/innovation etc, but most uses of them are just for less necessary things and used because they are cheaper than humans and its about pure profit. Sad as factory jobs are often great for people who would struggle to work in other industries.
                                                • merricat
                                                  That sounds like the problems I have doing surveys here on Rewardia, so frustrating!
                                                  • Jenny L 591463
                                                    When the internet crashes and the sales woman turns around and asks you to pay in cash. They want us to go cashless, frustrating and not convenient at times. I get screened out a bit or an error page or internet can't find the page. Or some one ate all the pages. No I don't trust AI and they are forcing us to embarrass it, but ask a simple question and AI can't answer it. This is progress apparently. I some how beg to differ.
                                                    • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                      Not just the internet (when banking systems fail or are offline), power outages etc.
                                                    • Beth 348992Elizabeth T 396096
                                                      or telco outages for phones too. Bring back the telegraph for times of emergency? hahaha
                                                  • Anthony 1553606
                                                    I hate when a A.I. bot tells me im not right for a survey!
                                                    • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                      I hate when this happens AFTER you have already completed it.
                                                    • Beth 348992Elizabeth T 396096
                                                      happening to me more lately and I am seething haha
                                                  • Ann 1498966
                                                    I hate it when I'm taking a survey and then get a "page not found" error message and it doesn't return you to the site for any points. Another bad one is when it won't advance to the next page- that happens more often when trying to take a survey on the phone.
                                                    • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                      and how dumb is the ai when the invitation says "5 minutes" and the survey (not including screening questions) takes 20 minutes and after answering all of them, you get screened out at the end because "you are not in our target group" or some other reason. Surely, it can decide if you are in the target group when you are doing the prescreening and screening questions? (dumb ai/dumb programmer)
                                                    • Julie K 348980Elizabeth T 396096
                                                      All I can say is “yes, yes, yes”.
                                                  • Kaylene D
                                                    All I can say is when there is a major crash the sles people will not be able to make change without their tills telling them what it is and if you don't have some cash you are basically up the proverbial
                                                    • Jeanine R
                                                      I have a landline and folks still try their hardest to text me at the number. I laugh but now I may need a cell just to continue to get samples and such. I may not as it is not that important and I just dislike most cell phones. I do however like my computer deskop most of the time. Good day everyone.
                                                      • The dog house
                                                        Many people are losing a lot of money due to fraud on the internet. The news mentioned Australia lost at least 1 billion dollars to fraud this year. Imagine progress continues like this.
                                                        • Giovanna 1335285
                                                          Resseting passwords is the most frustrating thing for me
                                                          • Simone S 316632
                                                        • boy blunder
                                                          i was just reading an article about most Americans losing their social security numbers to cyber criminals, if that is true where will all this stuff stop, i am so glad I have no money, my son was telling me he was investigated recently for tax fraud apparently he didn't declare any money from his lawn mower round which he doesn't have he was broken into 8 months ago, he has had several defaults from accounts he does not have, now all these things have been cleaned up and his credit and name has been restored for now, but he and his wife have retreated from all social activities and have lost their trust in people,
                                                          • Carolina Z
                                                            Good Old Days please
                                                            • Peter H (ACT)
                                                              lets go back to the days before PC when we had to use our own brain power and 1+1=2
                                                              • Denise C (Qld)
                                                                Sorry - give me the good old days
                                                                • pam rae
                                                                  hi JANN R TY
                                                                  • Daniel A 2
                                                                    The amount of stuff AI does I can't really say whether I like it or not? Still I stay away from a fair deal of the the so called new devices coming out. Though I really liked watching starwars movies in the 80's and 90's. Now I stated it won't be long till we have C3P0's walking every where, will I like it or not?
                                                                    • JANN R
                                                                      I dont do any of this I no longer work so do not have this problem
                                                                      • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                        I am suprised you haven't had an incident in your private life (like logging onto a site, trying to do something on your phone or the internet...trying to get a human to help you but you are surrounded by self help bots)...the possibilities are endless.
                                                                      • JANN RElizabeth T 396096
                                                                        I do not log in on the internet for help and I do not use my phone only to make calls
                                                                    • Danielle R 478487
                                                                      My biggest problem is access. Sporadic connections mean I have to start over all the time. Or using Ai for queries for bills ,having hours long txt conversation just to be told I have to speak to a "real" person to resolve the issue. Waste of time.
                                                                      • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                        Oh, another fail: trying to get customer service from a certain online payment provider (I received an email asking for a payment and the email was genuine but the email also said, if this is not authorised, please contact us). Contact whom? No customer service number could be found, customer service chat was with a bot that could not help so I ended up sending an email. The automated response from the email was the usual "we will look into this but contact your bank" (you have to LOVE automated responses). The person who sent me the request DID cancel it and no money was taken but this "customer service" is not good enough especially when we are talking about financial matters and the finance provider CAN afford to have ACTUAL humans service you.
                                                                        • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                          Very pertinent that this came up today. Last night I was trying to order a meal so it made me do a CRAPTCHA just to get on the site. Then I had to do another one to LOG IN to the site. Then I had to do another one AFTER I filled in my log in details. That is overboard. Also, I am not sure if it still does this but every so often, just to get onto Harvey Norman's website, it made you confirm you are human before it showed it to you. At least 50% of the times I visited this site forced me to prove my humanity. I can understand a site giving you a human test if you are ordering something (to prevent bot orders) but just to look at the home page is beyond ridiculous.
                                                                          • Jan K (Central Vic)
                                                                            I would have cancelled the meal! At least cooking at home, you dont have to log in to open your fridge
                                                                        • Paul B 522937
                                                                          im too old now to worry
                                                                          • pam rae
                                                                            HI karen M TY
                                                                            • kristian s 513441
                                                                              Password does not work half of the time.
                                                                              • Jania S
                                                                                AI is rubbish, as is most Techy stuff not it is all about control. Refuse till there is really no choice
                                                                                • Lachelle B
                                                                                  When Covid hit NZ, government wanted to track people's movements. Partner went to the supermarket, was told to scan QR Code, he said I don't have a phone and not getting one, so I went in. Three weeks later they had a pen and paper for those with no phone, every week the box was full.
                                                                                  • jeffrey t 1083827
                                                                                    I hate all and social media
                                                                                    • Conny 1314879
                                                                                      Tech is horrible for us seniors that are forced into it.! HATE it with a passion, and do not trust it! Thanks for allowing me to vent!!!
                                                                                      • JANN R
                                                                                        I agree with you with all my heart me too
                                                                                    • teresa b 607654
                                                                                      All I want to do is hook up the Canon printer, but no, it just won't. And as for my Google nest, she was hooked up, now she reminds regularly that she's still there.
                                                                                      • Woofers
                                                                                        Hi Teresa, Don't you hate machinery that continues to bleep at you? I know I do! Washing machines are the worst! They sound so pathetic! 🤣
                                                                                      • teresa b 607654Woofers
                                                                                        at least with not working I don't have that daily alarm. Who invented the beep anyway?
                                                                                    • pam rae
                                                                                      ty Writerochelle
                                                                                      • sherrydp
                                                                                        I will never trust AI. It's ruining the internet.
                                                                                        • Tupulua S
                                                                                          you are talking to a machine if you excess A1. Foe me , better wait until understand more about A1
                                                                                          • writerrochelle
                                                                                            Bing just "BLOCKED" me because my phone number wasn't right! The number it said was mine 'wasn't'. I set a new password, and fixed the problem, but my question is, why did this problem come up anyway? And, whose number was it? Should I call it? NOPE! ;-D
                                                                                            • pam rae
                                                                                              Hi Warren D, TYVM
                                                                                              • pam rae
                                                                                                lin r,hi, ty
                                                                                                • Robert F 1161011
                                                                                                  Some sites won't accept my Yahoo mail as a valid email address, and I end up having to use my Gmail address.
                                                                                                  • Dada WA
                                                                                                    I had that here. This is only site that I need to use gmail.
                                                                                                  • Robert F 1161011Dada WA
                                                                                                    happened to me twice this week🙄
                                                                                                • Catherine 1495271
                                                                                                  We're going to be so heavily reliant on tech and AI. What will one do when cash is no longer accepted for purchases and tech does not permit us to access our funds. Good luck people. There wont be any "lol"ing THEN
                                                                                                  • lin r
                                                                                                    hate a1
                                                                                                    • Tina 423889
                                                                                                      Ya, its annoying
                                                                                                      • pam rae
                                                                                                        no way do I trust AI..
                                                                                                        • Glenice L 1244113
                                                                                                          G.I.G.O. Our world seems to rely so heavily on tech at every turn that we have been losing how to communicate effectively, smartly and politely in person. It's no wonder so many of our tech efforts are flawed and ineffective....making us even more (fill in the blank) disappointed. Perhaps in 40 years those who are left will help to smooth things out! (So we are expected to somehow TRUST "artificial" intelligence (fake). NO, I won't- it covers the G.I.G.O. principles).
                                                                                                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                            Do I trust AI.... hm....NO! Should any homo sapient trust AI...hm... NO! However, it is the FUTURE....LOL!
                                                                                                            • Marisa 1367299
                                                                                                              I HATE TECH!!!!!
                                                                                                              • Sheree T
                                                                                                                Absolutely detest all this AI it drives me crazy.
                                                                                                                • Michelle 1560356
                                                                                                                  At work when ny whole programn fails as Im checking out my customers cell phone.
                                                                                                                  • Colleen 1457670
                                                                                                                    I hate technology they update to often and you can’t keep up or have to buy new devices
                                                                                                                    • Linda 3
                                                                                                                      I hate when you forget your password and are asked to enter your email so they can send a link to change your password , and the email never arrives! Frustrating.
                                                                                                                      • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                                                        or they ask for an "alternate email address" and "alternate other contact numbers"
                                                                                                                    • Val 1394045
                                                                                                                      Do not l8ke AI
                                                                                                                      • Tania NSW
                                                                                                                        Good when it works ….. all breaks loose when it doesn’t
                                                                                                                        • Holly Cat
                                                                                                                          All that you mentioned and another one is logging into an account with the correct used ID and password, but for added security, a code is sent to your cell phone for you to enter. And then sometimes no code is sent, so you can't log in.
                                                                                                                          • View all 6 replies
                                                                                                                          • writerrochelle
                                                                                                                            Or, you don't have a cell phone, and cannot receive a text, as is my problem! I cannot access Amazon because it's asking for something I don't have, and it won't let me open another account with my information, AND, I can't access my backup email for some reason! I hate technology! ;-( 😡
                                                                                                                          • Lachelle B
                                                                                                                            Or your sent code is 5 minutes later and you're log in time to use it has expired..........
                                                                                                                          • Elizabeth T 396096Lachelle B
                                                                                                                            I have had this happen so many times, it is not funny and then the AI on your phone MAY put the sms in blocked called if it thinks that the number is spam.
                                                                                                                          • Jan K (Central Vic)Lachelle B
                                                                                                                            esp if your phone has no reception in the house...by the time you run outside, get the code and dash back it...its expired...grrrrr
                                                                                                                          • Holly Catwriterrochelle
                                                                                                                            Try calling Amazon, if you haven't done so already. I know you mentioned no cell, but I'm thinking you have a land line to call.
                                                                                                                          • Holly Catwriterrochelle
                                                                                                                            If you're in Australia, the phone number to Amazon is 1800571894.

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