Discussion of the Day
Did spankings hard us?
Carol S 65719509-Sep-24
I came from the age where spankings were a normal form of discipline. It was never severe, and we barely felt it.
I feel that is made us respect our parents in a way that children don't do anymore. Perhaps I'm wrong, but did a gentle spanking do more than hurt our feelings because we knew we did something wrong?
In school, I believe some type of discipline should be implemented other than yelling! I don't care for the idea of yelling at children, especially in front of other children. Also, yelling is too easily ignored because if heard often enough, it becomes useless.
What would you suggest for discipline in school? From what I'm hearing, teachers only see/hear one side of what is happening. It's too easy to punish the wrong child without hearing both sides. Many children are too intimidated to speak up for themselves.
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