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Camping trip
Going on my first camping trip. What are the essentials to take with you on a camping trip?
Comments - Page 2
  • bill b 783563
    lots and lots of bug spray!!
    • Ernie 67
      I agree with Cher and misfortune 8
      • Carol S 657195
        I'm not a camper. I went once, and I thought I heard a bear outside ethe tent, and we slept in the car and went home in the morning! LOL
        • View all 3 replies
        • Elizabeth T 396096
          Which is why the best thing to bring is money so you can stay in a nice hotel room and eat at a nice restaurant. :)
        • Carol S 657195Elizabeth T 396096
          I was with a boyfriend, and he wouldn't spend money on me. He even asked ME for gas money when we went to the movie! Everything we ever did ended in disaster! Sadly, he passed away young. Almost anyone I dated, died young. I swear I had nothing to do with any of them! LOL
        • Elizabeth T 396096Carol S 657195
          The camping killed them ROFL. I tried camping once and hated it. Never did it again.
      • Morenita
        Matches music and food
        • misfortune8
          As you're inexperienced, ensure someone knows where you're going & when you intend to return. Perhaps a daily text or phone call to say you're OK. • Take a bin bag. Everything you take with you must go back with you. • First aid kit. • Enough drinking water to wash your dishes, too. • Car phone charger. • Whistle to alert rescuers - 3 blows mean you need help. • Pocker mirror - start a fire, reflect to attract help, or use it to examine private areas for bites, splinters or leeches. In some areas of Australia, such as the Blue Mountains, where hikers frequently get lost, the local police issue personal locator beacons, free for campers. Find out if your country has something similar. Have fun!
          • Olwyn 1489206
            Everything Cher said plus a chair, a phone charger, cutlery, solar torch, hat, someone to snuggle with 😁
            • pam rae
              HI CHER, HAVE A GOOD TIME..
              • Bigbee
                a tent but also toilet paper and a bidet would be even better.
                • Kathy 1270954
                  I am a total city kid. My idea of camping is a hotel with just a bath tub and no shower.
                  • Godfrey 1394501
                    A Yorkie
                    • Tina 423889
                      money for a hotel room
                      • Elohima P
                        hiking boots thermostat, backpack. Rope
                        • Cher
                          waterproof tent, marshmallows & chocolate, bug repellent, camera if you have one, food to cook over a campfire, matches, coffeepot and coffee to brew over a fire, book, magnifying glass, compass, binoculars, journal and pen, warm socks and a hoodie, sleeping bag, pillow, backpack, toilet paper, adventurous spirit, songs to sing and a guitar/harmonica, etc…..
                          • Linda C
                            I have gone camping and did not like it so tried caravanning which was better but then I discovered motels and hotels and that's the best. I like comfort with a toilet, shower, air con all in the same room. Still if you go be sure to not camp in areas that could be dangerous and lonely. Have a first aid kid to cover all contingencies like snake bites, spider bites, irritations from insects and plants etc. Lights, sleeping blanket, changes of clothes, insect repellant, food, water, a tent and ground sheet, lights, matches and lighter, knife, a phone or GPS signal thing they have on boats to find you if you become lost, sunglasses, hat, warm jacket, boots, etc. Now you see why I prefer a hotel. lol
                            • Elizabeth T 396096
                              That is it which is why the best thing to bring is money so you can have a nice hotel room and eat at a nice restaurant. :)
                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                            Not the camping type (never been on a camping trip) - do not have ANY camping advice/suggestions to offer you - strictly URBAN! FYI: I consider it roughing it (aka going on a camping trip) - when I CANNOT take my bubble bath every night (SERIOUSLY) - LOL!
                            • Elizabeth T 396096
                              I agree, Walter, so my best advice is to take money so you can stay at a nice hotel and eat at a nice restaurant. :)
                          • pam rae
                            food, blankets, tent,sleeping bags,,games to play and just have fun..
                            • Beverley 1411982
                              Agree someone who knows the ropes to learn from them
                              • blair 1451233
                                someone that has a clue as to what "we" are doing
                                • Jane M 438289
                                  Extra blankets, Food that you can eat without cooking, and extra water. These are just in case things but you can always use them another time.
                                  • Nola B 392757
                                    a motel lol
                                    • Roy R 1009866
                                      The first thing you need is a GPS. Food, water, bug spray, suntan lotion, matches, a knife and if you are lucky a phone could be a big help. If you are staying over night a tent, and a sleeping bag. It is also very important to have a camping companion, a person. You could take your dog but another person is essential. Maybe one you could out run in case there is trouble with like a bear.
                                      • Rosemary E 383382
                                        Check whether you are allowed to have a dog in the area
                                    • Louise 1479017
                                      Sleeping bag and blanket. Nothing worse than being cold haha. Or hungry! Take food snacky type food
                                      • james 1489332
                                        A source of starting a fire, warm clothes, shelter
                                        • Elizabeth T 396096
                                          All easily done if you stay at a nice hotel with a restaurant. ROFL
                                      • Rhonda D 522615

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