Discussion of the Day
Turning Back Time
Andrzej J02-Oct-23
Do you ever long for the past? A place, or a person? Maybe for a life never lived? Nostalgia is a deep yearning for our former selves, but is it healthy? What do you think dwelling on the past can mean for your present?
Comments - Page 2
  • SueM2
    I long for the times as a child when I was sent to live with my grandparents in Lower Hutt.
    • kristian s 513441
      I wish I did better for myself in life after I graduate high school, but I have a child at a young age, and I didn't get support from my child father in which I end up raise my child alone. This situation I have to give up my dreams and goals becoming an actress because of having a child at a young age.
      • Manel 1271300
        For me the past experience could be enjoyed today, there were a mixture of bitter sweet experiences, however as a whole I can enlighten a younger person with my experience so that they can learn something new or something they haven鈥檛 experienced in their life time. Definitely I m not regretting about that past, if there were unhappy, episodes. Because, all that were part of human life as any person has to go through in their life time!馃グ
        • Leisa J
          Interesting topic. As I get older I do long for the past. It sounds cliche, but life was easier growing up in the 70,s. Yes IM OLD. lol. As much as I enjoy technology and the progress in our country It comes with a price.
          • JAMIE D 156261
            No, but I do wish I knew then what I know now.
            • Jeanine R
              I think this is an interesting question, Yes I do think of the past as a reminder of things, I try to live for the here and now most of the time. It has been said correctly that there is no time machine. I hope you all have a good day in the here and now.
              • pam rae
                • Linda 3
                  My last two years of high school were my favorite.... interesting elective courses to choose from, good friends, sports, etc. The biggest problem i had was passing a math quiz or being late for the school bus. To bring back those days!
                  • Therese M 73305
                    I know we can't live in the past but keeping memories alive you have too. I miss my son's and dad very much and not a day goes by they are not thought about I live with the what ifs and I know if I could turn back time things would be done differently the thing I have learned is tomorrow is never promised and the future is less appealing as people are missing. So yes I long for the past.
                    • Angel 1122052
                      Sometimes just wishing for a less stressful life or more easy-going times from past decades.
                      • Tina 423889
                        Time before social media, yest. Kids will never be the same and we would be better off without it
                        • Roy R 1009866
                          it is not healthy to long for the past, the past is the past it can's be changed but the past does influence the future. You should not make the same mistakes twice.
                          • Dorky Deeker
                            I think dwelling on our past makes us a little more humble , it helps us reflect on our errors and what we can decide to do differently to not play out the same mistakes. If we don't dwell on the past at all , won't we rush into 3rd 4th or 5th marriages? Just as an example. Dwelling on the past helps us reflect more on knowing ourselves as opposed to shifting the blame of our outcomes on others. So it's not the worst thing to do over your Saturday morning coffee.
                            • lin r
                              no fn ry
                              • Nola B 392757
                                My memories sustain me.
                                • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                  I grow up with 'color and white' signs, segregation - housing and education, lack of job opportunities, blatant racism, blatant sexism, etc. for minorities in the USA (HISTORICAL FACTS). I don't have any fond memories of the PAST. Take a hard, long look at the USA - it is dealing with its past and NOT DEALING WELL WITH ITS PAST (IT WENT FROM BEING OVERT TO COVERT AKA NOTHING CHANGED)! Furthermore, I 'don't know anyone who can time travel' - (but don't quote me)!
                                  • View all 14 replies
                                  • Dorky Deeker
                                    I'm just curious? Why are 98% of your comments race based and blame fueled? Does it serve you anything positive to constantly do this? Seriously asking
                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERDorky Deeker
                                    I'm just curious? Why are you a RACIST (you did not state one fact in your observation - just your opinion)? You are 'entitled' to your opinion - but I am not 'entitled' to my opinion. REALLY?! Time for you to get a LIFE!
                                  • Maree B 85308Dorky Deeker
                                    your wrong, his posts are not allways race based. He also likes to tell us all how horrible his family are and how he was betrayed by his ex wife and how she has to continue to pay him for the pleasure of once being married to him. Why would you want to leave such a happy optimistic soul. He also hates all children and capitalism.......he doesn't need to time travel he relives his past everyday, in everyway in his head. A sure way to not find joy in life
                                  • ChosenDorky Deeker
                                    Well said Dorky. Opps - I now must be another racist. Six thumbs up for you............. so far.
                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERChosen
                                    Must have hit a nerve - GOOD!
                                  • ChosenChosen
                                    Yes Dorky with your being a racist I must say I also love racing. What is you favourite Cars or bikes ??? ......... just asking.
                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERMaree B 85308
                                    Must have hit a nerve - GOOD!
                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERChosen
                                    You should have informed her a caucasian once said you could pass for caucasian - now - all you have to do is work on being a racist - which should be an easy task for you!
                                  • ChosenBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                    Yeah I love racing. Thanks.
                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERChosen
                                    Doesn't surprise - since you need validation from caucasian. CIAO
                                  • ChosenBLACK LIVES MATTER
                                    Yeah - Sir Lewis Hamilton would vouch for that.
                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTERChosen
                                  • Dorky DeekerChosen
                                    thank you. Last time I checked I was never a racist but apparently being born white (no more my fault , then him born black) some how has made me a racist in his bitter eyes. I hope he can find some joy some how without hate mongering so often :(
                                  • Dorky DeekerChosen
                                    I like Austin Martin's and old Alfo Romeo's . Spelling is probably bad lol
                                • Linda C
                                  You cannot change the past, the future is not here yet so all you can do is live today. Do I think of things and times gone by of course, everyone does. Would I like to relive them not really. I just cannot believe how fast it has gone.
                                  • APB
                                    As I get older the detail, places and the people in my past just become increasingly clearer..a fantastic resource...something that brings me a lot of happiness..I spend a lot of moments when awake living past things..just briefly...and plenty more when asleep...it is fantastic..not sure I'd want to go back...but very content with what has happened...I am lucky perhaps...
                                    • Marisa 1367299
                                      Sometimes nostalgia washes over me, but I get over it.
                                      • Darlene 1365136
                                        It's scary when you think of it in a way. Yes, I love my memories but don't want to get caught up too much in the past. i know we don't know our future but we need to move on but still keep your memories alive.

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