Discussion of the Day
Short Stay Accommodation
It's thought that one of the reasons for rising rentals is the availability of short stay accommodation, run by them companies like those of Airbnb.
Some people are saying that these companies should be regulated as they are helping to force up market rents, and they are taking advantage of the market to earn money for their particular-- company, and preventing some people from accessing long term rental properties.
Your Views?
  • Imperia S
    Here in the West this problem is being addressed, and not being welcomed by the landlords, don't know much about it, but I quite agree Zing
    • diane c QLD
      no comment
      • Larry S 382961
        No comment as don’t use Airbnb
        • Mariaj
          Yes all should be regulated
          • Andrew T 123623
            These place should come under the code of practise that hotels, motels come under. I.E fire regulation
            • Daniel T 626103
              They should be held to similar standards as hotels and motels, but to be fair...can also be a source of income for struggling families.
              • Helen L 750218
                Im sorry I dont know much about the rental situation.
                • Colin L 88398
                  already are legal challenges being bought against Air B and B by cities around the world Barcelona comes to mind where it is now impossible to rent anywhere that the people who keep the city running can afford. Their argument is that all the outsiders coming in are preventing the city from functioning and are destroying it tot he extent that there are now fewer services available to everyone.
                  • roger l 315504
                    sooner or later there will be a legal challenge brought when an individual takes umbrage at a host's apparent negligence in providing 'safe' or 'accessible' accommodation and the unfortunate host does not have adequate or appropriate insurance.
                    • Jan H 753322
                      I've never stayed in short term accomodation as I would feel like I'm invading their privacy
                      • Jenny L 591463
                        We had a brand new house we rented to a couple with 2 children for 4 years while we did our trip around Australia and I would never rent any thing again. The amount the real estate said was normal wear and tear was just total BS. Who can blow up an oven in 4 years? Tried to fix the water tank after their puppy chewed the wires, totally failed to any way. So with short term rentals I think the damage could be worse and I would never do that because there is no respect for other peoples belongings. Use and abuse then some of the better tenants are tarred with the same brush. Like most things there is always some one whom will spoil it for every one else. I read about a couple with 2 children and another on the way having to live in a tent because there aren't any rentals available in their area. It's sad and temporary housing needs to be arranged for these people. As much as I wouldn't rent any thing again surely there are others that would. Some are selling up as interest rates rise and this will only add to the problem but then a first home buyer gets a chance to buy. Rent is dead money so if the younger ones can buy it is better but then are they still going to be around that area in 3 or 4 years? It's a hard one that is for sure.
                        • Empress
                          People who sublet a regular rental are a scourge too. I would never use AirBnb..crooks. As soon as there is legislation to regulate them, they will collapse with all monies and disappear
                          • GrumpyBsd
                            Get rid of Negative Gearing.
                            • Asesh S
                              Just like everything else the regulators are a bit slow to catch on but I do think the rising in rental prices will keep going up because the owners can and know there isn't much anyone is doing to slow it down. That is my opinion.
                              • Christine F 759413
                                I believe its more about the requirements of rentals that are the issue
                                • galarina
                                  i dont know
                                  • MoB
                                    More people are putting their houses/units on the short stay market, mostly because they get more money and there is not so much regulation. Too many investors have had their houses wrecked by renters. If you work hard and can get an investment property it must be heartbreaking to see the house trashed. It's also bad for the good renters when investors take their properties off the rental market.
                                    • Joe B 288252
                                      The market will regulate itself
                                      • Lyn A.
                                        Companies like Air BnB are really just a contact/booking website for those that want to rent rooms/house for short stays. With the issues/compliance fr long term rental is it any wonder people want more per nite than can be expected from long term. similar problems can occur, but much easier to get repayment from short stay than many who will vandalize on long term. I have rented out both long term and short term, way less hassles with short term. I would ever be a long term landlord again
                                        • 77ccusmc
                                          I have never used a short term rental. I had a house I rented out and every time tenants moved out it was hundreds of dollars to fix the house. Worst experience ever.
                                          • Ann H 652541
                                            I think it is the economy everything is going up and rentals is no exception I think that the main goal is short stay pay and then get another in for a room Head them Up and move them out. I think it is the best way to make money and to have as much traffic as possible that means having as many people to come and go out. the more that goes and comes the more money you make. If it is comfortable and available is what most people are looking for when traveling or staying at any hotel.
                                            • Igor A
                                              My view is AirBnb's are a competition and tend to keep rents lower. Also mortgages, maintenance costs are getting higher because of properties sale prices and interest rates going up. The landlords do not want to subsidize their tenants and increase the rents. Many landlords do not earn on rents at all and have losses. They can only make some money waiting for the property prices to increase in many years to come.
                                              • Carmel C 103964
                                                If renters will pay a price, then the rentals will charge it.
                                                • Maria B 89860
                                                  Free country to ear a living honestly as best one can. I think these enterprises would be more in competition with other Accommodation type businesses rather than the rental market, especially as they may have been the purpose of them acquiring the premise(s) in the first place.
                                                  • Chosen
                                                    I use Air B+B globally and nice to support those that want to get ahead. Long may it continue.
                                                    • Carolina Z
                                                      i would never stay with them, no worries, mate
                                                      • kristian s 513441
                                                        I never booked a short stay accommodation before.
                                                        • Aisha A 379399
                                                          There's no regulation in rental prices and because of demand, landlords are becoming more picky when choosing tenants. The amount of information some of them want from you is quite ridiculous.
                                                          • Tiffany L 690503
                                                            I agree
                                                            • Shirley H 391879
                                                              I had a bnb with Airbnb. The unit was not suitable for “rental” and it boosted my income. Admittedly some are houses which could be rented on a permanent basis. There is a good side though. Short rentals are generally treated better than long term. Personally I have experienced more than my fair share of bad tenants. Costing me a lot. So this probably does influence the decision to have a short term rental situation
                                                              • Dena G 246689
                                                                Yes something got to happen. The government in Queensland Australia needs to put a cap on how much rents can go up on a new lease. My daughters rent has just gone up $95 a week. From $535 to $630 a week. 18% rise. How are people going to survive? She is just an average income earner and this is devastating. Might try to appeal but it's like it falls on deaf ears. They just don't care and it is Greed. If it was easy to move she would but too hard as schools and rents are just the same most places nearby. It's a mess.
                                                                • Julie K 348980
                                                                  That is dreadful Dena.
                                                                • Linda C
                                                                  Rent rises did this in Melbourne years ago when 100's were applying for the same place. Now, NSW and Qld are experiencing floods and of course the fires so many places are either gone or uninhabitable. Maybe some of the high rises need to be rented out at reasonable rents. Better than sitting empty but when holiday time comes around they tend to kick the renters out. Caravan parks used to help with cheap accommodation but these have all too gone the way of the DoDo bird and the developers took over them and built units and high rises on the land as it was usually prime. There are not many motels around either. Here on the coast there were dozens. I honestly cannot remember where one is now.

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