Discussion of the Day
Violence Towards Teachers
I was listening to early morning talk-back radio on the ABC. The presenter mentioned that Queensland has a Major issue with Violence towards Schoolteachers.
Some people were calling the radio station to express their views. A couple were former teachers. Violence was experienced by them, by students.
It seems today kids just get away with too much at schools. Should the Educational Departments ban kids who are Violent? What sort of punishment do you think they should receive?
  • N
    Student Punches Teacher For Taking His Phone https://youtu.be/r24a3ZZM958
    • Peter G 261709
      Bring back the cane and make them show some respect for the teachers, if they don't conform, kick them out of school and let them do home schooling.
      • Priscilla R 316016
        It comes down to respect - for teachers, police, paramedics, and the next-door neighbour! This is no longer taught by parents as they don't respect anyone themselves. My first realisation of this disrespect was back in 1979 when a teacher who appeared to be well-liked by many of the students was bashed and thrown down a stairwell by one of the children at the high school. He was given time off with pay by the high school to recover from his broken bones, but he was unable to recover from his mental anguish that he was unable to help the child that did it. The boy was suspended from school and committed suicide. These days perhaps more is known as to how to help these children who are crying out for help, but teachers shouldn't bear the brunt of the problems in the meantime. And unfortunately more and more of the teachers are being hurt with very little being done to stop the spiralling violence that is now being experienced. Perhaps being taught respect for others at the very beginning of a child's life might just be the way to go.
        • Bev
          Bring back the cane! Kids rule the roost too much these days!
          • jan k 596063
            There should be cameras in every class room plus from 14 yrs up they know the law ,do a crime like an adult get punished like one.Jail time .Yes sometimes it the parents giving them everything but as the old saying goes you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink it .Parents can enforce right from wrong but its up to the teenagers whom they hang round and what they do.
            • KARL-HANS B
              its the government's fall the kids have all the right and if the teacher have none, the can not really have no rights
              • Margaret C 77490
                i think it is the goverment responsibilty and parents for kids to not be violent to teachers i say their should be a consquense and behaviour therapay to start with as it needs to stop.also to know that it is not accepable behaviour and maybe they do some sport instead 1 on 1 .
                • Ben A 400386
                  When I was a scrawny little kid I got whacked by the principle in the 1970s. He had a big lump of lead about the size of a ruler and I had a very sore hand for a couple of weeks. I was never in his scary office ever again.
                  • Dimitri T 100433
                    more discipline/punishment for children-like 6 off the best when I went to school in Sydney.
                    • Leanne B 76015
                      Parents gave a lot to answer fir
                      • Lones
                        Banning them won’t work, they need to work with parents, students, and staff at schools. They need to have something in place, as banning them will just cause other problems. Punishment that works and is agreeable for all, and I don’t me I am sorry. They need to do some sort of community service or volunteer work, and bring back education from early days
                        • Joe B 288252
                          This is the result of PC madness. It has left teachers without a defence. It should be mandatory to report and form of abuse between teachers and students and dealt with by the law. No exceptions
                          • Bugalugs
                            Maybe it is because today parents, rather then taking the time and responsibility for bringing up their own children and enduring the child's anger at not being allowed to do something or being required to do something they are relying far too much on the Teachers abandoning their Primary Role of Teaching and having to do the job the Parents should be doing. The result/? The child gets angry and hits out at the teacher instead of the Parents. It is beyond time that Teachers were returned to doing the job they were trained to do and that is TEACH and Parents once again assumed the job they are supposed to do and that is Bring up their own children, teach them manners, obedience when to demand is reasonable and explain to their children why the demand is just that. If the child gets angry it is the Parent's and not the Teacher's RESPONSIBILITY to address it.
                            • greg c 125916
                              The child should be arrested and charged with assault and battery --no molly coddlying anymore.Once found guilty should be sentenced to a prison term and the parents be sued for damages.Only one way to sort this shit out !! --and thats the hard way
                              • Jacqueline R 353303
                                Teachers have not rights these days. Respect from children is non existent it is a sad state of affairs. Ever since the politically correct part of society came into being things have gone down hill. I don't have an answer to the problem, maybe classes teaching respect and caring for others may help.
                                • JANET R 328390
                                  VERY first thing. LOOK AT THE HOME SITUATION. I am continually hearing parents shouting and yelling at kids!! Supposedly discipling them - FAIL FAIL FAIL. Parents should STOP raising voices at kids. It is just another form of bullying - that is of course legal..........
                                  • Vesta
                                    In NZ the rules have been constantly adjusted so that teachers now have less rights than the standard citizen. To give an example if a student is being incredibly violent and damaging property or attempting to hurt another student a teacher is advised to stop the learning of all other students and move them away before being ringing police. If a student is hurting an animal again the teacher cannot intervene with anything other than words. However a normal citizen in both these cases is not only able to intervene but can perform a citizens arrest. If a teacher does use ANY force even if it is to pull the student away from others they are required to submit a explanation of all that happened and then are subject to a formal investigation by the teaching council. It is frowned upon to expel students and if they are moved on it is all to the same schools which just exaggerates the issue. The problem is uninvolved families and a society that refuses to support them to break the cycle. I used to work with under 5s - most would think they are harmless but spitting, biting hard enough to break a teachers skin and throwing furniture are still hard to bear at times. When confronting parents with behaviour they are often defensive and when you try to get their child support they make formal complaints. The worse case scenario I've ever seen was teachers accused of abuse that was thankfully was disproven in a last ditch effort to stop child support services entering their home and changing centres immediately afterwards. I no longer teach, it's too risky.
                                    • Aisha A 379399
                                      Need to go to anger management courses or boot camps run by former military. Also, these wannabe gangsters should be expelled from school and enrol in distance education.
                                      • Paul J 94868
                                        Bring back the smack....
                                        • Joe B 288252
                                          Nothing like acute pain to improve the memory…lol
                                      • Bernadette S 103492
                                        Once again a good demonstration of thee lack of RESPECT. Totally agree to the return of the cane to be used in such instances.
                                        • Robert T 597718
                                          terrible way the parents treat the teachers shame shame shame
                                          • Greg B 520364
                                            Bring back the cane you hit a teacher the subject master hits you
                                            • David C 471262
                                              I teach under 5s, no worries, although some are biters!! I went to school at an inner city comprehensive in the UK. There was no violence of any sort really because there was an acceptance of the system and how it worked. Teachers weren't too bombastic, pupils misbehaved out of sight. There were still glue sniffers, truants, teenage pregnancies, but little violence. I did get 3 weeks detention for have a fight though, lol
                                              • Igor A
                                                Looks like the system wants kids to punish their parents for having conceived them. So, hold the parents by the hands and throats and let the kids kick them. Hitting a teacher is equal to hitting the parent. The teacher is the person who the parents delegate education.
                                                • Ken S 80614
                                                  They all should respect their teachers, they are only there to teach you something
                                                  • Wendy Q
                                                    I'm not surprised, you can't touch the kids anymore, where I remember getting a ruler over the back of the hand and the cane was still a punishment.
                                                    • Graham I
                                                      Yes, I remember getting 6 of the best for not wearing my cap (part of the uniform) on the school bus; happy days, or so I'm told!! The cane, if only administered in special circumstances by the Principal and/or deputy, seems an appropriate deterrent.
                                                  • Edith v
                                                    It is not the responsibility for the education dept;.What about PARENTS accepting parental control & teaching their children to respect the teachers (& all their elders )good manners & respect are learned from parents in the home.Violence must not be tolerated some kids are frustrated & get violent be cause they want their parents to be parents not pretending to be their mates, what kid wants a middle aged mate anyway
                                                    • Sonya F 68771
                                                      Kids have to many rights and teachers have none
                                                      • Elizabeth H 165879
                                                        I broke my foot breaking up a fight at a High school in Sydney. It ruined my career. The boys concerned were not punished, One boy mysteriously disappeared back to Lebanon. He had a long history of violence in NSW schools, but we were told to deal with it. I was told by the insurance company I should not have interfered even though one boy was banging another boy's head against a brick wall. I have had two operations and had to retire too early because of this event. Message received. Let them kill each other, but do not intervene. Never protest to authorities that students with violent tendencies should not be allowed to attend normal schools. You will pay the price very dearly.
                                                        • Gaza
                                                          Bring back the cane, ''spare the rod, spoil the child".
                                                          • JANET R 328390
                                                            Totally agree - but let us also deal with so many parents that SHOUT AND YELL (and abuse their poor kids in my book). Why would anyone be surprised - parents don't show respect ..... why would kids have any. Start with the parents I say........
                                                        • Larry S 382961
                                                          When I went to school maybe moons ago it was never heard of students hitting a teacher. Although there was 1 kid who wacked a teacher across the guts with a Tsquare. Only time ever heard of it. Kids today are free to do whatever they want and they know they are free to keep doing it. Stealing,bashing,vandalism you name it. Police are powerless to do a thing or the kid/ s squeal like pigs about brutality. A few kicks up the rear is needed.
                                                          • Belle S
                                                            Suspension or explosion is giving them what they want...no school...my kids School had weekend detention where they had to go to school on the weekend in their uniform. Worked a treat.
                                                            • Phyrephly
                                                              yes, agreed. Probably just slightly off topic but I remember a few years back, a news report about some young well, brutes, who broke into the Adelaide Zoo and basically tortured some animals: they had special 'fun' in the aviary: they ripped off the heads of several small birds. Well, they were caught, and had to make financial restitution where they could (whatever that meant?), and that's where the story ended, for a while. I few years later, I watched a documentary about the RSPCA (animal rescue), and the vets that were attached to it. At the end, they let the vets speak freely on various related topics. A voice over for one of the younger vets said that the young man had been a ner'do'well in his youth, and told a familiar-sounding story. After being caught committing the above heinous acts, he had been sent to juvee. While there, he participated in a new program of victim awareness, and as part of that, (after determining suitability), he had been sent to a vet clinic. He found he actually loved helping cure/rehabilitate injured animals. Amazingly (programs like) this, only get done "when funding is available". How much money do you think might be saved - let alone pain and suffering of potential victims of crime if these programs were mandatory in prisons? It beggers belief, why they don't fund these things as a norm, for suitable offenders, in jail.
                                                          • Darren S 116121
                                                            blame the social engineers,no smacking of kids,no disciplene,all the rights with no responsiblities,i said to my kids teachers if the misbehave and you give them a clip around the ear youll get no problems from me,they said they arnt even allowed to yell at them anymore,then we have the me,me,me brigade,we are now into second generation of it,look at how thats all working out. As far as i can see society is headed for an implosion
                                                            • Beverley S 383001
                                                              Sadly since discipline was ruled a no-no by the politically correct part of society children and youths seem to do what they like, when they like, to whoever they like. Townsville has an enormous youth crime problem and I am sure it is because the kids have no concerns that they will be punished even for serious crimes.
                                                              • marilyn r 276770
                                                                yes I totally agree Beverley S - I do believe that parents also have a big part to play as they should be the ones enforcing the correct behavior and not just letting the children run around the streets and do as they please when they please
                                                              • Phyrephlymarilyn r 276770
                                                                Kids raising kids - a recipe for disaster, mostly.
                                                            • John b 479999
                                                              Yes.ban them.no place for it.
                                                              • Patman Newcastle
                                                                The problem is with the law that says children have rights but the Education Department took away any rights that the teachers have .
                                                                • Shirley H 391879
                                                                  Violence towards anyone especially teachers is not acceptable. Why is it happening? Look at the parents. Are they teaching their children respect? I think not. Consequences need to be more rigid. These are children and why are they being violent? Even to each other? Back to the parents!
                                                                  • PETER M 134659
                                                                    not on
                                                                    • Jenny L 591463
                                                                      I am so glad my Mum taught primary school children and that she has retired. Well being 84 I would hope so, Has for some years now. This is disgraceful and the students know they can get away with it, they will even claim sexual harassment too. I know it has happened in some schools but I also know good people have had their lives turned upside down because of these sort of allegations. There is no respect for any one these days. Our youth are on their own path of destruction, and unruliness. Not all of course but a majority are and there is not a thing we can do. We have failed as parents, as leaders, as authority. Society as a whole has been weakened by too much political correctness. We only have ourselves to blame. All because we listened to the minority.
                                                                      • Colin L 88398
                                                                        I used to do work in schools and it was back then mainly the Private Schools which had a real problem and the people running the show refused to admit that their students where a Problem and where anything but Well Breed Young Ladies who could do no wrong. That proved to me way back then that schools where a bad place to work and I pulled my staff and never went back.
                                                                        • MoB
                                                                          The issue is children are not disciplined in any way, because do gooders have had their way and it is a crime now to discipline children. Funny that now it's those same do gooders that complain that kids are violent, uncontrolled and are never punished. I think we have lost a whole generation of kids who will be very unhappy adults and mostly have an awful life. The sooner we return to the parents being able to discipline children the happier the children will be. I am not talking about child abuse, that's a different thing altogether and should not be confused with normal discipline. Teachers are in a very difficult position with this issue. This silly 'don't smack your child' has to stop. Teachers should be able to control a class without being afraid of what may happen. Let's get a grip of this and bring back discipline so we have happy children, happy adults and a happier world.
                                                                          • Lorraine M 260790
                                                                            how true Mo B - respect and discipline should be way out there on top. This problem is being experienced all over the world not just in NZ. Very sad - I sometimes wonder if when Freedom of Speech came about this escalated the problem. But sad to say, whilst Do Gooders are dominating their opinions things will not change. I am showing my age here, but bring back the cane in schools and violence towards teachers/students may just get under control once again......reoffending may cease with a stroke of luck
                                                                          • MoBLorraine M 260790
                                                                            This started when the western world signed the Children's Bill of Rights back in 1990, absolutely nothing to do with free speech which came about in 1791.
                                                                        • Frank N
                                                                          Accountability is important and we need to find appropriate methods to hold students who are violent (toward teachers or other students) acccountable. That needs to include appropriate punishments, and also needs to include working with perpetrators with a view to achieving a change in their behaviours.
                                                                          • Beverly I
                                                                            I think that violence starts at home ,Might be that those children are being abused from the parents or parent ,because they are being abused they go to school to abuse anyone who gets in their way ,those homes really need to be checked out and watched.Those children and the parents need help not punished
                                                                            • Lorraine M 260790
                                                                              you are so right Beverly I - until the parents/siblings are sorted out the violence will carry on - as for saying the kids need therapy - rubbish - the parents or family members at home are the ones that need the therapy - if parents are not performing as they should this violent younger generation will carry on.
                                                                          • doug m 408074
                                                                            This all starts at home - the parents bad mouth not only teachers but police etc and the kids take that as gospel and repeat the behaviour. Yes perhaps the Ed Dept should get rid of those kids! And do what? Put them in a youth facility where the behaviour can be supported by the others?
                                                                            • Brietta 617888
                                                                              Violent minors need automatic expulsion and their home situation needs to be looked into by authority figures (ie Child protective services and police officers)
                                                                              • Stephen F 84899
                                                                                These kids & their parents should be held responsible & put the kids in a but camp ( & their parents also )
                                                                                • Jennifer H 396811
                                                                                  The behaviour of students in schools today is absolutely disgusting and I strongly believe stems from the home. Parents need to teach their children respect. If a child is violent at school towards the teachers or anyone else in the school they should be suspended or expelled and definitely made to attend some sort of anger management counselling. Something needs to be done as more and more teachers are unwilling to tolerate it any more. The school principals don't want to know and the education department (Qld) needs a complete overhaul. I think that education boot camps should be built to put the worst school thugs in with a minimum sentence and hopefully a few might be saved.
                                                                                  • Stewart K
                                                                                    Bring back the cane and also they should be made to go to anger management boot camps. Also look more into what is going on in the family unit, where the root of the problem stems from.
                                                                                    • Nancy 599967
                                                                                      Violence call over the world has gotten way beyond control.As for teachers,why would vtheses kids want to hurt they only ones who care about them besides there parents and looking out for their best interest so they can achieve beyond their wildest dreams!
                                                                                      • Joanne R 561977
                                                                                        No violence is acceptable towards anyone, but these days the punishment is to soft and the kids know it, so they dont care. The crime should be put on a record for future job prospects. The parents should pay for counseling for their child and the trauma for the person they hurt. The child should be made to do community service as well. Teachers are there to help children learn, not be attacked.
                                                                                        • Sapphire Princess
                                                                                          jail time for up to a year. the suspensions are not helpful if anything it would enhance it. if they had a sentence of hard time it would deter them.
                                                                                          • 'smee,SWQ!
                                                                                            My brother teaches at a quite elite Private School in Melbourne and the stories he has told me about Politicians and Business Leaders little darlings would make your toes curl! - They get away with it because we would not want to offend Mummy or Daddy!
                                                                                            • Paula D 17598
                                                                                              Yep, gone are the days we got the ruler across the legs which did us no harm and it got the point across. There are way too many excuses made for kids these days.
                                                                                              • Muzza
                                                                                                Bad parenting resulting in no respect for teachers or anyone in authority. Bring back the cane!!!
                                                                                                • Maria B 89860
                                                                                                  Bring back the "yard sticks" as the metric one is obviously not working.
                                                                                                  • Tupulua S
                                                                                                    Yare right Zinc. This problem is right across the world. I think there is no easy fix, but we have to look closely at the home environment to start with. and ask hard questions. How are the parents intermix with their children mentally and emotionally? Are they neglecting their primary responsibility of naturing their children, or are they busy working or turn a blind eye to what their children are up to, or are they in denial to what their children wrongdoing? Education starts at home Your child is a fruit of your loin. they follow your footstep. A happy child makes a teacher's job easy Don't punish the messenger. shake up the source
                                                                                                    • Edward S 497347
                                                                                                      This is a question that requires an answer of YES and NO because sometimes there is a reason for the violence. Obviously, these violent children have underlying issues, therefore, before banning and punishing them they need to see a counsellor to find out the underlying issues. I KNOW THIS AS A FACT When my wife and I broke up she went to live with her mum and our 2 daughters were placed into their care. They are a pedophile family who had sexually abused my wife and one of her sisters from the time she was 7 until 15 then brainwashed her to keep her silent. When my oldest daughter turned 4 that family began prepping her, then when she turned 5 one of her uncles began sexually abusing her regularly. Although I constantly reported it to the police and child protection services they continued to fail to do anything to protect my daughters from the abuse and neglect. My oldest daughter was desperate for help but the authorities were doing nothing and did not believe her about the abuse, therefore, one day at school, in desperation, she stabbed her teacher with a pen. In my opinion, that was most likely her desperate attempt to be taken away from the abuse, but again the authorities did nothing to help her. Many young children are in this type of situation and need help. There are many other children who come from homes where there is a lot of violence or arguing so they begin to think that is normal behaviour so they become violent towards teachers, other students and other people. Then you also have the children who are just naturally violent. Therefore my answer is these children should undergo counseling to find out the underlying cause then take appropriate action in accordance with the causes. Then IF there are no underlying causes then YES they should be banned from school and criminally charged with assault.
                                                                                                      • Elsa M
                                                                                                        Sorry to hear your story. Don't forget though, that children are often threatened to remain silent about what happens to them, as we've been learning over the last few years as a result of the Royal Commission into (Instituational) Child Sexual Abuse and - more recently - victims finally being willing to speak up.
                                                                                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                      Should PUBLIC unified school districts ban kids who are violent against teachers and other students - YES (regardless of ethnicity, gender, or HOW MUCH MONEY their parents HAVE) in the USA! The student should be looking at permanent expulsion - and his/her parent(s) will have to go into court and prove a miscarriage of justice - to get the their children back into a PUBLIC unified school district!! Furthermore, the pay for teachers in the USA is LOUSY - which is not attracting the best and brightest to become teachers. In addition, the student learned that using violence is acceptable from his/her parent(s), hence lack of parental skills is part of the problem (which is not fixable by ANY public unified school district (in the USA)).
                                                                                                      • Sheree T
                                                                                                        The world has become way to precious in regards to discipline of children at home. Apparently you are not allowed to smack your children. I am only talking about a light smack on the hand or bottom if they are touching or doing something they should not that may cause injury etc. And a light smack on the bottom if their general behavior warrants it. Kids today have no respect and have no discipline. And that starts at home and because of all the so called smart people in the world they advise against it. Yes there should be repercussions for their behavior as there should be for be for teachers who constantly pick on certain children which is bulling and that does happen as it happened to my granddaughter.
                                                                                                        • Sandra C 12043
                                                                                                          The problem is standards have dropped. How many of you ever called a teacher by their first name ?? It was always Miss, Mrs or Sir/Mr. It was a form of respect and I'm afraid that has gone out the window. A teacher was always someone special and was to be respected.
                                                                                                          • The dog house
                                                                                                            Yes there has to be consequences. They need to be charged by the police or it will continue. Often angry parents may be the culprit to children's displaying violence. Unfortunately issues with in the home can cause children to become violent. Counselling may help these individuals. Though if their environment is unstable then we need to punish the parents as well.
                                                                                                            • Sandy S 24335
                                                                                                              We accept it too quickly because there's no consequences any more. NO one is allowed to punish anyone or the woke generation goes berserk about freedoms and rights etc. What about the rights of those to attend school and expect to be in a safe environment? When I was a kid (60s and 70s) we respected authority and if we didn't, we got a whack with a ruler or even a belt. Yes they were extreme but we learned never to do it again and most of us grew up to be ok. I'm not saying to use those punishments in this day and age but there should be SOME form of punishment/deterrent acceptaable for todays changed times.
                                                                                                              • Tina 423889
                                                                                                                Yes, we are accepting violence too easy lately. Kids need to learn there are consequences for their actions. Suspensions or expulsion.
                                                                                                                • Linda C
                                                                                                                  Not just teachers but nurses and doctors in hospitals are being abused, shop assistants, police, people just in the street. It is out of control with the thugs and as I have said before, consequences relevant to the crimes and I do not care what age they are.
                                                                                                                  • Elsa M
                                                                                                                    Good point - and it doesn't help when magistrates just give them a slap on the wrist - often on the grounds that they come from a 'poor environment'. In which case - why aren't their parents held at least equally accountable?
                                                                                                                • APB
                                                                                                                  entitled kids who feel empowered...teachers wringing their hands...agonizing about minimal rubbish...really aggressive horrible parents...it is a horrible mess and I am glad that I do not have to take any part in it at all....what a joke
                                                                                                                  • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                    Kids today are smarter and know that there are no consequences. Too often parents protect their kids bad behavior. With a lot of adults behaving badly, what do you expect from the younger generation?
                                                                                                                    • lulu
                                                                                                                      Said it before borstal for under 25s

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