Discussion of the Day
I am not a robot!!!!
Elizabeth T 39609607-Sep-23
Are you sick of proving to robots that you are not a robot? Are you annoyed when a robot or AI interface insists you are a robot? What are the most annoying steps you have been forced to endure to prove your humanity (not just in surveys, but in real life) and has failing a test that is supposedly something only a robot can fail inconvenienced you?
My answer is all the time!!! Even at work, when we have to reset our passwords and have to have multifactor authentication and pass the stupid robot detecting tests, everyone has failed them and has been locked out of their accounts and is forced to wait 24 hours before trying to gain access again.
Surely, there has got to be a better and more convenient way to prove we are not robots. Robots fail to detect humanity so often it is beyond a joke. Please share your "favourite" failed tests.
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