Discussion of the Day
What is your number one issue in LIFE?
Walter W02-Jan-22
At my age (I am old), my number one issue in life is my health and health coverage. Every year I have to wade through Medicare (a government medical program for everyone who is at least 65 years old (and paid into medicare for at least 40 credits (and you can only earn 4 credits a calendar year) in the USA. Because of my income (which the federal government claims is HIGH - HAHA - I am not covered by governmental supplement plans for dental coverage and vision coverage, and Medicare only covers half of my prescription medication cost - I pay the remaining half of my prescription medication). I have to wade through Medicare (and private health insurance to cover dental an vision - and find one that I can afford to buy - which is a challenge) - every year (starring now - (10/1/2021 till 01/31/2022). What is your number one issue in LIFE?
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