Discussion of the Day
Age of Invisibility
Kate F 39317329-Oct-23
Hi, has anyone noticed that once you re past the age of sixty, that you become invisible? Whether it s other members of the general public, or shop assistants, or even survey writers - they just don t see if you re elderly.
How do you make yourself noticed?
Comments - Page 2
  • Teri 1282723
    There are times that I like to blend in and not be noticed.... like when I have a headache but need a few groceries. If you see me in the store with sunglasses on, it's not because I think I'm cool; I have a headache and the lights hurt. Usually I dress nicely, put on a little makeup and go about my business when I feel well. I worked with the public for most of my life and can start a conversation with anyone. So, depending on my mood or day or whatever, there are times to be invisible and left to do what needs doing, and there are times I go out of my way to include someone who may just need someone to talk to. I hope your reaching out days far outnumber the invisible ones. If you want a kinder world, be kinder in it:)
    • Ryleigh 1383651
      And of course has more experience than us all
      • Ryleigh 1383651
        Always respect your elders they are the knowledgeable ones
        • Ryleigh 1383651
          Especially to the older generation I feel for them
          • Ryleigh 1383651
            I feel like the generation nowadays is full of delinquents who think their entitled to be a rude person
            • Jessie D 1191842
              Age is only a number. Inside I still feel a lot younger than I am.
              • kristian s 513441
                I see myself in the mirror Lately in which sometimes I see myself getting older, but I am feel young and I still do things without anybody help.
                • Karen 1393136
                  I am 56 and I don’t can’t you as elderly. Elderly 80 or older
                  • Cher
                    I took the advice from Harry Potter and that is to wear an invisibility cloak at all times. Helps me to see what is really going on!
                    • Val 1394045
                      I do not make my self noticed. I just go on with my daily life whether it's out shopping or just going for a cup of coffee. Surveys are for the younger generation that go online to purchase items. The older group of sixty plus like to go I'm the stores to see what is new, what are the colors this year. The only thing is we can only shop for a limited time not the six hours like we did when we were young
                      • JennA D 1210286
                        Every day I can do that the kitty 😺 the same as coco but it's not sure what time savannah iz the momma coco fixed the momma to y
                        • Nola B 392757
                          I just waited 7 weeks for 5 different mechanics to turn up...they just didn't bother turning up to their appointment with me. One guy I rang after giving him 3 days said I can't f'n come until Friday (a week after the agreed day) but he didn't...a real professional. I have given up. I don't drive anymore.
                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                            I was born a despised minority in an unenlightened country - called USA. In 1955 - a very 'conservative' Supreme Court ruled the public-school systems (pre-school thru 12th grade) in the USA were unconstitutional (blatant and overt racism exist in the public-school systems in the USA). This is 2023 (68 years later) and the public-school system in the USA has unbelievable gotten worst and the USA is the 'most' unenlightened country on the planet (now)! Anyway, I become invisible at BIRTH (11/28/1945)! How did I make myself NOTICEABLE? I have a BLM tattoo on my left arm - got the tattoo in 2013! The general public notices me (now) and more importantly I get better customer services (ever since I got the BLM tattoo - go figure (?)) - WORKS FOR ME - (however, I will admit you must be a despised MINORITY (BLACK) in the USA) - for my suggestion to work for you! 😀
                            • david j t
                              do not think i am invisible as everyone wants my money
                              • Giovanna 1335285
                                Not 60 yet but almost there I notice that I get disqualified because of my age in some surveys ( I m 55)
                                • Raven55
                                  not at all
                                  • Marisa 1367299
                                    I actually prefer to stay invisible.
                                    • Melinda B 311794
                                      I would go further than that and say it happens at 50. Most certainly, too, if you have any sort of disability. I guess you just have to persist? I don't know. It does upset me, but it's just the way of the world. Oh, and I forgot, heaven forbid you should be poor, either!!!
                                      • Enloe M
                                        I do not want to be noticed, leave me alone.
                                        • Susan 1265302
                                          i agree- especially on ads and commercials- no one is our age on these videos- it is all young people yes, we become nonessential to society
                                          • Danielle R 478487
                                            I can't stand anti aging cream ads. Mostly 20 or 30 something trying to sell me something that won't work for me or is packed full of petrol chemicals
                                          • Susan 1265302Danielle R 478487
                                            yes!! skin cream scam
                                        • Linda C
                                          If people do not see me then that is their loss. We oldies have a lot to offer but we are often made to feel worthless or invisible. How often do you hear we should move out of our homes which we worked for decades to have and raised our kids in. This is one thing that gets up my nose big time. Another is the young do not like paying taxes for our pension never mind the fact most of us worked from 14 to past 65 and still pay taxes on everything. If I get ignored by a shop assistant for instance I make myself known politely. I will also respond if anyone puts us oldies or me down sprouting the rubbish they do. I wonder how they will feel when they become "invisible" by the generations that follow them.
                                          • APB
                                            Get a job as a secret agent?...being invisible is a big plus....
                                            • Melinda B 311794
                                              Lol cool answer.
                                            • Robert L NZ
                                              LOVE IT!!!!!!

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