Discussion of the Day
Have you ever deactivated social media? What was your experience?
Matthew B11-Sep-20
I deactivate my social media accounts regularly. It's nice to be present and live without distraction. I find I'm more focused when my social media is deactivated. Life's too short to be checking social media all of the time.
  • Macca
    No because I have never activated, cannot spare the time.
    • Gaza
      • Mary M 329762
        Do as you think its right. No right answer for this. I feel like better to mixs with others face to face then going all the time on the media. They more to life then internet. Like talk, joking and smiling
        • Leanne B 76015
          Don’t use it
          • Lones
            Yes, but only keep it going to occasionally look to see what family are up too
            • Priscilla R 316016
              No - never activated any of them in the first place.
              • Jennifer S 320468
                Don't have it, don't want it
                • APB
                  Cancelling accounts can be difficult...but well worth the effort ..the whole thing is ridiculous..obsessing about ourselves, taking "selfies"...me me me, walking under buses and crashing our cars, just be here, now... is normal existence so terrible?
                  • Dimitri T 100433
                    no since not a great social media fan?
                    • Peter T 100083
                      I am thinking about it. FB i have hardly been on in months. Been muted and banned twice for 30 days for posting the truth.
                      • Richard M 407933
                        I had a Facebook account but it drove me nuts and I cancelled it. Very difficult to do, I might add. As a rule, I am opposed to social media - causes heaps of problems and is generally absolute nonsense.
                        • Imperia S
                          No, its the only way I can cut through the thousands of kilometers, between my family and us
                          • LESLEY S 385154
                            I have not deactivated social media. I find it helpful especially when we were on lockdown to keep in touch with family and the outside world. I usually dont check up very all the time and quite a lot of the time I forget to take my phone with me when I leave home.
                            • Lazza
                              I have been tempted a lot of cooks out there.
                              • Joe B 288252
                                I don’t socially mediate...lol
                                • roger l 315504
                                  What's social media? I use telephones, snail mail and email, face to face communication, free to air TV and terrestrial radio. What else do you need.
                                  • Kacee VIC
                                    No I haven’t
                                    • Alison M 86959
                                      I have never used social media, I like to see people in person or speak on the phone, from what my family has experienced there is a lot of nastiness and a lot of conspiracy theories, seems to bring out the worst in people and their whacko ideas, I like people who are nice to each other.
                                      • PAUL P 404567
                                        I don't use Social Media, I've actually got a life.
                                        • Paul J 94868
                                          I deleted my Facebook page...to much like hard work..
                                          • Katzeye
                                            No I have never needed to, just block weirdos lol.I have friends that have done though for their own reasons.I don't actually spend much time on them like I use to,it get's a bit too much the same old same old ya know what I mean.I really only use it for staying in touch with family and friends that don't live in my city/country.
                                            • Peter T 100083
                                              It is but there are so many ways to keep in touch now. Some good and bad.
                                          • Paul B 88412
                                            I have never used social media
                                            • Phyrephly
                                              same, 'cept for watching YT vids - especially cat videos
                                          • SereneBee
                                            It was so difficult to deactivate FB but I managed it eventually some years ago. I only joined thinking that as my only child was working in Houston, Tx it'd be easier than emailing - but wasn't!
                                            • Anissa D 112045
                                              I have one but I rarely use it. I find it rather boring tbh
                                              • Sonya F 68771
                                                never had only use it to catch up with family and friend photos
                                                • Linda R 394234
                                                  I keep the accounts I use to a minimum so don't have to check much
                                                  • Jan G 167689
                                                    I have never used social media.
                                                    • TERRIE K
                                                      I've never deactivated my account but I'm only on it for about 10 minutes a day. Just check on family and have certain a certain group I keep in touch with
                                                      • Luna
                                                        I've never deactivated but just leave it for months or years on end. I am only on FB for family, the other accounts I've tried over the years just get abandoned.
                                                        • Bugalugs
                                                          Yes and closed my accounts - I only ever had two - facebook & twitter and for some unknown reason the very first time I made a comment on each, some non-controversial issue - I got abused on both sites by people too gutless to use their real names.
                                                          • Robert nsw
                                                            no never have only keep to stay in touch with people i don,t see much
                                                            • Barbara T
                                                              I deactivated my social media account once, then reactivated it. Nowadays, I rarely use it; once every 2-3 days instead of every day (multiple times). I find it rather boring however with this COVID business going on, actually having a video chat occasionally is the next best thing (unfortunately). Would much prefer face to face but there it is .........
                                                              • Geoffrey S 397940
                                                                Have deactivated i the past as was sick of all the rubbish that gets posted on them.
                                                                • Hannah 398075
                                                                  It’s really hard to de activate when you are bored
                                                                  • Stephen F 84899
                                                                    I prefer to actually talk to friends & family. Although with covid 19 using a webcam camera is alot of fun
                                                                    • Kathy Larsen
                                                                      No I haven't, but have been tempted to
                                                                      • Helen Stiglec
                                                                        Never been on social media
                                                                        • Pat B 169666
                                                                          no as i have never been an account holder and never will be
                                                                          • doris t 277529
                                                                            I don't and never have done social media
                                                                            • Margarret F
                                                                              As am introvert I am not into social media. I look for new with more authority
                                                                              • Carolyn C 364157
                                                                                Too much bullying!
                                                                                • Kristina L 134251
                                                                                  Yes and it ducked me back in and takes forever to figure out how to deactivate
                                                                                  • Kim
                                                                                    I Facebook for me thanks
                                                                                    • Dragie
                                                                                      Yes its more peaceful
                                                                                      • Lachelle B
                                                                                        Never activated anything so I haven't deactivated. Rather deal with real life than a fake one, no one needs to know my business and I'm not interested in yours.
                                                                                        • adrienne H 312549
                                                                                          no - but i dont go in to socials everyday anyway so no difference to me
                                                                                          • Pat P 206247
                                                                                            No I have not done that, yet
                                                                                            • Judy CH
                                                                                              no, I only have a limited amount of close friends and family on facebook
                                                                                              • Jillian S
                                                                                                Yes I have deactivated Facebook once when my 1st ex husband got my so called friends to Try get information out of me for him which wasn’t happening. I still have that account deactivated and now have a new Facebook account and blocked all those people who tried to get info out of me and ex husband and his new partner and ex parent in-laws etc are all blocked on my new Facebook account
                                                                                                • Mariaj
                                                                                                  • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                    I don't have a social media account(s) - and not interest in getting one!
                                                                                                    • Sandra C 12043
                                                                                                      I won't deactivate mine. I don't seem to think that I spend heaps of time on it. I only use it for family and friends when we or they are away on holidays and it's just to know that they are OK.
                                                                                                      • Charles V 383433
                                                                                                        I deactivated social media. How can someone have hundreds of friends that only tell you what they ate.
                                                                                                        • Darlene L 386670
                                                                                                          I have never been on social media.
                                                                                                          • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                            Like - me too!
                                                                                                        • Margaret C 77490
                                                                                                          I won't deactivate mine I have family on it ,friends and my partner on it aswell. Plus it how I find out about important things aswell I am on it alot it apart of my life
                                                                                                          • Aisha A 379399
                                                                                                            I use it mainly to keep in touch with family and friends and read news. I think young people spend more time on social media especially TikTok.
                                                                                                            • Disie
                                                                                                              I set my privacy settings so only I can see it on Facebook. If I deactivate the account, I lose some of the features I need and some great pictures
                                                                                                              • Priscilla R 316016
                                                                                                                Guess you mist really need to be on it then.
                                                                                                            • Rose S 88496
                                                                                                              Yes .... really get annoyed with some of the crap that appears on it

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