Discussion of the Day
The In-Laws
Linda C23-Jan-25
I had a MIL from hell. Enough said on her. The daughter was much the same, though cut from the same cloth as my Mum used to say.
My girlfriend's MIL actually was another. My friend had 2 young boys and all were little surfers (I live in Queensland, Australia). MIL decided they should not have the blonde curls (the hair was not that long, and they looked lovely) and so she buzz cut it all off. I would have never trusted her with my kids again as she knew this was going to upset the mother and constantly harassed and abused her verbally. She was a nasty piece.
I might add that the Mother of the boys was a lovely, gentle young woman. Maybe, no one was ever good enough for her son.
My FIL was lovely however.
Anyone else have one or more of "those" in laws?
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