Discussion of the Day
Weird sights
Linda A30-Sep-22
Driving into the hills one day the forecast was rain, as I got to the top of the road I was on and turning left I saw in a paddock a herd of goat, what struck me as odd was that every goat about 25 all stood facing the same direction and not moving, it's not the first time I've seen this. Couldn't help think that the devil's pet is a goat, or was it just something like the forecast for rain?
  • Taffy
    Pato it was the rudder not the vertical stabilizer that was still there.
    • Betty 588797
      • Debra D 624780
        My husband and I once two years ago saw this huge 70 pound cat with its belly dragging the ground, with a long tail, but was not black like a panther, was not a bobcat cause it had a long tail, we are honestly not sure what it was it was not a mountain lion cause it was a darker brown.
        • Liane H
          Forget the goats,the weirdest thing I remember of late ,was walking up to the shops and seeing everyone in masks,walking along looking at their mobile phones with funny white plugs half hanging out of their ears,and carrying empty plastic bags ..WIERD!
          • Pato Lo Duck
            One day when my mother lived here, she told me she saw about 15 goats standing in a circle staring at something. She went to see what was going on and found a koala sitting in the middle of the circle.
          • John F 984894
            I think it sounds very intriguing !
            • Paula J 395266
              It's natural for most animals to react to weather. Horses will turn their backs to the wind or rain while birds huddle together. Can't say I've paid much attention to cows, which is odd as I used to have them just about at my back door, but they probably do the same.
              • SUSIE W
                • Corine M
                  Perhaps they heard something from afar
                  • mary c
                    We need the wise words of goat wisdom from Pato lo Goat!!! or maybe they were ladies and a studly man goat was strutting by in the distance!
                    • Pato Lo Duck
                      They were cold.. more on this on the weather page.. There are other possible reasons too. They could have been watching you, seen the farmer coming with hay, or watching an F 111 without a stabiliser crash land…
                  • Carolyn H 319412
                    I have no idea of the significance of what you saw.
                    • Empress
                      Animals have good instincts, be like them!!
                      • Ronda l
                        I'm going on maybe the weather
                        • Denise C (Qld)
                          Dont know
                          • Greg B 520364
                            I look in the mirror and see a weird sight. Don't know much about goats
                            • Karen 73356
                              Goats are real characters. All animals are extremely perceptive to all elements
                              • JANET R 328390
                                They may have been looking at something. They often do that. Love goats.
                                • Pat C 618241
                                  How much noise was your car making. Animals like goats and sheep have good hearing and will stop and wait to see what's coming. They too have road rules!
                                  • Taffy
                                    Watching an F111 land with no rudder, it broke of doing a mach 2 turn.
                                    • Pato Lo Duck
                                      Without a rear stabilizer, it would have crashed, not landed… hopefully, not on the goats..
                                  • Muzza
                                    Where have you been? Nothing odd about that!
                                    • Matho
                                      facing out of the wind
                                      • Edith v
                                        Facing out of the wind .Clever Goats
                                        • Pam 431550
                                          I have no idea at all
                                          • Henrietta
                                            I have never noticed this before so I can't really comment.
                                            • APB
                                              I was told that if you are sailing a boat on a lake and there are cattle in the hills around you use them for steering....they all face into the wind....maybe its the same with goats?.....
                                              • Pato Lo Duck
                                                If you are sailing a boat and don’t know which way the wind is blowing you are either very drunk, or already dead…
                                              • APBPato Lo Duck
                                                and there was me thinking you would give us some wisdom about goats...maybe we should ask Grommie
                                            • Tom S Qld
                                              They probably heard an accordion playing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMCIEtC-tJk
                                              • Gregory M 1003558
                                                I have noticed with farm sheep all looking in the same direction ,I figured they're looking out for coyotes or wolves. But not sure!
                                                • Pato Lo Duck
                                                  Or you..
                                              • Judy T 470524
                                                I have noticed this too with cows & goats. They can feel even the slightest earthquake too and know changes that are happening with the weather way before we do.
                                                • Jenny L 591463
                                                  Yes animals know what to do in bad weather, it is a built in instinct taught to them by their mothers. Survival tactics and keeping themselves safe. I heard of a calf been struct dead by lightening and the mother had twins so at least she still had 1 calf look after. Sad though but it is nature in the raw.
                                                  • Christina C 466456
                                                    A lot of herding, four legged livestock animals face their bums to the wind/rain to keep the rest of their bodies warmer. I've seen horses do this often in rainy weather and sometimes cows. I'm guessing goats have this habit too. Only strange thing I've seen on the road is dyed sheep of multiple colours on drive up from Auckland to Northland. I think they used their sheep to grab attention and advertise a cafe or something.
                                                    • B Keeper
                                                      I get the same sort of sensation when I walk into the women's change room at the local swimming pool. They all scream and turn in the same direction.
                                                      • Judy T 470524
                                                      • Pato Lo Duck
                                                        Showing off their butts to you…?
                                                    • Colin L 88398
                                                      If you want to see something weird look at a creek that generally has little to no water in it and you hear what sounds like thunder coming towards you which is actually a flash flood and the water is caring cattle more than slightly upset about being washed away from where they had been standing and complaining loudly. You are running as fast as you can so you do not join the cattle and there is nothing you can do to stop them disappearing over the horizon along with the wave of water caring them.
                                                      • Lyn A.
                                                        most animals still have their natural instincts so they know what the weather will do. Humans unfortunately lose this as they age
                                                        • Sandra C 12043
                                                          I think most animals face into the wind to know what's out there. Friend or Foe.
                                                          • Mooi
                                                            Why is a beautiful goat the devils pet? There’s a reason animals do things we just don’t understand we just assume. Animals are exploited by humans.
                                                            • Mopos
                                                              No, animals are not the evil ones.... it sounds like a myth to me. I have seen cattle face the same way, turning away from an on coming storm.
                                                              • Sonya F 68771
                                                                dont know what to say
                                                                • nina m 212027
                                                                  no so dose horses they all face the wind they stand for the longest time with out moving some goats climb the high mountains in wales and never fall off this has never been explained
                                                                  • Sandra C 12043
                                                                    Maybe one who has goats on this site, can help. I have asked for her to give us the benefit of her knowledge.
                                                                    • Rifat H
                                                                      I was reading online that apparently G.O.A.T stands for the Greatest of All Time. Praise indeed :-) Here's an Aesop's fable 'Goatherd and the Goat' retold in online poem form and renamed 'Got something to Hide by Bob B?' As the day was drawing to a close,The late afternoon was turning cold. A goatherd summoned all his goats togetherIn order to return them to the fold.Suddenly, one goat chose to strayAnd didn't want to join up with the rest. The goatherd knew that if they didn't hurry,They would not get home till dusk at best. He shouted, but the goat ignored his orders.Furious, he threw a heavy stoneAnd hit the goat, breaking one of its horns. The goatherd then let out a fearful moan."Oh, no! I'm in trouble now!" he cried."For me, this is going to mean disaster."Distraught, he begged the poor goat not to say A word about his actions to their master."Don't be stupid," said the rebellious goat."My broken horn would stand out in the herd As if to cry out, 'Hey there, look at me!'Even if I didn't say a word."So here is some advice for you, my friend:Hiding certain things is not forbidden, But you will come off looking like a fool If you try to hide what can't be hidden."
                                                                      • allin
                                                                        i like that Rifat, very meaningful poem,, kudos on that find ;-))
                                                                    • Sheree T
                                                                      Never had that experience, very interesting, maybe they could sense the rain coming as you said.
                                                                      • Bugalugs
                                                                        Why do you cast Goats as "The Devil's Pet"? There is no proof that the Devil, God. Allah. Yahweh or any other deities actually exist. Check out the very basic source of the three occidental religions: The Bible. Written by, for and of men and casts women as the property, the chattels of men, it even sets women aside, hidden behind a thick, screen during religious observances, Why? So that Men are not distracted from their interaction with THEIR God! Goats are beautiful creatures the females are gentle, the males are, like so many in the animal world - including us - are protective, and, yes, aggressive if we interfere with them. If you believe in a deity and the existence of the "Devil" look no further than our own species to see it - both female and male.
                                                                        • nancy b 1002224
                                                                          Maybe they were trying to get your goat ;)
                                                                          • Carolyn K 714554
                                                                            Weird sights can be common. To see a walking tree, a lot of us have seen this as they are known as a Banana tree. They take 1 step a year.
                                                                            • Mariaj
                                                                              Perhaps the goat is your spirt animal and it’s trying to tell you something if you’ve seen that a few times
                                                                              • Elizabeth A 807208
                                                                                That's strange be interesting to find out why
                                                                                • The dog house
                                                                                  They might be on alert for any danger. Their hearing are more acute to ours.
                                                                                  • Lynne L 1029165
                                                                                    Have never heard that giats do that, cows yes...
                                                                                    • kristian s 513441
                                                                                      what type of goat is this?
                                                                                      • Tupulua S
                                                                                        They must be bowing to their God {Rain God so to speak}
                                                                                        • Jayne C 315662
                                                                                          Actually, it was all the goats getting together when they saw you coming and conspiring, “What can we do to really unnerve the next person who comes over the hill?”
                                                                                          • Smiley
                                                                                            Many animals will face away from the rain (bum towards the rain) if they can't find shelter while many humans still seem to act inappropriately in bad weather conditions. I do not see the goats doing that as strange. I would consider a weird sight some of the ways people chose to be "covid safe" during the start of the pandemic- (think large bottles or buckets over their heads, wearing hazmat suits to the shops, etc)
                                                                                            • Felicity V
                                                                                              The cows do it around here when it's about to rain!
                                                                                              • Igor A
                                                                                                Goats are like people.
                                                                                                • SueM2
                                                                                                  Paul B is correct - any animals out in the open when bad weather is coming will do the same.
                                                                                                  • Lachelle B
                                                                                                    Sounds like the patrons at the local pub, they run in herds and look in the same direction, fixated at the bar.
                                                                                                    • Sweetums
                                                                                                      Walk down the street, you'll see strange.
                                                                                                      • Paul B 522937
                                                                                                        They turn their backs to the wind
                                                                                                        • allin
                                                                                                          maybe they were all males and horny, and maybe a drop dead gorgeous female goat was nibbling on grass over in that direction,, where's Pato you you need a goat expert,, ;-)
                                                                                                          • lin r
                                                                                                            HOW ABOUT U TALK ABOUT THE SITE HERE LIKE WHY DID I GET 59 LINES AND ONLY 18 POINTS GOOD QUESTION HUH
                                                                                                            • View all 4 replies
                                                                                                            • allin
                                                                                                              not really, don't have a clue what you asking about, this is about goats, not cocaine,, lol
                                                                                                            • Moposallin
                                                                                                              Yep !
                                                                                                            • Christine M 323842allin
                                                                                                              That has gotta be the funniest comment I’ve read on this site. But I think points relates to Ice ;)
                                                                                                            • allinChristine M 323842
                                                                                                              why thank you Christine, i try to please ;-))
                                                                                                          • Tiffany L 690503
                                                                                                            I see lots of sheep before
                                                                                                            • Stacie B 783451
                                                                                                              • Sandy G 969046
                                                                                                                As prey animals, they are very vigilant. They would probably have heard something and be watching for what alerted them, hence all facing the same direction and still.
                                                                                                                • Natina T
                                                                                                                  Stop thinking negatively. Maybe he was an angel?
                                                                                                                  • Chosen
                                                                                                                    Myself in the mirror each and every morning.
                                                                                                                    • Helen S 925961
                                                                                                                      Aha! Listening to voices that only they can hear....................
                                                                                                                      • Donna M 594867
                                                                                                                        Naked cowboy
                                                                                                                        • FoxyAlien
                                                                                                                          Worked on a horse farm that had goats. Not very nice.
                                                                                                                          • Tina 423889
                                                                                                                            Goats are not very smart. Having had goats growing up they most likely were just eating and staring.
                                                                                                                            • PETER M 134659
                                                                                                                              YOU SEE EM' VERY RARELY, BUT YOU'LL NEVER FORGET EM'.
                                                                                                                              • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                                I am a city boy (actual inner-city boy aka growing up and becoming an ultra-cynical male). Never heard the expression that a goat is the devil's pet. Not sure what point(s) you were trying to make (?). However, I am going with weird sights. The weirdest sight I have ever seen (in my lifetime) is the USA masquerading as a democracy (HAHA) - with former president Trump being the re-incarnation of a right-wing dictator (sad but true) - LOL!
                                                                                                                                • View all 3 replies
                                                                                                                                • lin r
                                                                                                                                  YES IT IS SAD AND TRUE
                                                                                                                                • allin
                                                                                                                                  i usually agree with you Walter as we are normally on the same page, however, you should have left out the word president, i know you will look at it and may agree, as that POS was never anything close to being a president of anything, i'll prolly take some flack, but hey, like someone else says, it's my opinion and it's my business, and that's all i'm saying,, i saw that in some movie i think, does it ring a bell,, ;-))
                                                                                                                                • BLACK LIVES MATTERallin
                                                                                                                              • Linda C
                                                                                                                                It's a pack mentality. Cows and horses do the same thing at times as do sheep. Normal behaviour.
                                                                                                                                • Amber 22
                                                                                                                                  I hope not I like the look of goats
                                                                                                                                  • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                                    There was a predator around.
                                                                                                                                    • Disie
                                                                                                                                      Maybe they were all looking at something funny
                                                                                                                                      • Suzanne S 1017427
                                                                                                                                        Who knows??

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