Discussion of the Day
I don't think boxing should be banned
Johana C27-Oct-20
The World Medical Association has said that boxing should be a banned sport because it causes fatalities and brain injuries. But life causes fatalities and brain injuries. Sport causes fatalities and brain injuries. Car accidents cause fatalities and brain injuries. Should we aim to ban everything? Boxing should not be banned. It's the risk the individual chooses to take when they play the sport.
  • robinr c
    me either
    • Richard M 407933
      I loath boxing - an absurd sport where the sole aim is to disable your opponent. Be that as it may however, we do live in a free world and if some people are stupid enough to want to do it, then that's their choice.
      • Margaret C 77490
        I don't think it should be banned
        • Margaret C 68385
          I don't consider 'legalised brawling' a sport!
          • Shirley H 391879
            Not something I want to watch. 2 grown men beating the crap out of each other
            • suzi v
              • Dee and Paul from Perth WA
                It should be banned as its a dangerous sport
                • James R 393760
                  Boofheads belting each other around - what's wrong with that ?
                  • Jennifer S 320468
                    Neanderthal sport for neanderthals
                    • Leanne M 293000
                      Don't watch - yuk, feel every punch.
                      • Kristina L 134251
                        As long as they’re ok not getting insurance
                        • marilyn r 276770
                          it is a senseless sport but freedom of chose to those who choose and know the consequences
                          • Joe B 288252
                            No, there is no deliberate cruelty, it’s a choice of sport, effort and skill. Ban war, ban hunger, ban disease, ban banning. There is too much PC rubbish around, people should put their efforts into worthwhile, achievable goals
                            • Maria B 89860
                              Why is this still a question? The Medics have spoken. It's a 50/50 risk and 50+50=100, 50% for each participant if we really want to break it down any further.
                              • Tania D 434466
                                It’s no more barbaric than mixed martial arts and not much worse than even rugby or gridiron football
                                • antoinette d 79977
                                  Its barbaric and should definitely be banned.
                                  • Tim R 439287
                                    Its a good time for ot
                                    • Phyrephly
                                      We should ban all chess matches. Riots after chess matches games are reallllyyy brutal .... and those cheer squad, chess groupies ... rough bunch, that lot ;}
                                      • roger l 315504
                                        Let''s get some perspective here. The nedua is in the business of generating stories that they (the media) think we want to hear about, something hopefully controversial so we see the spotlight on boxing, or a bushfire and then the 'experts', There were probably calls to ban fights at the Coliseum too
                                        • Daniel A 2
                                          I did Shotokan Karate for 20 years or so that would be my preference, although when ever I've seen boxing it looks a bit idiotic. Still no reason for it to be banned if it is their choice.
                                          • Lyn 78550
                                            You cannot call for a ban on boxing without calling it on other sports. It is a known fact that it can cause brain damage, as do other sports. It is up to the individual whether they are willing to take that risk or not. I do support safety gear however in all of these sports and not just boxing.
                                            • Sonya F 68771
                                              If they want to do it let them they know the risk
                                              • Dhirajlal P
                                                There may be some rule that sensitive parts of the body should not be blown in
                                                • Merril E
                                                  • CHERRY BLOSSOM
                                                    Yes it should be banned, as i don't think wrestling is that bad.
                                                    • Paul J 94868
                                                      I don't think it should be banned. If two men,(or women),want to get into the ring then let them. For a lot of people it doesn't work out and they get out of it. For a lot of people they can make a living out of it. For the best of them they can make more money than most of us will ever see. Good luck to them...
                                                      • JANET R 328390
                                                        I believe it should be banned. You are much more at risk of serious damage and there are enough other sports they can get involved in. I agree with the WMA - on this occasion.
                                                        • Colin L 88398
                                                          Just like Football Boxing is going to make you far less than perfect. If it is to continue after the people finish doing it they need to have their brain dissected to find out what damage they have done to themselves just like footballers.
                                                          • Cindy N 315785
                                                            There should be a limit of how long you can compete for and regular brain scans for damage. If scans detect deterioration then the competitor should be made to quit the sport for their own good
                                                            • Ivan S 396292
                                                              Unfortunately boxing is just one of the consequences of money driven life. When you see money you can't see brain injuries. When you see money you can't see brain injuries from drugs and so on and so on.....
                                                              • Katzeye
                                                                I don't think it should be banned,if it is going to be banned then all contact sport should be banned.They just need to be wearing the right protection like helmets and mouth guards.
                                                                • Lyn 78550
                                                                  Well said Annette and so very true. You cannot single out one sport without the others. Definitely agree with safety gear at all times. Have a great day. Lyn.
                                                              • Chosen
                                                                There is nothing like watching two people smashing each other to pieces.
                                                                • Margarret F
                                                                  Anything that is active in any way has a potential for some accidental injury. This includes crossing the road or even walking on a public footpath. We are each responsible for the level of risk that we take. A great deal is done to help prevent accidents but they still happen. I don't think any sport is risk free and there is also a big risk if we don't move around. The important thing is that education occurs to keep people aware so that decisions are made with the information available.
                                                                  • Bill B 394870
                                                                    Why ban well regulated boxing when rugby creates more injuries based on numbers playing.
                                                                    • Stephen F 84899
                                                                      It is a sport done for ages.Not what I would want to do
                                                                      • Bugalugs
                                                                        Boxing should be banned. To say that "Life causes fatalities and Brain Injuries" is true but has no relevance to the question. Boxing deliberately puts people in a position which can result in fatalities and life-long Brain Damage. The promoters simply don't care so long as they make lots of money out of it. To call Competitive in-the-ring Boxing a "Sport" is simply not true. To go to a Fitness Centre/Gym where Boxing is used is a very different matter entirely. There actual bodily contact (heads, stomach, chest etc.) is not allowed.
                                                                        • MoB
                                                                          Boxing does need to be banned, it causes all sorts of head trauma and other injuries to the body.
                                                                          • Frank N
                                                                            Some people do not properly assess risk, and that is why highly dangerous sports such as boxing need to be banned.
                                                                            • Beverly I
                                                                              Boxing is ok as long as they stop aiming for the head ,I agree that the sport is a choice ??
                                                                              • Robert nsw
                                                                                no its ok as a sport has a lot of strong rules in place to protect people
                                                                                • Lachelle B
                                                                                  No. My dad was a boxer for 30 odd years and our 17 year old son boxes. You know what you're signing up for and it's your choice to watch.
                                                                                  • doug m 408074
                                                                                    too many suspicious characters involved! too many organisations trying to be credible!
                                                                                    • Claude H
                                                                                      Boxing should be like rugby. Anything over shoulder height should get at least a yellow card.
                                                                                      • Chuckles
                                                                                        They should ban UFC.It's like a street fight in a cage.
                                                                                        • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                          I don't think boxing should be banned - it would lead to underground (illegal) boxing matches with more risk (fatalities and brain injuries - happening more often to boxers). However, I have never "attended" or "watched" a boxing event. Obvious, I am not a boxing fan. Furthermore, I am not a sports fan!!!
                                                                                          • Mariaj

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