Discussion of the Day
What Do You Do With "Old Stuff"?
So what are you actually supposed to do with old Electronic, Electrical & other "Non-Organic" things in this Brave New "Green" World"?
Just had a message from a supplier of vacuum cleaner parts, I was looking for a charger to go with the handheld bit of one. Common make (Electrolux), 6 years old, still holds a charge, all that techie stuff! Supplier hadn't heard of it, gave up & it'll go in the bin, battery & all. Landfill. I'll buy a new one
I've been tried to "Re-Purpose", even been building PCs from old bits I had in the shed, otherwise try & sell them on Trade Me, Facebook etc...
Phones to Fridges. What do you do?
  • Debra F 499651
    We keep using everything till it quits working and than trash it. Needless to say we don't have the latest tech stuff.
    • Paul
      Thank you all for your comments & suggestions! Seems like there are plenty of p[tions but not all are available in different areas, countries.Be good to know where, in each of our communities, we can go to find out more. I understand the Citizens Advice Bureau in NZ is a good place to start!
      • Imperia S
        donate it all to Seniours Club and the Computer Club refreshes what can be fixed and donate them to kids or Seniours who need them
        • Sabine V
          Donate a lot of stuff
          • Rose S 88496
            Recycle as much as possible Office Works accepts a lot of tech things, batteries, ink cartridges etc and our council has a free tech and electronic product drop off once a year
            • gordy
              Garage Sale then donate, look up recycling hardware electronics
              • SUSIE W
                I keep him around…. After all I married Him!
                • Ruth v
                  Sell it, donate it, give it away.
                  • Jacqueline R 353303
                    I tend to hoard things unless I can pass it onto a charity shop
                    • Melinda B 311794
                      I generally use things until they fall to pieces, but admittedly I am guilty of putting things in the bin (for landfill). If I ever have anything worth anything, I'll try to sell it on eBay. Our local council has a hard waste collection at least once a year. Not sure what happens to that. Other than that, I give clothes I don't use to charity or sell it on eBay. I used to live in an area where things which were still usable were put on the kerb. Before too long they would be picked up by someone who could use them. I know a lot of people think that is an eyesore and dirty, but I appreciated it when in need.
                      • Greg B 520364
                        Recycle, repair, donate. Remember we are in a world that is easier to dump than repair
                        • Gaza
                          If it's still good, I donate it to a charity that can sell it to someone. (recycled)
                          • Christina C 466456
                            They have electronics recycling facilities but you have to look for them. It's great that you make an effort to recycle this stuff.
                            • Bugalugs
                              Most Local Councils now have Recycling Depots which are usually open Mon-Fri and some on Saturday Mornings (to be avoided if possible as very busy!) They will take al dead, distressed, damaged, obsolete Electronic stuff - TVs, Computers, Phones Vacuums, Radios, i-pads, tablets -you name it they will take it. Some o of this gear has valuable, rare metals (no, not enough for you to save up and sell at a massive profit, unless you have 100s or 1000s of them) and other Fully Recyclable bits which they sell off. You can also Advertise stuff on sites such as Gumtree, e-bay but do so on the basis that they are FREE, with No Guarantee, No Delivery - you will be amazed at just how quickly your Trash becomes someone else's Treasure. IK, so you don't make any money out of it but does that really matter? You are simply getting rid of stuff which fills your shed and whilst it does that it has no monetary value. But PLEASE don't just stick it in the Landfill Bin.
                              • Julie K 348980
                                Take most items to Officeworks for recycling.
                                • Raymond K 449636
                                  Either put them out front for street collection, or take them to Op Shop
                                  • John B 89024
                                    Keep it.
                                    • Edith v
                                      Have a Garage Sale be prepared with small notes & small change.& be prepared for the scrooges who try to pay very little. Go to the local trash & treasure markets with small items & a list of the larger items with a 'photo & prices.
                                      • APB
                                        Where possible buy old equipment that was very expensive when new...it will probably last you 20 or 30 years at least with no need for repair...I've got a real "top end" Mac that would have cost maybe $5,000 when new...20 or so years ago...it is still fast and not obsolete at all...cost me $200 10 years ago...I am at least the third proud owner of a large microwave that cost me $30 twenty years ago on ebay....the list goes on....I had a $30 fridge for over 20 years....and a top end italian oven...it was the best..and lasted 15 years for $40!! ...my mother bought an electric kettle in 1970....still works fine
                                        • Jenny L 591463
                                          Recycle if possible, find some one who does repairs they may take it off your hands for spare parts etc. We live in such a throw away society it really is a shame more people don't repair things or have them fixed but some times it is just easier and cheaper to go and buy a new one. We had 2 dud vacuum cleaners both Hoovers and the last we left the vacuum cleaner at the shop and told them we don't want the headache back Thanks but No Thanks. It's up to them now to get rid of it or resell it onto some other unexpected customer. It's not good really but sales people don't have a problem passing it on as long as they get paid.
                                          • Wendy Q
                                            Some get donated some go down to our gully where we throw it in to stop errosion
                                            • JoeJoe
                                              Donate to the veterans administration.
                                              • Smiley
                                                depending on what it is, we either try to reuse the product, donate to someone who wants it or can fix/resell it, donate to charity if it is of use to them, ewaste places recycle and reuse what they can for unwanted electronics/small appliances...
                                                • Robert T 597718
                                                  Keep it it may be valuable or valueless in the future
                                                  • Paul J 94868
                                                    Wouldn't you like to know...
                                                    • PETER M 134659
                                                      MOST OF IT, I KEEP. THE REST JUST CIRCULATES.
                                                      • Anneliese
                                                        You can recycle them. I remember when we moved someone came to collect our fridge for recycling. It's a business that reuse parts and collect for free. You just have to book in a date for them to collect. Phones are easy. There's many places you can drop your old phones at or I usually pick up a those bags that you can mail them to. Just need to make sure everything is properly wiped from your phone. I have limited space in a high rise appartment so can't do too much these days but I am part of an upcycle group, so many great ideas on there.
                                                        • Carol S 657195
                                                          This is a huge problem for me and probably millions more of us. I have things that could be fixed, but don't know where to take them. This is a very rural area with absolutely no recycling of anything! I hate filling up landfills, and I always think there's something someone could use if they knew I had it. Is it worth them paying for the shipping even if it was free? A lot of people throw out printers when they need ink rather than purchase ink cartridges, they buy a new printer with ink cartridges with it. It's cheaper! That is ridiculous to me. Why does ink have to be so expensive, and who can throw out good printers? *sigh*
                                                          • Pat C 618241
                                                            We are fortunate to have a Recycle Depot close to our house and take most of our electronic waste there. My over enthusiastic partner has 2 yellow boxes given by the recycle depot and every week religiously takes all our paper and thin plastics down in the relevant boxes. As he is a "technie" there still seems an awfully big lot of electronic gadgetry still residing in his home office.
                                                            • Maria B 89860
                                                              Never fear! It will all turn green with mould! But will the world really be a better for it?
                                                              • RODNEY S 668931
                                                                Warehouse it!
                                                                • Larry S 382961
                                                                  My wife is Filipino and her thing is. IF you have something and haven’t used it in say 3-4 weeks THROW IT.I can understand her logic as over there the people( some) don’t have much but value what they have. It gets blown away by a typhoon and they start again. I dare not show her that show on TV American Pickers. There would be 100’s of tip trucks lined up.
                                                                  • Sonya F 68771
                                                                    Office works recycles batteries, computers, ink cartridges, phones and we try to sell things on facebook market place
                                                                    • Pato Lo Duck
                                                                      there are lots of chargers for Electrolux stick vacuum cleaners for sale on eBay. Many different Electrolux stick vacuums covered and also replacement batteries, I think you might find what you need there.
                                                                      • Therese M 73305
                                                                        My kids and grandkids say I'm a hoarder so I tell them their antiques
                                                                        • Sandra C 12043
                                                                          Did you try getting in touch with Electrolux, seeing it's one of their parts. Maybe put an ad in your market place for one. Maybe someone else has one they might sell if no longer using it.
                                                                          • Arthur K 171693
                                                                            Usually I put it in the storeroom in case I need to cannibalise it for spare parts, or find time to find a way to repair or repurpose it. We are really, really worried about when we need to move house. We've lived here since 1995 and have accumulated lots and lots of stuff!
                                                                            • Empress
                                                                              I still need to sort it...it's a nightmare..I don't have the strength!!
                                                                              • nina m 212027
                                                                                wait for collection day at the tip
                                                                                • Joe B 288252
                                                                                  Biff it, I love shopping…even groceries…..lol but biff it in the right place. Electronics go to the recycle place, greens to compost, crap to the crapatory…..lol It’s good to read all the folks recycling….lol
                                                                                  • Elizabeth J 447888
                                                                                    I put all my E-waste aside and wait for a special E-waste collection day. There specially allocated receptacles for batteries at various supermarkets.
                                                                                    • 'smee,SWQ!
                                                                                      I put it all in the "I'm going to use this one day or possibly use it for parts" section of the shed. spare room, bedroom...(wherever I can fit it!) and possibly one day if I need it I'll be able to find it and use it...Just a "word to the wise" : stuff "stored" since the 1970's may be a little harder to locate!
                                                                                      • Kat 493553
                                                                                        If it’s truly dead, there’s a dead dept for electronics at the recycle place! If I wouldn’t reuse it, it’s a gonner! Otherwise, one man’s trash is another’s treasure.
                                                                                        • Pato Lo Duck
                                                                                          There are many generic chargers available that could probably do the job, you just have to check the voltage input etc. I use my 12 volt car battery charger for most of my 12 volt applications and my phone charger for a lot of other stuff. You just have to make sure the charger output matches the battery you want to charge.
                                                                                          • Stephen F 84899
                                                                                            Throw it away
                                                                                            • Dada WA
                                                                                              Tech stuff can be recycled at Office Works here (Perth) Battery recycling is common. Also seen some places take old furniture and dispose of it. No need to send to the tip. Just ask around.
                                                                                              • Rhian C
                                                                                                I gift or sell
                                                                                                • Scott D 624802
                                                                                                  Bunnings have unplug and drop centres for any electrical items. They recycle them. This is in Adelaide Australia.
                                                                                                  • Yin Girl
                                                                                                    If they are in good condition and have modern technology, sell them second hand, or give them to charity otherwise unfortunately community cleanup fodder.
                                                                                                    • JANN R
                                                                                                      I JUST RECYCLE THEM
                                                                                                      • Claude H
                                                                                                        I just store it somewhere as I will not pay to dispose of it
                                                                                                        • Brietta 617888
                                                                                                          I either hoarde it or burn it
                                                                                                          • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                                                            Donate, fix, give away, recycle etc...last resort is the trash.
                                                                                                            • kristian s 513441
                                                                                                              I would either sell the old stuff or throw them away.
                                                                                                              • Grommie
                                                                                                                A mate of mine does astonishingly clever things with my old electronic gear. He's a real "Inspector Gadget", so he keeps what he wants and recycles the rest through a local processing outfit
                                                                                                                • Sandra B 546769
                                                                                                                  I keep them to use th em again if I need it.
                                                                                                                  • Biscuit
                                                                                                                    E waste can be recycled. In some states it cannot be put in the bin for landfill. There are a multitude of places you can take all these things and a quick and easy search will find one near you.
                                                                                                                    • Ghostgirl1971
                                                                                                                      I donate, give it away, or recycle
                                                                                                                      • Ceasar 156113
                                                                                                                        I just done this task of getting rid of old items. I donated to an organization in my community.
                                                                                                                        • Ann H 652541
                                                                                                                          I old washing machines go and I usually keep all the old things thinking of what the person did to give me that the shopping and all that some very old i just cannot seem get rid of things they give me for Christmas birthdays or something like i might be a little be of a hoarder but also mentalist but they do represent someone gave me a present it reminds me of them. But electronic equipment they go out the door usually.
                                                                                                                          • Sheree T
                                                                                                                            If it still works and I no longer need or want it I take it to the opportunity shops. If it is a refrigerator or something like that and beyond repair we take it to the dump and they have an area where it goes to.
                                                                                                                            • Joan M 663912
                                                                                                                              Donate, throw or recycle.
                                                                                                                              • Stephan S
                                                                                                                                I use things as long as they work.If something breaks down I look around.If the price is reasonable I repair and only replace things if they are really beyond any point of repair.Some broken electronic appliances I pull apaet and keep certain parts.Trafos and condensers can be useful and also small screws and nuts for my rc cars
                                                                                                                                • Disie
                                                                                                                                  I have a website that picks up old used elec stuff, I just book a time, and they come and get it.
                                                                                                                                  • Linda C
                                                                                                                                    Sometimes there are people who will come to you and pick up this old stuff. The council has an area at the tip for you to put them. However, I agree, this stuff does not last very long these days and we have become the throw away society. The old days we could fix things and keep them working but not any more. Where I buy my fridges and washing machines etc. the supplier takes them away free of charge. However, I see many PC's, mobiles, ipads etc. just thrown in the bins and they say the problems with the world are caused by the older generation. Mmmmm don't get me started on that.
                                                                                                                                    • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                                      Converse with tech firms in your area (if the items still work) - for suggestions.
                                                                                                                                      • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                                        Usually just throw old electronics into trash.
                                                                                                                                        • Biscuit
                                                                                                                                          Electronic waste must be recycled. Most contain valuable parts. There are many options to do this. You can’t put electrics in your bin for landfill.

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