Discussion of the Day
Water saving tips
Odugbesan A14-Apr-22
You may find the following tips helpful.
Use a bowl in the sink when washing fruit, vegetables or dishes. You can then use the waste water to water your plants.
Fill a jug with water and put it in the fridge for when you want a cool drink.
Turn off the tap when you clean your teeth. A running tap uses up to nine litres of water a minute.
If possible, take a shower instead of a bath. A five-minute shower uses about 40 litres of water. This is about half the volume of a standard bath.
Use a water-saving device in your toilet cistern. Depending on the size of your cistern, you could save between one and three litres each time you flush the toilet.
Think about fitting a water butt to collect rainwater off your roof. Water butts usually store about 200 litres of water. As well as being better for watering your plants, using rainwater in the garden reduces the amount of treated water you use.
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