Discussion of the Day
Ironing duties
Mum irons everything, including t-shirts & towels, what do you iron?
Comments - Page 2
  • Lyn A.
    I iron nothing. Wash it, hang it, or fold it - most don't need ironing. I have ironed in the past but don't need "business shirts" and using the above method noting else needs ironing-my opinion anyway :)
    • Raelz
      This mum irons nothing! If you spread the clothes out neatly to dry and fold or hang them neatly in the cupboard, they come out fine enough for us!
      • Mandi H 1110314
        I only iron dress clothes when they need it.
        • Maree B 85308
          We felt happy when our Nan let us iron T towels and hankies. How things have changed, oh for the innocence and ignorance of child hood. Ironing no longet makes me feel happy, i still have the iron i purchaded 40 years ago, when i moved in with my husband. Its in perfect working order, after all its had very little use, so why wouldn't it be
          • Cynthia W 780047
            Once upon a time I ironed everything but now I fold them neatly and after a time the wrinkles will fall out
            • Bronwyn T 1157773
              It was very liberating the day I stopped ironing. I just fold clothing or hang as soon as possible and it looks just fine!
              • Paul B 522937
                Shirts and sheets
                • Sandra F 947877
                  Nothing unless it’s a special occasion.
                  • Agonis
                    I don't bother, I buy clothes that don't need to be ironed but if I do it's usually business shirts and jackets or anything for a funeral.
                    • Annamarie S
                      Nothing at the time. If I need to iron the item I would do it at the time of been cleaned.
                      • Robin L 79437
                        everything except sheets towels and underwear
                        • Rachael W 377992
                          I find I iron more in Summer than winter as fabric that air dries is more crinkled than what comes out of the dryer. I hate clothes that look like they need pressing, I think it shows lack of respect for oneself
                          • Elizabeth D 888725
                            I actually like to Iron, but not everything. it's even nicer if you have a good Iron with a great steamer
                            • Carrie K 391388
                              I don't iron.
                              • lynda e 390007
                                • Marianne R 975178
                                  I have not ironed anything in years. Buy clothes that do not require ironing.
                                  • Sarina S
                                    I iron everything
                                    • Carolyn K 714554
                                      I haven't ironed clothes for about 20 years.
                                      • Vicki S 484904
                                        I mostly steer clear of cotton and linen clothes and bring out the garment steamer when any thing needs de wrinkling
                                        • Lyn 78550
                                          Those days are gone when standing ironing for children and hubby. However, I still iron linen and shirts. Don't mind it as long as there is music playing.
                                          • Mopos
                                            High 5 Lyn.... music a must! great minds think alike :) Sunshine and blue sky today, garden time......
                                          • Lyn 78550Mopos
                                            Yep it is a necessity Mopos. Great weather for you my friend. Enjoy your garden and that special vegie patch. Take care x
                                        • Valerie S 478525
                                          As little as I can.
                                          • Peter R 702750
                                            I don't iron I buy mostly non ironing items of clothing
                                            • Bill H 389231
                                              Not much these day but when I was in the Army everything was Ironed you had to look smart at all times
                                              • Boycee
                                                Don't iron if people don't like what i'm wearing and how it look's that's their problem
                                                • PETER M 134659
                                                  DON'T HAVE EM'.
                                                  • Sheree T
                                                    I iron all clothing except for knitted jumpers, cardigans and underwear. And iron pillowcases.
                                                    • Tere D
                                                      I iron top and bottom of sheets, pillow slips and Hankies, also most summer clothes including T'shirts
                                                      • Beverly I
                                                        Those days have gone for me lol ,i used to iron everything
                                                        • OKIE K
                                                          I've never liked ironing, to the point that I kept that in mind when I bought clothes and didn't buy it if I knew it would wrinkle easily. Most of mine didn't really need ironing unless I didn't take it out of the dryer right away. And I also kept almost everything on hangers to keep them from needing ironing. Hardly folded anything in drawers except for things that never wrinkle. And I never wear things that need creases pressed etc. But a few years ago, I discovered something that now lets me avoid ironing altogether! I use Bounce wrinkle spray on everything now, and I can't live without it! It works great. Only the aerosol kind though. The pump spray isn't the same. Has to be the aerosol kind. And I think Bounce brand is best; it's in an orange can. There's another brand in a blue can that works about as well, forget the brand, starts with a D. Maybe Dove? But they both will work, and they both cost $5 a can at Walmart, and that lasts a long time. I keep several on hand, just so I can always find one real quick when I'm about to leave the house, late as always, and realize I'm wrinkled! I usually just spray it on while I'm wearing it, since that's easier and that works, but probably better to spray it when it's still on a hanger. It's almost like magic how well it works. Almost any fabric, although heavier ones need more spray. But it's really quick and really easy, and I never have to get out the hated iron ever now! And I can even fold tops etc., that I always used to have to keep on hangers. I hardly ever hang anything up now, I can keep it all in my dressers folded up. You should try it. And if you ever used it in the past and thought it didn't work, you might give it a try now, because I guess they improved it in recent years, because I tried it years ago, was not impressed and didn't keep using it. That was when it only came in the pump spray bottle. Then one day, I saw it in the aerosol can and tried it, and it was so much better. That's the kind I use now. I love it! No more ironing for me.
                                                          • Maria T 1103596
                                                            I have not ironed anything for years
                                                            • kristian s 513441
                                                              I don't iron my clothes.
                                                              • Barbara H 1073102
                                                                I am an ironer holdout but getting better. Now that I am not working, I am more apt to let a few wrinkles go,
                                                                • Louise M 447666
                                                                  We don’t iron very much. My hubby irons his own work shirts.
                                                                  • Joan H 1079547
                                                                    Only clothing that needs it. I don't mind it.
                                                                    • Vivian M 867575
                                                                      hate ironing only do what I have to
                                                                      • Jeanine R
                                                                        I would enjoy this but I have an eye issue that makes it difficult to do. I do enjoy fresh clothes out of the dryer as I can get stains out of clothes with effort,
                                                                        • Elizabeth T 396096
                                                                          Nothing unless it is necessary. It is a waste of time and energy to iron EVERYTHING that comes out of a wash as by the time you want the item you will most likely need to iron it again. Iron something when you need it. Save money and the planet in one hit.
                                                                          • Ek M
                                                                            only the essentials and it's one of my less hated housework chores which doesn't bode well for the rest of the jobs
                                                                            • Craig S 1050522
                                                                              I always did my own ironing - I blame that on 12yrs in the Air Force and liking my shirts done a certain way - Took me years to stop ironing my T Shirts :-)
                                                                              • Morenita
                                                                                Absolutely Nada! I stopped ironing decades ago, lol.
                                                                                • Carmen J 1156122
                                                                                  What ever happen to iron on decal art
                                                                                  • Micheal M (WPASSR-US)
                                                                                    Iron? I thought that had something to do with golfing!? Or maybe, changing a tire.
                                                                                    • Daniel T 626103
                                                                                      I hardly ever iron anything, except for things like job interviews etc.
                                                                                      • Paul
                                                                                        Thanks! Now I know what that thing in the laundry cupboard's for!
                                                                                        • FoxyAlien
                                                                                          What's an iron?
                                                                                          • Morenita
                                                                                        • Christina C 466456
                                                                                          My partner's work shirts and that is all thankfully.
                                                                                          • Catalina
                                                                                            Only if I absolutely have to. Once, for a short time, I ironed for other people as we needed the money - oh, never again.
                                                                                            • SueM2
                                                                                              Nothing, now! I take care hanging my washing though, and fold it from the line, which cuts out a lot of creasing.
                                                                                              • Amy B 1078427
                                                                                                Only things that have to be! I throw things in the dryer first
                                                                                                • teresa b 607654
                                                                                                  I iron only pillow cases, some tablecloths, but not many clothes even ones that look creased as when you put them on the creases disappear.
                                                                                                  • View all 5 replies
                                                                                                  • Sweetums
                                                                                                    Where do they go? Because the clothes I see people wear are wrinkly and sloppy looking because of THE WRINKLES. But to each his/her own. If that's what you'll settle for, great! Go for it. If I have a garment on that wrinkly, it has got to be ironed or steamed if you don't want to get the iron out. Hang your garment from a door jam or creased open closet, or a hook behind the bathroom door and you can just gently swab the steamer over the item of clothing and voila'!! As in, I was asking where do the wrinkles go, bc I'm sorry, wrinkles rarely just disappear. So where do they go is my question to that?
                                                                                                  • teresa b 607654Sweetums
                                                                                                    Get real. I don't wear wrinkled clothes unless that's the design.
                                                                                                  • Sweetumsteresa b 607654
                                                                                                    my question was sincere, but I guess you took it another way. Sorry about that. Have a good day, whatever time it is where you are! :)
                                                                                                  • teresa b 607654Sweetums
                                                                                                    time for the Chase.
                                                                                                  • Sweetumsteresa b 607654
                                                                                                    I take it that's a tv show you like?
                                                                                                • Michelle S 553303
                                                                                                  When I finally moved out on my own 2 and a half years ago, I bought my iron and ironing board with me. I had ALWAYS ironed having had 5 kids and then a grandson I was helping to raise, so I simply couldn't forsee a time in my life when I wouldn't be ironing much at all. But since moving here I think I might have ironed maybe 10 times in total and mostly doilies or a good dresss for the rare occasion when I actually go somewhere special. I don't think that any of my kids iron either but back in the day learning to iron was just another task that my mother taught me and for which I am grateful! Thanks for reading.
                                                                                                  • Pamela G
                                                                                                    The first things I learned to iron were my father's handkerchiefs.
                                                                                                  • Michelle S 553303Pamela G
                                                                                                    If I had a $1 for every hanky or tea towel I have ironed In my life then I'd be a rich woman! Have a nice day!
                                                                                                • Cherie
                                                                                                  I enjoy ironing. Yup that may sound weird to some!
                                                                                                  • Pamela G
                                                                                                    Relaxing and the clothes look nice.
                                                                                                  • Jeanine R
                                                                                                    I understand and good for you. I do not enjoy this but others do.
                                                                                                • Corine M
                                                                                                  Work and fess clothes everything else in the dryer and hung
                                                                                                  • Julie K 348980
                                                                                                    Call me weird but I enjoy ironing so do anything that can be ironed.
                                                                                                    • Sweetums
                                                                                                      I like ironing too. There's a accomplished feeling when your clothing is crisp and clean. And ironed heavy on parts like men's dress shirt collars.... Make a man look sharp. My man will look sharp when the garment or occasion dictate so. Show some class people. Julie, you are not weird. Its a great trait and ability and you always look sharp as well as household items looking crisp. It says a lot about a person.
                                                                                                    • Julie K 348980Sweetums
                                                                                                      Will admit to feeling extreme joy when I wash, dry, iron, and put away my clothes in one day.
                                                                                                  • Gina P 1140476
                                                                                                    I hate ironing. Only use to iron my work clothes when I use to work.
                                                                                                    • Lady Flamingo
                                                                                                      Not for me! Don't own an iron or an ironing board.
                                                                                                      • Sandra C 1138223
                                                                                                        Nothing lol
                                                                                                        • Gayle (Minnesota USA)
                                                                                                          I have an iron but I rarely use it. We have a dryer that has a steam option. If something is wrinkled, I put it in there for a few minutes to help get the wrinkles out.
                                                                                                          • Helena H
                                                                                                            Nothing now, used to long time ago.
                                                                                                            • Debra F 499651
                                                                                                              If I'm not quilting ~~ I'm not ironing! Long gone are the days my Mom made me press my bed pillow covers!
                                                                                                              • Julie K 348980
                                                                                                                I still iron my sheets as well.
                                                                                                            • APB
                                                                                                              Will she do mine too please?
                                                                                                              • Janice S 76330
                                                                                                                I hate ironing! Most of my clothes don't need to be ironed, and if they do need it they still don't get it! I cannot see the point of ironing something if it gets creased as soon as you sit down. Same with anything, it will just get creased as soon as you use it, so why bother.
                                                                                                                • Ann D 726256
                                                                                                                  Nothing at all. I used to in the past. I do not even know where my iron is at this time.
                                                                                                                  • Norman PSBHRJ
                                                                                                                    I iron nothing. I don't sweat the small stuff. If I'm wrinkle, oh well so be it. I'm not trying to impress anybody. So much to do and Ironing is a wasted chore. Live a bit wrinkle, you might have better fun and less stress.
                                                                                                                    • Christine M 323842
                                                                                                                      I’m a mum and I iron jack shit !
                                                                                                                      • Hamzah S
                                                                                                                        Just shirts and pants that wrinkle easily.
                                                                                                                        • Phyrephly
                                                                                                                          ironing face clothes makes them really soft to use; same with towels. Don't do this often, but gets favorable comments when I do,
                                                                                                                          • lin r
                                                                                                                            lived with grandma when growing up all items came out f the dryer were wet down and i had t oiron them NEVER IRONED AGAIN AFTER I LEFT HOME
                                                                                                                            • BLACK LIVES MATTER
                                                                                                                              sometimes - only jeans
                                                                                                                              • Rhonda D 522615
                                                                                                                                Very seldom have to iron.
                                                                                                                                • Linda C
                                                                                                                                  Nope. My mother used to iron sheets, towels, all items of clothing basically anything that was material. I last ironed a wedding dress back 6 years ago and pre that was years. I only buy clothes I do not have to iron as I cannot hold it anymore.

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