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Australian Pensioners DO YOU want changes?
Edward S 49734711-Aug-21 11:50 pm
For far too long pensioners have been overlooked by politicians and swept under the carpet, as if we do not exist; but WE DO EXIST and we ALL do vote at every election.
It is because we sit in silence and say nothing to them because we want to keep the peace, BUT there are far too many pensioners struggling to survive financially, many of who go without things in their lives because they cannot afford it.
It is because they protest in the streets to get attention to their cause and workers fight through their unions....
We the pensioners CANNOT go out into the street and protest due to Covid-19; however; we CAN ALL band together in the comfort of our own homes and pressure the government into giving us pensioners (1) A proper stimulus package (2) A decent increase in our pension payments AND (3) A decent increase in Rent Assistance payments.
I have already got this fight underway for ALL OF US by having emailed Jacquie Lambie, the leader of the Federal Labour party, and my local Liberal MP about our plight and advised them to keep in mind that WE THE PENSIONERS ARE VOTERS ..... I had NOT heard back from any of them; which shows they DO NOT care and shows we, the pensioners MUST take action to pressure them.
Last week I wrote to The Age newspaper about our plight in the hope they will publish the story and help fight to get us, pensioners, a better deal.
In order to put more pressure on our government I ask that ALL pensioners who are struggling financially, please email Scott Morrison; Josh Frydenberg, Jacquie Lambie, YOUR local MP, and also to the leader of the Australian Federal LABOUR party.
ONLY WE can make a difference by making our voices heard.
When you email each of the above politicians explain your financial struggles in detail. You just have to type it all out once then copy and paste it into all the other emails.
Please tell ALL of your pensioner friends / relatives to do the same thing.
  • Edward S 497347
    IF you are a younger person who has parents on a pension YOU can also help your parents by contacting those politicians as well. IF you are a pensioner and want to help further, IF you do not mind appearing on television you could also email programs such as A Current Affair to tell YOUR STORY plus the factors below:- Based on the actions of this government since the global covid-19 pandemic reached Australia in early 2020; I have estimated that the Australian Federal Government owes each and every pensioner between $3000 and $5000 plus a decent increase in our fortnightly pension payments AND an increase in Rent Assistance payments in accordance with how much rents have increased between 2007 and now. The last decent increase we, the pensioners had received from the government was Kevin Rudd in 2007 / 08 but since then, the average rent has increased by $ 140 a week ( $ 280 a fortnight ), gas and electricity prices have more than doubled, cost of water, groceries, internet, taxis, and petrol has all also massively increased, Rent Assistance has not increased for about 10 years. Pensioners usually receive 2 payment increases a year. I do not know how much couples increases are but the average increase for "Singles" is usually between $10 and $12 a fortnight. ( YES fortnight even though average rent increases by $10 a week )..... In late 2020, the government refused to give pensioners our increase and had instead replaced it with 2 once-off payments of $250 to make it look like they were giving us a "Covid-19" Stimulus payment.....When in fact that has robbed us pensioners of about $ 10 per fortnight for the rest of our lives. At the same time, they increased the unemployment payments from $550 a fortnight to $ 1100 per fortnight, thus DOUBLING those payments......Whilst really giving pensioners NOTHING extra. Although the unemployment benefits have now been cut back to about $750 a fortnight, that is still an increase of $200 a fortnight compared to what they were getting.....Whilst pensioners received NO increase. Whilst the unemployed were being paid $1100 a fortnight, that was MORE than what the average single pensioner was receiving. ( they are now getting $ 1500 a fortnight during lockdowns ). The pensioners were NOT really given any covid "Stimulus" package payment because the 2 payments of $250 were really just a part of the increase they refused to give pensioners in late 2020. Then when we were due for an increase in early 2021 the government further insulted single pensioners by giving us an increase of $ 6 per fortnight ( slightly more for couples ). During all of this, ALL of the State and Federal politicians received massive pay increases. Pensioners are the people who always struggle to survive financially, therefore, we go without a lot of things, which means that Australia's economy would benefit much more IF the Federal Government gave pensioners a "Stimulus" package because we are more likely to spend it. In addition to that, IF the government really wants to stimulate the economy and create jobs on an ongoing basis for years to come, then they need to give pensioners a decent increase, so we can have money to spend. The government claim they cannot afford to give pensioners a decent increase but that is far from the truth because if they made big corporations like FaceBook, Google etc pay their fair share of taxes that would more than cover any increases in pension payments WITHOUT increasing workers taxes

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