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The Real Meaning of Life
Edward S 49734703-Aug-21 06:41 am
For many centuries, we as a human race have struggled to understand what is "The meaning of Life"
We are conceived, born into the world, live or exist in our lives for different amounts of times for each person, then we die.
We ask ourselves what is the point of this? Why are we here?
In the beginning, as Christians know and believe, there was God in heaven, with thousands of angels to keep him company; when one day, one of those angels (whom we know as satan) decided he was more powerful than God so he gathered a number of the angels to support him then tried to mutiny by trying to overpower God; But God was much more powerful and banished satan and one third of the angels (whom supported him) from heaven.
Then God, who is a loving, caring, peaceful God decided that from that point onward EVERYONE shall have to EARN their right to have an eternal life in heaven; as a way of preventing future similar problems in heaven.
Therefore, He created the Earth, the Universe and everything therein and thereon. He then created Adam and Eve and told them to go forth and multiply.
From that point onwards each and every person had to earn their eternal life in heaven by proving to God that they would NOT try to overthrow him, would NOT disrupt the peace in heaven. Our role on earth, to earn eternal life in heaven IS TO love one another, treat one another with respect and compassion, to help one another in every way possible, to do ALL of the righteous things here on earth, to obey laws and rules ..... This action proves to God that we would NOT disturb the peace in heaven and would not try to overthrow him.
This is the meaning of life.
Therefore, rest assured that ALL of the politicians and other corrupt people will be REFUSED a place in heaven
*** This first part is aimed at Non-Christians and Non-Believers
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