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Sam H 278576 | 24-Nov-20 11:57 am | |
Hi All, just wanted to know your views and how you feel about Christmas this year with all the uncertainty we have had with covid. Personally no matter what year it is I feel it has lost its "magic", it has become very commercialised with retailers advertising their Christmas sales weeks before the actual event and in doing so I think this puts lots of pressure on many people to buy gifts for others, which they cant really afford. Now fast forward to this year, as we all know many have lost their jobs / income level they have been accustom to, had to take mortgage holidays, had relationship problems, be it with a partner, live in parents or children during our weeks of lock down (which I believe was a wise move to help stop the spread of covid in NZ) and very sadly some of us have also lost someone to covid. Now here we are just starting to get back to some sort of normality or at least our new normal and in the blink of an eye Christmas Day will be here. Dont buckle under the pressure of retailers to go and spend money on gifts for people, money that you cannot afford to spend. Instead get the spirit of Christmas back by spending time with those you love and care about. Time is one of those things in life that once it has gone we can never get it back, nor can we get back our lost loved ones, so it is imperative that whilst we have the opportunity to spend with people we love and care about , we do so, that way we wont have any regrets. If you feel strongly about wanting to give a gift, then give a gift that really will be appreciated.... that gift is only going to cost you some time, not money, a labour of love as they say. Ask the person concerned who you want to gift to if there is anything they need help with, it could be gardening, landscaping, tree pruning, painting, repairing some things around the home, babysitting, sewing,baking, this list is endless and everyone would have the skills / knowledge / ability to do something helpful for someone else as their gift for Christmas this year. By doing this it is a win win situation, as the receiver really wants what you are giving, so their thanks and enjoyment truly is genuine, the giver gets to help someone with something, so therefore feels good about that, but also feels happy that they have made a difference in someones life, knows that what they have done is really appreciated and best of all with money being so tight for so many this year round ther is no real cost involved. Too many of us out there are only too happy to help others out at the drop of a hat, but wont ask for help ourselves when needed, so for someone to say "hey for your Christmas present this year I thought I would do something for you, rather than buy a gift, so please tell me what it is you want". Even then you might have to gently persuade some people to allow you to help, but once you do and the job, whatever it is has been done you are both going to like this idea. Who knows it might even become a bit of a gift for future presents. Thanks for reading my discussion and may I wish each and every one of you a very Happy, Safe and Pleasant Christmas for 2020. |
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