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Do you think the USA is on the verge of a Civil War?
BLACK LIVES MATTER03-Dec-20 11:05 pm
WSP (Wealth, Status ,and Power) or if you prefer (CP) Class and Power is tearing the USA apart. The USA was the last country (for a HAVE country) - too outlaw slavery - and that took a civil war! Democrats tried too undermine the election results in 2016 - Hillary Clinton (which the public does not acknowledge). Republicans are trying to undermine election results in 2020 - President Donald Trump (Trump is not a budding genius - the idea of undermining the election results comes from Hillary Clinton). Cultural Genocide and Racial Discrimination is spawning hatred in the US at an unprecedented level in the history of the USA! If you are not born a WASP (White Anglo Saxon Protestant) - in the USA - you are consider inferior - openly! The federal government has broken every promises (an I mean every promise) it has made to Blacks, Native Americans, Native Alaskans, and Native Hawaiians. The division of people in the USA is wider and deeper then the Grand Canyon! The USA spends more on the military then any other country on the planet (for the obvious reasons - could not keep its nose out of country's business) - since the end of WW2. Which does not leave a lot of tax dollars for health, education, etc. programs! Furthermore, the USA is showing signs of an economic decline (USA imports more then it exports for quite a few years). Also, I had NEVER thought of myself as being an American or even a Black American. Back to my original question with a twist - ( a Ms. Cassie G.) made me rethink options (which I appreciative): Do you think the USA is on the verge of a Civil War ? Do you think the USA is no longer a World Leader?
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