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What was your side effects from Astra Zeneca vaccination?
Edward S 49734726-Oct-21 02:46 am
I am 64yo and have emphysema and lung cancer; all of which places me at high risks of blood clots from AstraZeneca. Whilst on the other hand, also places me at very high risk of getting the covid-19 virus.
Until recently, the town in which I live; and surrounding towns have been free from the covid-19 virus; therefore, due to the above risks I have avoided being vaccinated because until recent weeks, my age group were only allowed to have the Astrazeneca vaccine.
Since the AFL grand final, due to illegal house parties, the covid-19 virus has now reached my town and adjoining towns, with an average of 50 to 100 newly infected people every day.
Due to this I ended up getting my first Astrazeneca vaccination on Monday 18th October 2021.
1) 20 minutes after being vaccinated I felt dizzy for about an hour.
2) The day after being vaccinated I continuously had a bitter taste in my mouth and throat which made all food, drinks and cigarettes taste bitter. This lasted 24 hours.
3) Since having the vaccine BOTH of my arms have felt sore and heavy to this very day.
4) Since having the injection, I have been constantly feeling sick and have vomited a few times. I just cannot get rid of this feeling.
5) From time to time I get a minor chest pain; but this only lasts between a few seconds to a few minutes.
The GP, at the time of being vaccinated, informed me that IF I was to get any of the more severe side effects; they usually occur within the 10 days to 6 week period after getting the first vaccination.
IF YOU have had the Astrazeneca vaccine I would love to know what side effects YOU have had ( if any ) and your age.
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