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Should working Solo Mums/Dads get extra sick days for their kids?
Kirsty H 101613914-Dec-22 08:35 pm
Some workplaces offer one lot of sick leave. In New Zealand it's 10
days, after 6 months in the workplace.
Some offer dependant leave aswell, ie 10 personal, 10 dependant. These get refreshed on your work anniversary usually.
As a solo parent..these can go very quickly.
Covid has made a huge impact on this..with most schools sending kids home with any cold symptoms as a precaution.
Some workplaces let the workers with a large balance of sickleave to donate it or put in the company pool for when someone desperately needs it.
Working and parenting is tough. When kids get sick (and they often do) how does one cope?
I realise that some will post.."it's the parents issue..they had kids, should of thought about it (etc)", or "it's not the employers problem"
But sometimes..parenting solo can't be helped.
And those who want to work, should be encouraged to.
Perhaps the government should offer some thing to help in those circumstances? Support the working parent who is trying their best?
I'm not talking solely about me. I make do when my kids are sick, and when the sickleave goes.
But I do see alot of parents giving up work or losing their jobs over it.
Honest contributions please :)
Nothing derogatory or threatening etc!! :)
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