General Topic
Do pensioners have a voice OR are we silenced?
Edward S 49734715-Aug-21 03:54 am
The heading says it all
I tend to believe we ARE silenced.
I recently placed a topic on this forum board informing all Australian pensioners that I recently sent emails to various politicians to inform them about the financial struggles of pensioners, then after getting no replies I sent a letter to THE AGE newspaper in the hope they would take up the story and pressure the government to give pensioners a decent increase in payments.
I also asked all Australian pensioners to support this fight on behalf of us all, by also emailing those politicians and telling them about your own financial struggles AND if any pensioner does not mind appearing on TV they could also contact programs such as A Current Affair and / 60 Minutes.
If we, as pensioners join forces, we can pressure the government into giving us pensioners a decent increase. They DO NOT have to increase taxes to do this because all they have to do is make sure that big corporations like Google, Facebook, etc pay thier fair share of taxes which would more than cover any decent increase we receive.
A few days after I put this topic on this Forum Board; it was removed; MEANING, we pensioners ARE silenced as well as ignored.
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