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Doing surveys and feel like screaming profanity
Chin C28-Oct-21 02:43 pm
This was me this morning, all the Pink surveys show up with long durations (over 20 mins) and all worth 2 to 300 points. I thought to myself, surely that can not be right. Attempted one of them, it was LOOONG and boring, as I was completing it I kept thinking to myself it has to be worth more than 20 cents. Nope, got to the end after more than 20 mins, received 290 points. Think this was bad, the next one was worse, watched and evaluated more than 10 ads (the last question asked me to recall all the brands), and wow, I received 173 points, yup, less than 20 cents for 24 mins of works. Any less self control I would have screamed all sorts of profanity.
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