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Surveys - Stats, stats and more stats
Chosen01-Jun-22 12:17 pm
I hear and read everyone moaning and grumbling re getting surveys and not qualifying etc and so for the last month/May'22 I kept my own personal very accurate statistics and advise specially as below in MY case (a not elderly male Kiwi ) - that in the one Month of May '22 I received 1,186 surveys of various colours and qualified and completed 119 surveys = 10% pass/completion rate.
Interestingly the same period 1 year previous (May'21) I received only 356 surveys but qualified and completed 110 surveys = 30.9% completion pass rate.
So from the stats above it appears there are more and more surveys but less and less chance of qualifying. Interestingly of the last 56 Greens surveys I have received I have not qualified for one of them. Ummm. So who does qualify ?????? are they real, are they so specifically targeted, are they worthwhile (48points for 30minutes etc)
or what.
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