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Other Survey Company Solicitations.
Chosen04-Feb-24 01:16 pm
I am continually (daily) receiving Rewardia surveys (usually Pink) which are from OTHER survey companies asking myself to join THEM. I raised this issue with Rewardia in that I found it strange they would allow such solicitation away from THEIR survey site. Below is their reply for your info.
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.... " Sorry, we can not see your surveys, as all are delivered to every account automatically by software. So we have got many surveys and are unable to check them.
We have many members in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, so checking every member's surveys will take several years. Also, we can not check them because they do not last long, and new surveys are coming daily.
We hope it makes sense.
Some survey platforms pay global research companies to advertise their platforms through other ones, including Rewardia.
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