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From the mouths of babes. Kids do say the darnedest things!
Liane H 07-May-23 11:41 pm
So we've all been there , the room falls silent just as the one child is asking in the shop " "well where do all those dark people come from mummy?"
Kids just don't have any filters, striking up conversations with strangers sometimes and pointing out the obvious. For instance to a person ( nowadays described as a little person)
" Hello ! Well you're a little bit big and a little bit little aren't you?! "...
I've had the joy of being there for both occasions, Fortunately the adults involved all handled the inquisitive questions remarkably well. ..
I recall telling my son (4yrs old at the time) to make very sure that he behaved himself at Grandma's house as I was dropping him off for the day. Clearly he knew what he'd be in for if he didn't as he wisely replied
" l know..., or Grandma might shine her blue eyes at me !" ...
Some things you just never imagine you would hear in a sentence, yet they actually make perfect sense!
Any funny questions or sayings you've heard from Kids you know?
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