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Ministers pay rising again
Linda C29-Aug-23 01:01 pm
Well the good ole MP's have given themselves another pay rise equivalent to a pension or newstart etc. and that's without all the other benefits they receive including millions spent on flights. Aussies are losing their homes, living on the street due to lack or loss of housing, eating less, giving up pets as they cannot afford to feed them, going without heating and or air conditioning, and even a cup of coffee out is off the list for many these days and these trough eaters think it is OK to get more added to their $400,000 plus pay packets.
The Voice referendum is another waste of taxpayers money amounting to Millions again.
We have over 1 million children in this country living in poverty. Their pay rise would go a long way to alleviating this and I feel the money would be well spent.
When will they ever learn that the taxpayers give this money to look after the citizens and not theirs to use and waste.
How do you all feel about this new insult to the Australian people?
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