Just filled in another survey where there were loads of choices for your race...really...loads....but only one if you were white...I cannot call people yellow black or even Asian...but they can call me white...there are as many white races and there are of any colour...isn't that discrimination?...I'm a Celt with some Viking bloodlines...I'm not just "white"...and I never have been...I belong to a group too....I have pride in my heritage too....My ancestors killed mainly other white races...they were our enemies...I think you can push all this rubbish just a little bit too far and something unexpected is going to happen...there is a right wing white movement feeding on all this rubbish...that no one wants ...rising up again..World wide...why can't we just give up on all this crap...being "correct"...and not offending anyone... and start being honest and living together?...or is that too much? |