General Topic
Linda C21-Sep-24 11:11 pm
There are about 3 million carers in Australia either full time or part time looking after family members etc. a higher number of women and also a high number of younger Australians. These are not in aged care homes etc. but private.
They may get a carers pension and allowance but this is way below any job in the workforce. There is no superannuation paid for them
For some there may be an inheritance but this is not always the case.
A woman who has a baby gets paid superannuation, paid leave for months for herself and also the husband, paid to ensure the child is vaccinated against measles etc. Family Tax Benefit.Parenting Payment, Parental Leave Pay, Child Care Subsidy. and a few more benefits depending on the state.
When I had my children we had none of these payments. I stopped working so we lived on one pay. We did not have 2 TV's, a huge new car, or all the bells and whistles so many demand these days. We paid for child care, vaccinations were free but we did not get paid to ensure our children were covered as we had seen the horror of Polio, Measles, etc. so knew it was a life saver. We saved up and did our own gardens, pathways etc. and fencing eventually. We painted our home inside and out and had sheets up for curtains. I am sure many of the baby boomers can relate.
I know these benefits helps the young families which is great but there are many worthy people who get very little help at all.
Do you think carers should receive more benefits especially superannuation as their caring is saving the tax payers billions annualy but leaves them financially insecure. They put their lives on hold to care for their parents, children etc. in sometimes terrible circumstances something I have experienced.
Are others in this same situation or feel more should be done.
The NDIS has been rorted 2 billion a year apparently. A 5th of the funds are going to criminal elements but these payments are for cars and holidays which should stick out as questionable at best. Check and balance is missing from these accounts. Obviously not audited.
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